Source: /home/graham/source_projects/astrodate/lib/astrodate.js

 * @file {@link AstroDate}. Javascript Date object with Astronomy in mind..
 * @version 0.7.5
 * @author Graham Fairweather <>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Graham Fairweather
 * @license {@link <> GPL3}
 * @module astrodate

 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

(function (globalThis, privateUndefined) {
    /* jshint -W034 */
    'use strict';

    var publicAstroDate,
        j2000 = {
            jdtt: '2451545.0',
            tt: '2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z',
            tai: '2000-01-01T11:59:27.816Z',
            utc: '2000-01-01T11:58:55.816Z'

    function addBigNumberModule(module, define) {
        if (privateUndefined !== module || privateUndefined !== define) {
            throw new Error();

        /*jslint eqeq: true, plusplus: true, sub: true, white: true,
            newcap: true, vars: true, ass: true, bitwise: true */
        /*jshint unused: false, expr: true, asi: true, eqnull: true,
            laxbreak: true, validthis: true, noempty: false,
            -W017, -W018, -W032, -W041, -W084, -W116, -W120 */
        /* bignumber.js v1.3.0 */

        /*jslint ass: true, bitwise: true, eqeq: true, plusplus: true, sub: true, white: true, maxerr: 500 */
        /*global module, define */

        (function (global) {
            'use strict';

      bignumber.js v1.3.0
      A JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic.
      Copyright (c) 2012 Michael Mclaughlin <>
      MIT Expat Licence

            /*********************************** DEFAULTS ************************************/

             * The default values below must be integers within the stated ranges (inclusive).
             * Most of these values can be changed during run-time using BigNumber.config().

             * The limit on the value of DECIMAL_PLACES, TO_EXP_NEG, TO_EXP_POS, MIN_EXP,
             * MAX_EXP, and the argument to toFixed, toPrecision and toExponential, beyond
             * which an exception is thrown (if ERRORS is true).
            var MAX = 1E9, // 0 to 1e+9

                // Limit of magnitude of exponent argument to toPower.
                MAX_POWER = 1E6, // 1 to 1e+6

                // The maximum number of decimal places for operations involving division.
                DECIMAL_PLACES = 20, // 0 to MAX

                 * The rounding mode used when rounding to the above decimal places, and when
                 * using toFixed, toPrecision and toExponential, and round (default value).
                 * UP         0 Away from zero.
                 * DOWN       1 Towards zero.
                 * CEIL       2 Towards +Infinity.
                 * FLOOR      3 Towards -Infinity.
                 * HALF_UP    4 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, up.
                 * HALF_DOWN  5 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, down.
                 * HALF_EVEN  6 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, towards even neighbour.
                 * HALF_CEIL  7 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, towards +Infinity.
                 * HALF_FLOOR 8 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, towards -Infinity.
                ROUNDING_MODE = 4, // 0 to 8

                // EXPONENTIAL_AT : [TO_EXP_NEG , TO_EXP_POS]

                // The exponent value at and beneath which toString returns exponential notation.
                // Number type: -7
                TO_EXP_NEG = -7, // 0 to -MAX

                // The exponent value at and above which toString returns exponential notation.
                // Number type: 21
                TO_EXP_POS = 21, // 0 to MAX

                // RANGE : [MIN_EXP, MAX_EXP]

                // The minimum exponent value, beneath which underflow to zero occurs.
                // Number type: -324  (5e-324)
                MIN_EXP = -MAX, // -1 to -MAX

                // The maximum exponent value, above which overflow to Infinity occurs.
                // Number type:  308  (1.7976931348623157e+308)
                MAX_EXP = MAX, // 1 to MAX

                // Whether BigNumber Errors are ever thrown.
                // CHANGE parseInt to parseFloat if changing ERRORS to false.
                ERRORS = true, // true or false
                parse = parseInt, // parseInt or parseFloat


                P = BigNumber.prototype,
                DIGITS = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_',
                id = 0,
                isValid = /^-?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?$/i,
                trim = String.prototype.trim || function () {
                    return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
                ONE = BigNumber(1);

            // CONSTRUCTOR

             * The exported function.
             * Create and return a new instance of a BigNumber object.
             * n {number|string|BigNumber} A numeric value.
             * [b] {number} The base of n. Integer, 2 to 64 inclusive.
            function BigNumber(n, b) {
                var e, i, isNum, digits, valid, orig,
                    x = this;

                // Enable constructor usage without new.
                if (!(x instanceof BigNumber)) {
                    return new BigNumber(n, b)

                // Duplicate.
                if (n instanceof BigNumber) {
                    id = 0;

                    // e is undefined.
                    if (b !== e) {
                        n += ''
                    } else {
                        x['s'] = n['s'];
                        x['e'] = n['e'];
                        x['c'] = (n = n['c']) ? n.slice() : n;

                // If number, check if minus zero.
                if (typeof n != 'string') {
                    n = (isNum = typeof n == 'number' ||
               == '[object Number]') &&
                        n === 0 && 1 / n < 0 ? '-0' : n + '';

                orig = n;

                if (b === e && isValid.test(n)) {

                    // Determine sign.
                    x['s'] = n.charAt(0) == '-' ? (n = n.slice(1), -1) : 1;

                    // Either n is not a valid BigNumber or a base has been specified.
                } else {

                    // Enable exponential notation to be used with base 10 argument.
                    // Ensure return value is rounded to DECIMAL_PLACES as with other bases.
                    if (b == 10) {

                        return setMode(n, DECIMAL_PLACES, ROUNDING_MODE);

                    n =^\+(?!-)/, '');

                    x['s'] = n.charAt(0) == '-' ? (n = n.replace(/^-(?!-)/, ''), -1) : 1;

                    if (b != null) {

                        if ((b == (b | 0) || !ERRORS) && !(outOfRange = !(b >= 2 && b < 65))) {

                            digits = '[' + DIGITS.slice(0, b = b | 0) + ']+';

                            // Before non-decimal number validity test and base conversion
                            // remove the `.` from e.g. '1.', and replace e.g. '.1' with '0.1'.
                            n = n.replace(/\.$/, '').replace(/^\./, '0.');

                            // Any number in exponential form will fail due to the e+/-.
                            if (valid = new RegExp(
                                '^' + digits + '(?:\\.' + digits + ')?$', b < 37 ? 'i' : '').test(n)) {

                                if (isNum) {

                                    if (n.replace(/^0\.0*|\./, '').length > 15) {

                                        // 'new BigNumber() number type has more than 15 significant digits: {n}'
                                        ifExceptionsThrow(orig, 0);

                                    // Prevent later check for length on converted number.
                                    isNum = !isNum;
                                n = convert(n, 10, b, x['s']);

                            } else if (n != 'Infinity' && n != 'NaN') {

                                // 'new BigNumber() not a base {b} number: {n}'
                                ifExceptionsThrow(orig, 1, b);
                                n = 'NaN';
                        } else {

                            // 'new BigNumber() base not an integer: {b}'
                            // 'new BigNumber() base out of range: {b}'
                            ifExceptionsThrow(b, 2);

                            // Ignore base.
                            valid = isValid.test(n);
                    } else {
                        valid = isValid.test(n);

                    if (!valid) {

                        // Infinity/NaN
                        x['c'] = x['e'] = null;

                        // NaN
                        if (n != 'Infinity') {

                            // No exception on NaN.
                            if (n != 'NaN') {

                                // 'new BigNumber() not a number: {n}'
                                ifExceptionsThrow(orig, 3);
                            x['s'] = null;
                        id = 0;


                // Decimal point?
                if ((e = n.indexOf('.')) > -1) {
                    n = n.replace('.', '');

                // Exponential form?
                if ((i = > 0) {

                    // Determine exponent.
                    if (e < 0) {
                        e = i;
                    e += +n.slice(i + 1);
                    n = n.substring(0, i);

                } else if (e < 0) {

                    // Integer.
                    e = n.length;

                // Determine leading zeros.
                for (i = 0; n.charAt(i) == '0'; i++) {}

                b = n.length;

                // Disallow numbers with over 15 significant digits if number type.
                if (isNum && b > 15 && n.slice(i).length > 15) {

                    // 'new BigNumber() number type has more than 15 significant digits: {n}'
                    ifExceptionsThrow(orig, 0);
                id = 0;

                // Overflow?
                if ((e -= i + 1) > MAX_EXP) {

                    // Infinity.
                    x['c'] = x['e'] = null;

                    // Zero or underflow?
                } else if (i == b || e < MIN_EXP) {

                    // Zero.
                    x['c'] = [x['e'] = 0];
                } else {

                    // Determine trailing zeros.
                    for (; n.charAt(--b) == '0';) {}

                    x['e'] = e;
                    x['c'] = [];

                    // Convert string to array of digits (without leading and trailing zeros).
                    for (e = 0; i <= b; x['c'][e++] = +n.charAt(i++)) {}


            BigNumber['ROUND_UP'] = 0;
            BigNumber['ROUND_DOWN'] = 1;
            BigNumber['ROUND_CEIL'] = 2;
            BigNumber['ROUND_FLOOR'] = 3;
            BigNumber['ROUND_HALF_UP'] = 4;
            BigNumber['ROUND_HALF_DOWN'] = 5;
            BigNumber['ROUND_HALF_EVEN'] = 6;
            BigNumber['ROUND_HALF_CEIL'] = 7;
            BigNumber['ROUND_HALF_FLOOR'] = 8;

             * Configure infrequently-changing library-wide settings.
             * Accept an object or an argument list, with one or many of the following
             * properties or parameters respectively:
             * E.g.
             * BigNumber.config(20, 4) is equivalent to
             * BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES : 20, ROUNDING_MODE : 4 })
             * Ignore properties/parameters set to null or undefined.
             * Return an object with the properties current values.
            BigNumber['config'] = function () {
                var v, p,
                    i = 0,
                    r = {},
                    a = arguments,
                    o = a[0],
                    c = 'config',
                    inRange = function (n, lo, hi) {
                        return !((outOfRange = n < lo || n > hi) ||
                            parse(n) != n && n !== 0);
                    has = o && typeof o == 'object' ? function () {
                        if (o.hasOwnProperty(p)) return (v = o[p]) != null
                    } : function () {
                        if (a.length > i) return (v = a[i++]) != null

                // [DECIMAL_PLACES] {number} Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
                if (has(p = 'DECIMAL_PLACES')) {

                    if (inRange(v, 0, MAX)) {
                        DECIMAL_PLACES = v | 0;
                    } else {

                        // 'config() DECIMAL_PLACES not an integer: {v}'
                        // 'config() DECIMAL_PLACES out of range: {v}'
                        ifExceptionsThrow(v, p, c);
                r[p] = DECIMAL_PLACES;

                // [ROUNDING_MODE] {number} Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
                if (has(p = 'ROUNDING_MODE')) {

                    if (inRange(v, 0, 8)) {
                        ROUNDING_MODE = v | 0;
                    } else {

                        // 'config() ROUNDING_MODE not an integer: {v}'
                        // 'config() ROUNDING_MODE out of range: {v}'
                        ifExceptionsThrow(v, p, c);
                r[p] = ROUNDING_MODE;

                 * [EXPONENTIAL_AT] {number|number[]} Integer, -MAX to MAX inclusive or
                 * [ integer -MAX to 0 inclusive, 0 to MAX inclusive ].
                if (has(p = 'EXPONENTIAL_AT')) {

                    if (inRange(v, -MAX, MAX)) {
                        TO_EXP_NEG = -(TO_EXP_POS = ~~ (v < 0 ? -v : +v));
                    } else if (!outOfRange && v && inRange(v[0], -MAX, 0) &&
                        inRange(v[1], 0, MAX)) {
                        TO_EXP_NEG = ~~v[0];
                        TO_EXP_POS = ~~v[1];
                    } else {

                        // 'config() EXPONENTIAL_AT not an integer or not [integer, integer]: {v}'
                        // 'config() EXPONENTIAL_AT out of range or not [negative, positive: {v}'
                        ifExceptionsThrow(v, p, c, 1);
                r[p] = [TO_EXP_NEG, TO_EXP_POS];

                 * [RANGE][ {number|number[]} Non-zero integer, -MAX to MAX inclusive or
                 * [ integer -MAX to -1 inclusive, integer 1 to MAX inclusive ].
                if (has(p = 'RANGE')) {

                    if (inRange(v, -MAX, MAX) && ~~v) {
                        MIN_EXP = -(MAX_EXP = ~~ (v < 0 ? -v : +v));
                    } else if (!outOfRange && v && inRange(v[0], -MAX, -1) &&
                        inRange(v[1], 1, MAX)) {
                        MIN_EXP = ~~v[0], MAX_EXP = ~~v[1];
                    } else {

                        // 'config() RANGE not a non-zero integer or not [integer, integer]: {v}'
                        // 'config() RANGE out of range or not [negative, positive: {v}'
                        ifExceptionsThrow(v, p, c, 1, 1);
                r[p] = [MIN_EXP, MAX_EXP];

                // [ERRORS] {boolean|number} true, false, 1 or 0.
                if (has(p = 'ERRORS')) {

                    if (v === !! v || v === 1 || v === 0) {
                        parse = (outOfRange = id = 0, ERRORS = !! v) ? parseInt : parseFloat;
                    } else {

                        // 'config() ERRORS not a boolean or binary digit: {v}'
                        ifExceptionsThrow(v, p, c, 0, 0, 1);
                r[p] = ERRORS;

                return r;

            // PRIVATE FUNCTIONS

            // Assemble error messages. Throw BigNumber Errors.
            function ifExceptionsThrow(arg, i, j, isArray, isRange, isErrors) {

                if (ERRORS) {
                    var error,
                        method = ['new BigNumber', 'cmp', 'div', 'eq', 'gt', 'gte', 'lt',
                            'lte', 'minus', 'mod', 'plus', 'times', 'toFr'
                        ][id ? id < 0 ? -id : id : 1 / id < 0 ? 1 : 0] + '()',
                        message = outOfRange ? ' out of range' : ' not a' +
                            (isRange ? ' non-zero' : 'n') + ' integer';

                    message = ([
                            method + ' number type has more than 15 significant digits',
                            method + ' not a base ' + j + ' number',
                            method + ' base' + message,
                            method + ' not a number'
                        ][i] ||
                        j + '() ' + i + (isErrors ? ' not a boolean or binary digit' : message + (isArray ? ' or not [' + (outOfRange ? ' negative, positive' : ' integer, integer') + ' ]' : ''))) + ': ' + arg;

                    outOfRange = id = 0;
                    error = new Error(message);
                    error['name'] = 'BigNumber Error';

                    throw error;

             * Convert a numeric string of baseIn to a numeric string of baseOut.
            function convert(nStr, baseOut, baseIn, sign) {
                var e, dvs, dvd, nArr, fracArr, fracBN;

                // Convert string of base bIn to an array of numbers of baseOut.
                // Eg. strToArr('255', 10) where baseOut is 16, returns [15, 15].
                // Eg. strToArr('ff', 16)  where baseOut is 10, returns [2, 5, 5].
                function strToArr(str, bIn) {
                    var j,
                        i = 0,
                        strL = str.length,
                        arr = [0];

                    for (bIn = bIn || baseIn; i < strL; i++) {

                        for (arrL = arr.length, j = 0; j < arrL; arr[j] *= bIn, j++) {}

                        for (arr[0] += DIGITS.indexOf(str.charAt(i)), j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {

                            if (arr[j] > baseOut - 1) {

                                if (arr[j + 1] == null) {
                                    arr[j + 1] = 0;
                                arr[j + 1] += arr[j] / baseOut ^ 0;
                                arr[j] %= baseOut;

                    return arr.reverse();

                // Convert array to string.
                // E.g. arrToStr( [9, 10, 11] ) becomes '9ab' (in bases above 11).
                function arrToStr(arr) {
                    var i = 0,
                        arrL = arr.length,
                        str = '';

                    for (; i < arrL; str += DIGITS.charAt(arr[i++])) {}

                    return str;

                if (baseIn < 37) {
                    nStr = nStr.toLowerCase();

                 * If non-integer convert integer part and fraction part separately.
                 * Convert the fraction part as if it is an integer than use division to
                 * reduce it down again to a value less than one.
                if ((e = nStr.indexOf('.')) > -1) {

                     * Calculate the power to which to raise the base to get the number
                     * to divide the fraction part by after it has been converted as an
                     * integer to the required base.
                    e = nStr.length - e - 1;

                    // Use toFixed to avoid possible exponential notation.
                    dvs = strToArr(new BigNumber(baseIn)['pow'](e)['toF'](), 10);

                    nArr = nStr.split('.');

                    // Convert the base of the fraction part (as integer).
                    dvd = strToArr(nArr[1]);

                    // Convert the base of the integer part.
                    nArr = strToArr(nArr[0]);

                    // Result will be a BigNumber with a value less than 1.
                    fracBN = divide(dvd, dvs, dvd.length - dvs.length, sign, baseOut,
                        // Is least significant digit of integer part an odd number?
                        nArr[nArr.length - 1] & 1);

                    fracArr = fracBN['c'];

                    // e can be <= 0  ( if e == 0, fracArr is [0] or [1] ).
                    if (e = fracBN['e']) {

                        // Append zeros according to the exponent of the result.
                        for (; ++e; fracArr.unshift(0)) {}

                        // Append the fraction part to the converted integer part.
                        nStr = arrToStr(nArr) + '.' + arrToStr(fracArr);

                        // fracArr is [1].
                        // Fraction digits rounded up, so increment last digit of integer part.
                    } else if (fracArr[0]) {

                        if (nArr[e = nArr.length - 1] < baseOut - 1) {
                            nStr = arrToStr(nArr);
                        } else {
                            nStr = new BigNumber(arrToStr(nArr),

                        // fracArr is [0]. No fraction digits.
                    } else {
                        nStr = arrToStr(nArr);
                } else {

                    // Simple integer. Convert base.
                    nStr = arrToStr(strToArr(nStr));

                return nStr;

            // Perform division in the specified base. Called by div and convert.
            function divide(dvd, dvs, exp, s, base, isOdd) {
                var dvsL, dvsT, next, cmp, remI,
                    dvsZ = dvs.slice(),
                    dvdI = dvsL = dvs.length,
                    dvdL = dvd.length,
                    rem = dvd.slice(0, dvsL),
                    remL = rem.length,
                    quo = new BigNumber(ONE),
                    qc = quo['c'] = [],
                    qi = 0,
                    dig = DECIMAL_PLACES + (quo['e'] = exp) + 1;

                quo['s'] = s;
                s = dig < 0 ? 0 : dig;

                // Add zeros to make remainder as long as divisor.
                for (; remL++ < dvsL; rem.push(0)) {}

                // Create version of divisor with leading zero.

                do {

                    // 'next' is how many times the divisor goes into the current remainder.
                    for (next = 0; next < base; next++) {

                        // Compare divisor and remainder.
                        if (dvsL != (remL = rem.length)) {
                            cmp = dvsL > remL ? 1 : -1;
                        } else {
                            for (remI = -1, cmp = 0; ++remI < dvsL;) {

                                if (dvs[remI] != rem[remI]) {
                                    cmp = dvs[remI] > rem[remI] ? 1 : -1;

                        // Subtract divisor from remainder (if divisor < remainder).
                        if (cmp < 0) {

                            // Remainder cannot be more than one digit longer than divisor.
                            // Equalise lengths using divisor with extra leading zero?
                            for (dvsT = remL == dvsL ? dvs : dvsZ; remL;) {

                                if (rem[--remL] < dvsT[remL]) {

                                    for (remI = remL; remI && !rem[--remI]; rem[remI] = base - 1) {}
                                    rem[remL] += base;
                                rem[remL] -= dvsT[remL];
                            for (; !rem[0]; rem.shift()) {}
                        } else {

                    // Add the 'next' digit to the result array.
                    qc[qi++] = cmp ? next : ++next;

                    // Update the remainder.
                    rem[0] && cmp ? (rem[remL] = dvd[dvdI] || 0) : (rem = [dvd[dvdI]]);

                } while ((dvdI++ < dvdL || rem[0] != null) && s--);

                // Leading zero? Do not remove if result is simply zero (qi == 1).
                if (!qc[0] && qi != 1) {

                    // There can't be more than one zero.

                // Round?
                if (qi > dig) {
                    rnd(quo, DECIMAL_PLACES, base, isOdd, rem[0] != null);

                // Overflow?
                if (quo['e'] > MAX_EXP) {

                    // Infinity.
                    quo['c'] = quo['e'] = null;

                    // Underflow?
                } else if (quo['e'] < MIN_EXP) {

                    // Zero.
                    quo['c'] = [quo['e'] = 0];

                return quo;

             * Return a string representing the value of BigNumber n in normal or
             * exponential notation rounded to the specified decimal places or
             * significant digits.
             * Called by toString, toExponential (exp 1), toFixed, and toPrecision (exp 2).
             * d is the index (with the value in normal notation) of the digit that may be
             * rounded up.
            function format(n, d, exp) {

                // Initially, i is the number of decimal places required.
                var i = d - (n = new BigNumber(n))['e'],
                    c = n['c'];

                // +-Infinity or NaN?
                if (!c) {
                    return n['toS']();

                // Round?
                if (c.length > ++d) {
                    rnd(n, i, 10);

                // Recalculate d if toFixed as n['e'] may have changed if value rounded up.
                i = c[0] == 0 ? i + 1 : exp ? d : n['e'] + i + 1;

                // Append zeros?
                for (; c.length < i; c.push(0)) {}
                i = n['e'];

                 * toPrecision returns exponential notation if the number of significant
                 * digits specified is less than the number of digits necessary to
                 * represent the integer part of the value in normal notation.
                return exp == 1 || exp == 2 && (--d < i || i <= TO_EXP_NEG)

                // Exponential notation.
                ? (n['s'] < 0 && c[0] ? '-' : '') + (c.length > 1 ? (c.splice(1, 0, '.'), c.join('')) : c[0]) + (i < 0 ? 'e' : 'e+') + i

                // Normal notation.
                : n['toS']();

            // Round if necessary.
            // Called by divide, format, setMode and sqrt.
            function rnd(x, dp, base, isOdd, r) {
                var xc = x['c'],
                    isNeg = x['s'] < 0,
                    half = base / 2,
                    i = x['e'] + dp + 1,

                    // 'next' is the digit after the digit that may be rounded up.
                    next = xc[i],

                     * 'more' is whether there are digits after 'next'.
                     * E.g.
                     * 0.005 (e = -3) to be rounded to 0 decimal places (dp = 0) gives i = -2
                     * The 'next' digit is zero, and there ARE 'more' digits after it.
                     * 0.5 (e = -1) dp = 0 gives i = 0
                     * The 'next' digit is 5 and there are no 'more' digits after it.
                    more = r || i < 0 || xc[i + 1] != null;

                r = ROUNDING_MODE < 4 ? (next != null || more) &&
                    (ROUNDING_MODE == 0 ||
                    ROUNDING_MODE == 2 && !isNeg ||
                    ROUNDING_MODE == 3 && isNeg) : next > half || next == half &&
                    (ROUNDING_MODE == 4 || more ||

                     * isOdd is used in base conversion and refers to the least significant
                     * digit of the integer part of the value to be converted. The fraction
                     * part is rounded by this method separately from the integer part.
                    ROUNDING_MODE == 6 && (xc[i - 1] & 1 || !dp && isOdd) ||
                    ROUNDING_MODE == 7 && !isNeg ||
                    ROUNDING_MODE == 8 && isNeg);

                if (i < 1 || !xc[0]) {
                    xc.length = 0;

                    if (r) {

                        // 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 etc.
                        xc[0] = 1;
                        x['e'] = -dp;
                    } else {

                        // Zero.
                        x['e'] = 0;

                    return x;

                // Remove any digits after the required decimal places.
                xc.length = i--;

                // Round up?
                if (r) {

                    // Rounding up may mean the previous digit has to be rounded up and so on.
                    for (--base; ++xc[i] > base;) {
                        xc[i] = 0;

                        if (!i--) {

                // Remove trailing zeros.
                for (i = xc.length; !xc[--i]; xc.pop()) {}

                return x;

            // Round after setting the appropriate rounding mode.
            // Handles ceil, floor and round.
            function setMode(x, dp, rm) {
                var r = ROUNDING_MODE;

                ROUNDING_MODE = rm;
                x = new BigNumber(x);
                x['c'] && rnd(x, dp, 10);
                ROUNDING_MODE = r;

                return x;


             * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the absolute value of this BigNumber.
            P['abs'] = P['absoluteValue'] = function () {
                var x = new BigNumber(this);

                if (x['s'] < 0) {
                    x['s'] = 1;

                return x;

             * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber
             * rounded to a whole number in the direction of Infinity.
            P['ceil'] = function () {
                return setMode(this, 0, 2);

             * Return
             * 1 if the value of this BigNumber is greater than the value of BigNumber(y, b),
             * -1 if the value of this BigNumber is less than the value of BigNumber(y, b),
             * 0 if they have the same value,
             * or null if the value of either is NaN.
            P['comparedTo'] = P['cmp'] = function (y, b) {
                var a,
                    x = this,
                    xc = x['c'],
                    yc = (id = -id, y = new BigNumber(y, b))['c'],
                    i = x['s'],
                    j = y['s'],
                    k = x['e'],
                    l = y['e'];

                // Either NaN?
                if (!i || !j) {
                    return null;

                a = xc && !xc[0], b = yc && !yc[0];

                // Either zero?
                if (a || b) {
                    return a ? b ? 0 : -j : i;

                // Signs differ?
                if (i != j) {
                    return i;

                // Either Infinity?
                if (a = i < 0, b = k == l, !xc || !yc) {
                    return b ? 0 : !xc ^ a ? 1 : -1;

                // Compare exponents.
                if (!b) {
                    return k > l ^ a ? 1 : -1;

                // Compare digit by digit.
                for (i = -1,
                    j = (k = xc.length) < (l = yc.length) ? k : l;
                    ++i < j;) {

                    if (xc[i] != yc[i]) {
                        return xc[i] > yc[i] ^ a ? 1 : -1;
                // Compare lengths.
                return k == l ? 0 : k > l ^ a ? 1 : -1;

             *  n / 0 = I
             *  n / N = N
             *  n / I = 0
             *  0 / n = 0
             *  0 / 0 = N
             *  0 / N = N
             *  0 / I = 0
             *  N / n = N
             *  N / 0 = N
             *  N / N = N
             *  N / I = N
             *  I / n = I
             *  I / 0 = I
             *  I / N = N
             *  I / I = N
             * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber
             * divided by the value of BigNumber(y, b), rounded according to
            P['dividedBy'] = P['div'] = function (y, b) {
                var xc = this['c'],
                    xe = this['e'],
                    xs = this['s'],
                    yc = (id = 2, y = new BigNumber(y, b))['c'],
                    ye = y['e'],
                    ys = y['s'],
                    s = xs == ys ? 1 : -1;

                // Either NaN/Infinity/0?
                return !xe && (!xc || !xc[0]) || !ye && (!yc || !yc[0])

                // Either NaN?
                ? new BigNumber(!xs || !ys ||

                    // Both 0 or both Infinity?
                    (xc ? yc && xc[0] == yc[0] : !yc)

                    // Return NaN.
                    ? NaN

                    // x is 0 or y is Infinity?
                    : xc && xc[0] == 0 || !yc

                    // Return +-0.
                    ? s * 0

                    // y is 0. Return +-Infinity.
                    : s / 0)

                : divide(xc, yc, xe - ye, s, 10);

             * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is equal to the value of
             * BigNumber(n, b), otherwise returns false.
            P['equals'] = P['eq'] = function (n, b) {
                id = 3;
                return this['cmp'](n, b) === 0;

             * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber
             * rounded to a whole number in the direction of -Infinity.
            P['floor'] = function () {
                return setMode(this, 0, 3);

             * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is greater than the value of
             * BigNumber(n, b), otherwise returns false.
            P['greaterThan'] = P['gt'] = function (n, b) {
                id = 4;
                return this['cmp'](n, b) > 0;

             * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is greater than or equal to
             * the value of BigNumber(n, b), otherwise returns false.
            P['greaterThanOrEqualTo'] = P['gte'] = function (n, b) {
                id = 5;
                return (b = this['cmp'](n, b)) == 1 || b === 0;

             * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is a finite number, otherwise
             * returns false.
            P['isFinite'] = P['isF'] = function () {
                return !!this['c'];

             * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is NaN, otherwise returns
             * false.
            P['isNaN'] = function () {
                return !this['s'];

             * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is negative, otherwise
             * returns false.
            P['isNegative'] = P['isNeg'] = function () {
                return this['s'] < 0;

             * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is 0 or -0, otherwise returns
             * false.
            P['isZero'] = P['isZ'] = function () {
                return !!this['c'] && this['c'][0] == 0;

             * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is less than the value of
             * BigNumber(n, b), otherwise returns false.
            P['lessThan'] = P['lt'] = function (n, b) {
                id = 6;
                return this['cmp'](n, b) < 0;

             * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is less than or equal to the
             * value of BigNumber(n, b), otherwise returns false.
            P['lessThanOrEqualTo'] = P['lte'] = function (n, b) {
                id = 7;
                return (b = this['cmp'](n, b)) == -1 || b === 0;

             *  n - 0 = n
             *  n - N = N
             *  n - I = -I
             *  0 - n = -n
             *  0 - 0 = 0
             *  0 - N = N
             *  0 - I = -I
             *  N - n = N
             *  N - 0 = N
             *  N - N = N
             *  N - I = N
             *  I - n = I
             *  I - 0 = I
             *  I - N = N
             *  I - I = N
             * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber minus
             * the value of BigNumber(y, b).
            P['minus'] = function (y, b) {
                var d, i, j, xLTy,
                    x = this,
                    a = x['s'];

                b = (id = 8, y = new BigNumber(y, b))['s'];

                // Either NaN?
                if (!a || !b) {
                    return new BigNumber(NaN);

                // Signs differ?
                if (a != b) {
                    return y['s'] = -b, x['plus'](y);

                var xc = x['c'],
                    xe = x['e'],
                    yc = y['c'],
                    ye = y['e'];

                if (!xe || !ye) {

                    // Either Infinity?
                    if (!xc || !yc) {
                        return xc ? (y['s'] = -b, y) : new BigNumber(yc ? x : NaN);

                    // Either zero?
                    if (!xc[0] || !yc[0]) {

                        // y is non-zero?
                        return yc[0] ? (y['s'] = -b, y)

                        // x is non-zero?
                        : new BigNumber(xc[0] ? x

                            // Both are zero.
                            // IEEE 754 (2008) 6.3: n - n = -0 when rounding to -Infinity
                            : ROUNDING_MODE == 3 ? -0 : 0);

                // Determine which is the bigger number.
                // Prepend zeros to equalise exponents.
                if (xc = xc.slice(), a = xe - ye) {
                    d = (xLTy = a < 0) ? (a = -a, xc) : (ye = xe, yc);

                    for (d.reverse(), b = a; b--; d.push(0)) {}
                } else {

                    // Exponents equal. Check digit by digit.
                    j = ((xLTy = xc.length < yc.length) ? xc : yc).length;

                    for (a = b = 0; b < j; b++) {

                        if (xc[b] != yc[b]) {
                            xLTy = xc[b] < yc[b];

                // x < y? Point xc to the array of the bigger number.
                if (xLTy) {
                    d = xc, xc = yc, yc = d;
                    y['s'] = -y['s'];

                 * Append zeros to xc if shorter. No need to add zeros to yc if shorter
                 * as subtraction only needs to start at yc.length.
                if ((b = -((j = xc.length) - yc.length)) > 0) {

                    for (; b--; xc[j++] = 0) {}

                // Subtract yc from xc.
                for (b = yc.length; b > a;) {

                    if (xc[--b] < yc[b]) {

                        for (i = b; i && !xc[--i]; xc[i] = 9) {}
                        xc[b] += 10;
                    xc[b] -= yc[b];

                // Remove trailing zeros.
                for (; xc[--j] == 0; xc.pop()) {}

                // Remove leading zeros and adjust exponent accordingly.
                for (; xc[0] == 0; xc.shift(), --ye) {}

                 * No need to check for Infinity as +x - +y != Infinity && -x - -y != Infinity
                 * when neither x or y are Infinity.

                // Underflow?
                if (ye < MIN_EXP || !xc[0]) {

                     * Following IEEE 754 (2008) 6.3,
                     * n - n = +0  but  n - n = -0 when rounding towards -Infinity.
                    if (!xc[0]) {
                        y['s'] = ROUNDING_MODE == 3 ? -1 : 1;

                    // Result is zero.
                    xc = [ye = 0];

                return y['c'] = xc, y['e'] = ye, y;

             *   n % 0 =  N
             *   n % N =  N
             *   0 % n =  0
             *  -0 % n = -0
             *   0 % 0 =  N
             *   0 % N =  N
             *   N % n =  N
             *   N % 0 =  N
             *   N % N =  N
             * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber modulo
             * the value of BigNumber(y, b).
            P['modulo'] = P['mod'] = function (y, b) {
                var x = this,
                    xc = x['c'],
                    yc = (id = 9, y = new BigNumber(y, b))['c'],
                    i = x['s'],
                    j = y['s'];

                // Is x or y NaN, or y zero?
                b = !i || !j || yc && !yc[0];

                if (b || xc && !xc[0]) {
                    return new BigNumber(b ? NaN : x);

                x['s'] = y['s'] = 1;
                b = y['cmp'](x) == 1;
                x['s'] = i, y['s'] = j;

                return b ? new BigNumber(x) : (i = DECIMAL_PLACES, j = ROUNDING_MODE,
                    DECIMAL_PLACES = 0, ROUNDING_MODE = 1,
                    x = x['div'](y),
                    DECIMAL_PLACES = i, ROUNDING_MODE = j,

             * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber
             * negated, i.e. multiplied by -1.
            P['negated'] = P['neg'] = function () {
                var x = new BigNumber(this);

                return x['s'] = -x['s'] || null, x;

             *  n + 0 = n
             *  n + N = N
             *  n + I = I
             *  0 + n = n
             *  0 + 0 = 0
             *  0 + N = N
             *  0 + I = I
             *  N + n = N
             *  N + 0 = N
             *  N + N = N
             *  N + I = N
             *  I + n = I
             *  I + 0 = I
             *  I + N = N
             *  I + I = I
             * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber plus
             * the value of BigNumber(y, b).
            P['plus'] = function (y, b) {
                var d,
                    x = this,
                    a = x['s'];

                b = (id = 10, y = new BigNumber(y, b))['s'];

                // Either NaN?
                if (!a || !b) {
                    return new BigNumber(NaN);

                // Signs differ?
                if (a != b) {
                    return y['s'] = -b, x['minus'](y);

                var xe = x['e'],
                    xc = x['c'],
                    ye = y['e'],
                    yc = y['c'];

                if (!xe || !ye) {

                    // Either Infinity?
                    if (!xc || !yc) {

                        // Return +-Infinity.
                        return new BigNumber(a / 0);

                    // Either zero?
                    if (!xc[0] || !yc[0]) {

                        // y is non-zero?
                        return yc[0] ? y

                        // x is non-zero?
                        : new BigNumber(xc[0] ? x

                            // Both are zero. Return zero.
                            : a * 0);

                // Prepend zeros to equalise exponents.
                // Note: Faster to use reverse then do unshifts.
                if (xc = xc.slice(), a = xe - ye) {
                    d = a > 0 ? (ye = xe, yc) : (a = -a, xc);

                    for (d.reverse(); a--; d.push(0)) {}

                // Point xc to the longer array.
                if (xc.length - yc.length < 0) {
                    d = yc, yc = xc, xc = d;

                 * Only start adding at yc.length - 1 as the
                 * further digits of xc can be left as they are.
                for (a = yc.length, b = 0; a; b = (xc[--a] = xc[a] + yc[a] + b) / 10 ^ 0, xc[a] %= 10) {}

                // No need to check for zero, as +x + +y != 0 && -x + -y != 0

                if (b) {

                    // Overflow? (MAX_EXP + 1 possible)
                    if (++ye > MAX_EXP) {

                        // Infinity.
                        xc = ye = null;

                // Remove trailing zeros.
                for (a = xc.length; xc[--a] == 0; xc.pop()) {}

                return y['c'] = xc, y['e'] = ye, y;

             * Return a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber raised to
             * the power e. If e is negative round according to DECIMAL_PLACES and
             * ROUNDING_MODE.
             * e {number} Integer, -MAX_POWER to MAX_POWER inclusive.
            P['toPower'] = P['pow'] = function (e) {

                // e to integer, avoiding NaN or Infinity becoming 0.
                var i = e * 0 == 0 ? e | 0 : e,
                    x = new BigNumber(this),
                    y = new BigNumber(ONE);

                // Use Math.pow?
                // Pass +-Infinity for out of range exponents.
                if ((((outOfRange = e < -MAX_POWER || e > MAX_POWER) &&
                            (i = e * 1 / 0)) ||

                         * Any exponent that fails the parse becomes NaN.
                         * Include 'e !== 0' because on Opera -0 == parseFloat(-0) is false,
                         * despite -0 === parseFloat(-0) && -0 == parseFloat('-0') is true.
                        parse(e) != e && e !== 0 && !(i = NaN)) &&

                    // 'pow() exponent not an integer: {e}'
                    // 'pow() exponent out of range: {e}'
                    !ifExceptionsThrow(e, 'exponent', 'pow') ||

                    // Pass zero to Math.pow, as any value to the power zero is 1.
                    !i) {

                    // i is +-Infinity, NaN or 0.
                    return new BigNumber(Math.pow(x['toS'](), i));

                for (i = i < 0 ? -i : i;;) {

                    if (i & 1) {
                        y = y['times'](x);
                    i >>= 1;

                    if (!i) {
                    x = x['times'](x);

                return e < 0 ? ONE['div'](y) : y;

             * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber
             * rounded to a maximum of dp decimal places using rounding mode rm, or to
             * 0 and ROUNDING_MODE respectively if omitted.
             * [dp] {number} Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
             * [rm] {number} Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
            P['round'] = function (dp, rm) {

                dp = dp == null || (((outOfRange = dp < 0 || dp > MAX) ||
                        parse(dp) != dp) &&

                    // 'round() decimal places out of range: {dp}'
                    // 'round() decimal places not an integer: {dp}'
                    !ifExceptionsThrow(dp, 'decimal places', 'round')) ? 0 : dp | 0;

                rm = rm == null || (((outOfRange = rm < 0 || rm > 8) ||

                        // Include '&& rm !== 0' because with Opera -0 == parseFloat(-0) is false.
                        parse(rm) != rm && rm !== 0) &&

                    // 'round() mode not an integer: {rm}'
                    // 'round() mode out of range: {rm}'
                    !ifExceptionsThrow(rm, 'mode', 'round')) ? ROUNDING_MODE : rm | 0;

                return setMode(this, dp, rm);

             *  sqrt(-n) =  N
             *  sqrt( N) =  N
             *  sqrt(-I) =  N
             *  sqrt( I) =  I
             *  sqrt( 0) =  0
             *  sqrt(-0) = -0
             * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the square root of the value of
             * this BigNumber, rounded according to DECIMAL_PLACES and ROUNDING_MODE.
            P['squareRoot'] = P['sqrt'] = function () {
                var n, r, re, t,
                    x = this,
                    c = x['c'],
                    s = x['s'],
                    e = x['e'],
                    dp = DECIMAL_PLACES,
                    rm = ROUNDING_MODE,
                    half = new BigNumber('0.5');

                // Negative/NaN/Infinity/zero?
                if (s !== 1 || !c || !c[0]) {

                    return new BigNumber(!s || s < 0 && (!c || c[0]) ? NaN : c ? x : 1 / 0);

                // Initial estimate.
                s = Math.sqrt(x['toS']());
                ROUNDING_MODE = 1;

          Math.sqrt underflow/overflow?
          Pass x to Math.sqrt as integer, then adjust the exponent of the result.
                if (s == 0 || s == 1 / 0) {
                    n = c.join('');

                    if (!(n.length + e & 1)) {
                        n += '0';
                    r = new BigNumber(Math.sqrt(n) + '');

                    // r may still not be finite.
                    if (!r['c']) {
                        r['c'] = [1];
                    r['e'] = (((e + 1) / 2) | 0) - (e < 0 || e & 1);
                } else {
                    r = new BigNumber(n = s.toString());
                re = r['e'];
                s = re + (DECIMAL_PLACES += 4);

                if (s < 3) {
                    s = 0;
                e = s;

                // Newton-Raphson iteration.
                for (;;) {
                    t = r;
                    r = half['times'](t['plus'](x['div'](t)));

                    if (t['c'].slice(0, s).join('') === r['c'].slice(0, s).join('')) {
                        c = r['c'];

                  The exponent of r may here be one less than the final result
                  exponent (re), e.g 0.0009999 (e-4) --> 0.001 (e-3), so adjust
                  s so the rounding digits are indexed correctly.
                        s = s - (n && r['e'] < re);

                  The 4th rounding digit may be in error by -1 so if the 4 rounding
                  digits are 9999 or 4999 (i.e. approaching a rounding boundary)
                  continue the iteration.
                        if (c[s] == 9 && c[s - 1] == 9 && c[s - 2] == 9 &&
                            (c[s - 3] == 9 || n && c[s - 3] == 4)) {

                      If 9999 on first run through, check to see if rounding up
                      gives the exact result as the nines may infinitely repeat.
                            if (n && c[s - 3] == 9) {
                                t = r['round'](dp, 0);

                                if (t['times'](t)['eq'](x)) {
                                    ROUNDING_MODE = rm;
                                    DECIMAL_PLACES = dp;

                                    return t;
                            DECIMAL_PLACES += 4;
                            s += 4;
                            n = '';
                        } else {

                      If the rounding digits are null, 0000 or 5000, check for an
                      exact result. If not, then there are further digits so
                      increment the 1st rounding digit to ensure correct rounding.
                            if (!c[e] && !c[e - 1] && !c[e - 2] &&
                                (!c[e - 3] || c[e - 3] == 5)) {

                                // Truncate to the first rounding digit.
                                if (c.length > e - 2) {
                                    c.length = e - 2;

                                if (!r['times'](r)['eq'](x)) {

                                    while (c.length < e - 3) {
                                    c[e - 3]++;
                            ROUNDING_MODE = rm;
                            rnd(r, DECIMAL_PLACES = dp, 10);

                            return r;

             *  n * 0 = 0
             *  n * N = N
             *  n * I = I
             *  0 * n = 0
             *  0 * 0 = 0
             *  0 * N = N
             *  0 * I = N
             *  N * n = N
             *  N * 0 = N
             *  N * N = N
             *  N * I = N
             *  I * n = I
             *  I * 0 = N
             *  I * N = N
             *  I * I = I
             * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber times
             * the value of BigNumber(y, b).
            P['times'] = function (y, b) {
                var c,
                    x = this,
                    xc = x['c'],
                    yc = (id = 11, y = new BigNumber(y, b))['c'],
                    i = x['e'],
                    j = y['e'],
                    a = x['s'];

                y['s'] = a == (b = y['s']) ? 1 : -1;

                // Either NaN/Infinity/0?
                if (!i && (!xc || !xc[0]) || !j && (!yc || !yc[0])) {

                    // Either NaN?
                    return new BigNumber(!a || !b ||

                        // x is 0 and y is Infinity  or  y is 0 and x is Infinity?
                        xc && !xc[0] && !yc || yc && !yc[0] && !xc

                        // Return NaN.
                        ? NaN

                        // Either Infinity?
                        : !xc || !yc

                        // Return +-Infinity.
                        ? y['s'] / 0

                        // x or y is 0. Return +-0.
                        : y['s'] * 0);
                y['e'] = i + j;

                if ((a = xc.length) < (b = yc.length)) {
                    c = xc, xc = yc, yc = c, j = a, a = b, b = j;

                for (j = a + b, c = []; j--; c.push(0)) {}

                // Multiply!
                for (i = b - 1; i > -1; i--) {

                    for (b = 0, j = a + i; j > i; b = c[j] + yc[i] * xc[j - i - 1] + b,
                        c[j--] = b % 10 | 0,
                        b = b / 10 | 0) {}

                    if (b) {
                        c[j] = (c[j] + b) % 10;

                b && ++y['e'];

                // Remove any leading zero.
                !c[0] && c.shift();

                // Remove trailing zeros.
                for (j = c.length; !c[--j]; c.pop()) {}

                // No zero check needed as only x * 0 == 0 etc.

                // Overflow?
                y['c'] = y['e'] > MAX_EXP

                // Infinity.
                ? (y['e'] = null)

                // Underflow?
                : y['e'] < MIN_EXP

                // Zero.
                ? [y['e'] = 0]

                // Neither.
                : c;

                return y;

             * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber in exponential
             * notation to dp fixed decimal places and rounded using ROUNDING_MODE if
             * necessary.
             * [dp] {number} Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
            P['toExponential'] = P['toE'] = function (dp) {

                return format(this, (dp == null || ((outOfRange = dp < 0 || dp > MAX) ||

                         * Include '&& dp !== 0' because with Opera -0 == parseFloat(-0) is
                         * false, despite -0 == parseFloat('-0') && 0 == -0 being true.
                        parse(dp) != dp && dp !== 0) &&

                    // 'toE() decimal places not an integer: {dp}'
                    // 'toE() decimal places out of range: {dp}'
                    !ifExceptionsThrow(dp, 'decimal places', 'toE')) && this['c'] ? this['c'].length - 1 : dp | 0, 1);

             * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber in normal
             * notation to dp fixed decimal places and rounded using ROUNDING_MODE if
             * necessary.
             * Note: as with JavaScript's number type, (-0).toFixed(0) is '0',
             * but e.g. (-0.00001).toFixed(0) is '-0'.
             * [dp] {number} Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
            P['toFixed'] = P['toF'] = function (dp) {
                var n, str, d,
                    x = this;

                if (!(dp == null || ((outOfRange = dp < 0 || dp > MAX) ||
                        parse(dp) != dp && dp !== 0) &&

                    // 'toF() decimal places not an integer: {dp}'
                    // 'toF() decimal places out of range: {dp}'
                    !ifExceptionsThrow(dp, 'decimal places', 'toF'))) {
                    d = x['e'] + (dp | 0);

                n = TO_EXP_NEG, dp = TO_EXP_POS;
                TO_EXP_NEG = -(TO_EXP_POS = 1 / 0);

                // Note: str is initially undefined.
                if (d == str) {
                    str = x['toS']();
                } else {
                    str = format(x, d);

                    // (-0).toFixed() is '0', but (-0.1).toFixed() is '-0'.
                    // (-0).toFixed(1) is '0.0', but (-0.01).toFixed(1) is '-0.0'.
                    if (x['s'] < 0 && x['c']) {

                        // As e.g. -0 toFixed(3), will wrongly be returned as -0.000 from toString.
                        if (!x['c'][0]) {
                            str = str.replace(/^-/, '');

                            // As e.g. -0.5 if rounded to -0 will cause toString to omit the minus sign.
                        } else if (str.indexOf('-') < 0) {
                            str = '-' + str;
                TO_EXP_NEG = n, TO_EXP_POS = dp;

                return str;

             * Return a string array representing the value of this BigNumber as a
             * simple fraction with an integer numerator and an integer denominator.
             * The denominator will be a positive non-zero value less than or equal to
             * the specified maximum denominator. If a maximum denominator is not
             * specified, the denominator will be the lowest value necessary to
             * represent the number exactly.
             * [maxD] {number|string|BigNumber} Integer >= 1 and < Infinity.
            P['toFraction'] = P['toFr'] = function (maxD) {
                var q, frac, n0, d0, d2, n, e,
                    n1 = d0 = new BigNumber(ONE),
                    d1 = n0 = new BigNumber('0'),
                    x = this,
                    xc = x['c'],
                    exp = MAX_EXP,
                    dp = DECIMAL_PLACES,
                    rm = ROUNDING_MODE,
                    d = new BigNumber(ONE);

                // NaN, Infinity.
                if (!xc) {
                    return x['toS']();

                e = d['e'] = xc.length - x['e'] - 1;

                // If max denominator is undefined or null...
                if (maxD == null ||

                    // or NaN...
                    (!(id = 12, n = new BigNumber(maxD))['s'] ||

                        // or less than 1, or Infinity...
                        (outOfRange = n['cmp'](n1) < 0 || !n['c']) ||

                        // or not an integer...
                        (ERRORS && n['e'] < n['c'].length - 1)) &&

                    // 'toFr() max denominator not an integer: {maxD}'
                    // 'toFr() max denominator out of range: {maxD}'
                    !ifExceptionsThrow(maxD, 'max denominator', 'toFr') ||

                    // or greater than the maxD needed to specify the value exactly...
                    (maxD = n)['cmp'](d) > 0) {

                    // d is e.g. 10, 100, 1000, 10000... , n1 is 1.
                    maxD = e > 0 ? d : n1;

                MAX_EXP = 1 / 0;
                n = new BigNumber(xc.join(''));

                for (DECIMAL_PLACES = 0, ROUNDING_MODE = 1;;) {
                    q = n['div'](d);
                    d2 = d0['plus'](q['times'](d1));

                    if (d2['cmp'](maxD) == 1) {

                    d0 = d1, d1 = d2;

                    n1 = n0['plus'](q['times'](d2 = n1));
                    n0 = d2;

                    d = n['minus'](q['times'](d2 = d));
                    n = d2;

                d2 = maxD['minus'](d0)['div'](d1);
                n0 = n0['plus'](d2['times'](n1));
                d0 = d0['plus'](d2['times'](d1));

                n0['s'] = n1['s'] = x['s'];

                DECIMAL_PLACES = e * 2;
                ROUNDING_MODE = rm;

                // Determine which fraction is closer to x, n0 / d0 or n1 / d1?
                frac = n1['div'](d1)['minus'](x)['abs']()['cmp'](
                    n0['div'](d0)['minus'](x)['abs']()) < 1 ? [n1['toS'](), d1['toS']()] : [n0['toS'](), d0['toS']()];

                return MAX_EXP = exp, DECIMAL_PLACES = dp, frac;

             * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber to sd significant
             * digits and rounded using ROUNDING_MODE if necessary.
             * If sd is less than the number of digits necessary to represent the integer
             * part of the value in normal notation, then use exponential notation.
             * sd {number} Integer, 1 to MAX inclusive.
            P['toPrecision'] = P['toP'] = function (sd) {

                 * ERRORS true: Throw if sd not undefined, null or an integer in range.
                 * ERRORS false: Ignore sd if not a number or not in range.
                 * Truncate non-integers.
                return sd == null || (((outOfRange = sd < 1 || sd > MAX) ||
                        parse(sd) != sd) &&

                    // 'toP() precision not an integer: {sd}'
                    // 'toP() precision out of range: {sd}'
                    !ifExceptionsThrow(sd, 'precision', 'toP')) ? this['toS']() : format(this, --sd | 0, 2);

             * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber in base b, or
             * base 10 if b is omitted. If a base is specified, including base 10,
             * round according to DECIMAL_PLACES and ROUNDING_MODE.
             * If a base is not specified, and this BigNumber has a positive exponent
             * that is equal to or greater than TO_EXP_POS, or a negative exponent equal
             * to or less than TO_EXP_NEG, return exponential notation.
             * [b] {number} Integer, 2 to 64 inclusive.
            P['toString'] = P['toS'] = function (b) {
                var u, str, strL,
                    x = this,
                    xe = x['e'];

                // Infinity or NaN?
                if (xe === null) {
                    str = x['s'] ? 'Infinity' : 'NaN';

                    // Exponential format?
                } else if (b === u && (xe <= TO_EXP_NEG || xe >= TO_EXP_POS)) {
                    return format(x, x['c'].length - 1, 1);
                } else {
                    str = x['c'].join('');

                    // Negative exponent?
                    if (xe < 0) {

                        // Prepend zeros.
                        for (; ++xe; str = '0' + str) {}
                        str = '0.' + str;

                        // Positive exponent?
                    } else if (strL = str.length, xe > 0) {

                        if (++xe > strL) {

                            // Append zeros.
                            for (xe -= strL; xe--; str += '0') {}
                        } else if (xe < strL) {
                            str = str.slice(0, xe) + '.' + str.slice(xe);

                        // Exponent zero.
                    } else {
                        if (u = str.charAt(0), strL > 1) {
                            str = u + '.' + str.slice(1);

                            // Avoid '-0'
                        } else if (u == '0') {
                            return u;

                    if (b != null) {

                        if (!(outOfRange = !(b >= 2 && b < 65)) &&
                            (b == (b | 0) || !ERRORS)) {
                            str = convert(str, b | 0, 10, x['s']);

                            // Avoid '-0'
                            if (str == '0') {
                                return str;
                        } else {

                            // 'toS() base not an integer: {b}'
                            // 'toS() base out of range: {b}'
                            ifExceptionsThrow(b, 'base', 'toS');


                return x['s'] < 0 ? '-' + str : str;

             * Return as toString, but do not accept a base argument.
            P['valueOf'] = function () {
                return this['toS']();

            // Add aliases for BigDecimal methods.
            //P['add'] = P['plus'];
            //P['subtract'] = P['minus'];
            //P['multiply'] = P['times'];
            //P['divide'] = P['div'];
            //P['remainder'] = P['mod'];
            //P['compareTo'] = P['cmp'];
            //P['negate'] = P['neg'];

            // EXPORT

            // Node and other CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports.
            if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
                module.exports = BigNumber;

            } else if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) {
                define(function () {
                    return BigNumber;

            } else {
                global['BigNumber'] = BigNumber;


        return this.BigNumber;

     * Variables and utility functions used by the AstroDate class and requiring the BigNumber library.
     * @private
     * @function
     * @param {object} utilx
     * @param {class} BigNumber
     * @return {class} AsroDate
    function defineAstroDate(utilx, BigNumber) {
            DECIMAL_PLACES: 9,
            ROUNDING_MODE: 0,
            EXPONENTIAL_AT: [-7, 20],
            RANGE: [-1000000000, 1000000000],
            ERRORS: true

         * The BigNumber library namespace.
         * @ignore
         * @external BigNumber
         * @see {@link}
        utilx.objectDefineProperties(BigNumber.prototype, {
             * @memberOf external:BigNumber.prototype
             * @function
             * @this BigNumber
             * @return {BigNumber}
            trunc: {
                value: function () {
                    return this.round(0, 1);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * @memberOf external:BigNumber.prototype
             * @function
             * @this BigNumber
             * @return {boolean}
            inRange: {
                value: function (min, max) {
                    return this.gte(min) && this.lte(max);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * @memberOf external:BigNumber.prototype
             * @function
             * @this BigNumber
             * @return {BigNumber}
            modf: {
                value: function () {
                    var bn = this;

                    if (bn.isFinite()) {
                        bn = bn.mod(bn.trunc());
                    } else {
                        bn = new BigNumber(NaN);

                    return bn;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * @memberOf external:BigNumber.prototype
             * @function
             * @this BigNumber
             * @return {BigNumber}
            difference: {
                value: function (value) {
                    var diff;

                    if ( {
                        diff = this.minus(value);
                    } else {
                        diff = this.neg().plus(value);

                    return diff;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * @memberOf external:BigNumber.prototype
             * @function
             * @this BigNumber
             * @return {string}
            padLeadingZero: {
                value: function (size) {
                    return utilx.padLeadingChar(this.toString(), '0', size);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

        utilx.objectDefineProperties(BigNumber, {
             * @memberOf external:BigNumber
             * @function
             * @param {*} inputArg
             * @return {boolean}
            isBigNumber: {
                value: function (inputArg) {
                    return utilx.isObject(inputArg) && utilx.objectInstanceOf(inputArg, BigNumber);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * @memberOf external:BigNumber
             * @function
             * @param {(number|string)} inputArg
             * @return {BigNumber}
            trunc: {
                value: function (number) {
                    return new BigNumber(number).trunc();
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * @memberOf external:BigNumber
             * @function
             * @param {(number|string)} inputArg
             * @return {BigNumber}
            modf: {
                value: function (number) {
                    return new BigNumber(number).modf();
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * @memberOf external:BigNumber
             * @function
             * @param {(number|string)} number1
             * @param {(number|string)} number2
             * @return {BigNumber}
            difference: {
                value: function (number1, number2) {
                    return new BigNumber(number1).difference(number2);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * @memberOf external:BigNumber
             * @function
             * @return {BigNumber}
            zero: {
                value: function () {
                    return new BigNumber(0);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * @memberOf external:BigNumber
             * @function
             * @return {BigNumber}
            one: {
                value: function () {
                    return new BigNumber(1);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

        var VERSION = '0.7.5',
             * For normalising options.
             * @private
             * @readonly
             * @type {array.<object>}
            fullOptions = [{
                full: 'julian',
                alias: 'j'
            }, {
                full: 'offset',
                alias: 'o'
             * For normalising user input and looking up Date object methods.
             * @private
             * @readonly
             * @type {array.<object>}
            fullKeys = [{
                full: 'year',
                alias: 'y',
                local: 'getFullYear'
            }, {
                full: 'month',
                alias: 'M',
                local: 'getMonth'
            }, {
                full: 'day',
                alias: 'd',
                local: 'getDate'
            }, {
                full: 'hour',
                alias: 'h',
                local: 'getHours'
            }, {
                full: 'minute',
                alias: 'm',
                local: 'getMinutes'
            }, {
                full: 'second',
                alias: 's',
                local: 'getSeconds'
            }, {
                full: 'millisecond',
                alias: 'ms',
                local: 'getMilliseconds'
            }, {
                full: 'offset',
                alias: 'z',
                local: 'getTimezoneOffset'
             * For looking up CLDR day translations.
             * @private
             * @readonly
             * @type {array.<string>}
            dayKeys = ['sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat'],
             * For looking up CLDR month translations.
             * @private
             * @readonly
             * @type {array.<string>}
            monthKeys = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12'],
             * For looking up CLDR format translations.
             * @private
             * @readonly
             * @type {array.<string>}
            nameTypes = ['format', 'stand-alone'],
             * For looking up CLDR width translations.
             * @private
             * @readonly
             * @type {array.<string>}
            widthTypes = ['wide', 'abbreviated', 'narrow'],
             * For looking up CLDR date and time patterns.
             * @private
             * @readonly
             * @type {array.<string>}
            formatTypes = ['full', 'long', 'medium', 'short'],
            invalidISOCharsRx = new RegExp('[^\\d\\-+WT Z:,\\.]'),
            replaceTokenRX = new RegExp('([^\\\']+)|(\\\'[^\\\']+\\\')', 'g'),
            unmatchedTokenRx = new RegExp('[^a-z]', 'gi'),
            bnOffsetRx = new RegExp('^([\\-+])?(\\d{1,2}):(\\d{2})(?::(\\d{2}))?$'),
            //j2000 = [2000, 1, 1, 11, 58, 55, 816],
             * For holding CLDR language specific data.
             * @private
             * @type {object}
            languages = {},
             * For parsing CLDR date patterns.
             * @private
             * @readonly
             * @type {array.<string>}
             * For parsing CLDR time patterns
             * @private
             * @readonly
             * @type {array.<string>}
             * The current default language of the AstroDate constructor.
             * @private
             * @type {string}
             * The current default locale of the AstroDate constructor.
             * @private
             * @type {string}
             * For holding CLDR supplemental data.
             * @private
             * @type {object}


        function isGregorianLeapYear(struct) {
            return struct.year.mod(400).isZero() || (!struct.year.mod(100).isZero() && struct.year.mod(4).isZero());

        function isJulianLeapYear(struct) {
            return struct.year.mod(4).equals(0);

        function daysInGregorianMonth(struct) {
            var days;

            if (struct.month.eq(2)) {
                days = new BigNumber(28);
                if (isGregorianLeapYear(struct)) {
                    days =;
            } else {
                days = struct.month.minus(1).mod(7).mod(2).neg().plus(31);

            return days;

        function daysInJulianMonth(struct) {
            var days = new BigNumber(28);

            if (struct.month.eq(2) && isJulianLeapYear(struct)) {
                days =;

            return days;

        function daysInGregorianYear(struct) {
            var days = new BigNumber(365);

            if (isGregorianLeapYear(struct)) {
                days =;

            return days;

        function daysInJulianYear(struct) {
            var days = new BigNumber(365);

            if (isJulianLeapYear(struct)) {
                days =;

            return days;

        function inYearRange(year) {
            return year.isFinite();

        function inMonthRange(month) {
            return month.inRange(1, 12);

        function inDayRange(day, dim) {
            return day.inRange(1, dim);

        function inHourRange(hour) {
            return hour.inRange(0, 24);

        function inMinuteRange(minute, hour) {
            return (hour.equals(24) && minute.isZero()) || (!hour.equals(24) && minute.gte(0) &&;

        function inSecondRange(second, struct) {
            var maxSecond = 60,

            if (struct.year.gte(1961) && struct.hour.equals(23) && struct.minute.equals(59)) {
                if (!utilx.isPlainObject(leapSeconds)) {
                    throw new Error('No leap second table!');

                leapSecond = leapSeconds[struct.year.toString()];
                if (utilx.isPlainObject(leapSecond)) {
                    leapSecond = leapSecond[struct.month.toString()];
                    if (utilx.isPlainObject(leapSecond)) {
                        leapSecond = utilx.toNumber(leapSecond[]);
                        if (utilx.numberIsFinite(leapSecond)) {
                            maxSecond += leapSecond;

            return (struct.hour.equals(24) && second.isZero()) ||
                (!struct.hour.equals(24) && second.gte(0) &&;

        function inMillisecondRange(millisecond, hour) {
            return (hour.equals(24) && millisecond.isZero()) ||
                (!hour.equals(24) && millisecond.gte(0) &&;

        function inOffsetRange(offset) {
            return offset.inRange(-43200, 50400);

        function inWeekRange(week, year) {
            return offset.inRange(1, 53);

        function inWeekDayRange(weekDay) {
            return weekDay.inRange(1, 7);

        function isValid(struct, julian) {
            var valid = false;

            if (utilx.isPlainObject(struct)) {
                valid = !utilx.arraySome(fullKeys, function (element) {
                    var bn = struct[element.full],

                    if (!BigNumber.isBigNumber(bn)) {
                        return true;

                    switch (element.full) {
                    case 'year':
                        if (!inYearRange(bn)) {
                            return true;

                    case 'month':
                        if (!inMonthRange(bn)) {
                            return true;

                    case 'day':
                        if (utilx.strictEqual(julian, true)) {
                            dim = daysInJulianMonth(struct);
                        } else {
                            dim = daysInGregorianMonth(struct);

                        if (!inDayRange(bn, dim)) {
                            return true;

                    case 'hour':
                        if (!inHourRange(bn)) {
                            return true;

                    case 'minute':
                        if (!inMinuteRange(bn, struct.hour)) {
                            return true;

                    case 'second':
                        if (!inSecondRange(bn, struct)) {
                            return true;

                    case 'millisecond':
                        if (!inMillisecondRange(bn, struct.hour)) {
                            return true;

                    case 'offset':
                        if (!inOffsetRange(bn)) {
                            return true;

                    case 'week':
                        if (!inWeekRange(bn)) {
                            return true;

                    case 'weekDay':
                        if (!inWeekDayRange(bn)) {
                            return true;

                        throw new Error(element.full);

                    return false;

            return valid;

        function dayOfGregorianYear(struct) {
            var k;

            if (isGregorianLeapYear(struct)) {
                k = 1;
            } else {
                k = 2;

            return struct.month.times(275).div(9).floor().minus(

        function dayOfJulianYear(struct) {
            var dayOfYear = struct.month.times(28).plus(;

            if (struct.month.gte(2) && isJulianLeapYear(struct)) {
                dayOfYear =;

            return dayOfYear;

        function normaliseUnits(unitString) {
            var unit;

            if (utilx.isString(unitString)) {
                unitString = utilx.stringTrim(unitString).toLowerCase();
                if (, 2) && utilx.lastCharIs(unitString, 's')) {
                    unitString = unitString.slice(0, -1);

                utilx.arraySome(fullKeys, function (element) {
                    var val;

                    if (utilx.strictEqual(unitString, element.alias) || utilx.strictEqual(unitString, element.full)) {
                        unit = element.full;
                        val = true;
                    } else {
                        val = false;

                    return val;

            return unit;

        function normaliseOptions(options) {
            var normalised = {};

            if (utilx.isPlainObject(options)) {
                utilx.arrayForEach(utilx.objectKeys(options), function (element) {
                    element = element.toLowerCase();
                    utilx.arrayForEach(fullOptions, function (opt) {
                        if (utilx.strictEqual(element, opt.alias) || utilx.strictEqual(element, opt.full)) {
                            normalised[element] = opt.full;

            return normalised;

        function timeTo(struct, unit) {
            var value;

            switch (normaliseUnits(unit)) {
            case 'day':
                value = struct.hour.div(24).plus(struct.minute.div(1440)).plus(struct.second.div(86400))
            case 'hour':
                value =
            case 'minute':
                value = struct.hour.times(60).plus(struct.minute).plus(struct.second.div(60))
            case 'second':
                value = struct.hour.times(3600).plus(struct.minute.times(60)).plus(struct.second)
            case 'millisecond':
                value = struct.hour.times(3600000).plus(struct.minute.times(60000)).plus(struct.second.times(1000))
                throw new Error(unit);

            return value;

        function gregorianToJd(struct) {
            var b = struct.year.minus(1),
                c = b.times(365),
                d = b.div(4).floor(),
                e = b.div(100).floor().neg(),
                f = b.div(400).floor(),
                g = struct.month.times(367).minus(362).div(12).floor(),

            if ( {
                if (isGregorianLeapYear(struct)) {
                    h = -1;
                } else {
                    h = -2;
            } else {
                h = 0;

            return new BigNumber(1721424.5).plus(c).plus(d).plus(e).plus(f).plus(
                .plus(timeTo(struct, 'day'));

        function gregorianToJdn(struct) {
            return gregorianToJd(struct).round(1, 1);

        function objectValues(inputArg) {
            return utilx.arrayMap(utilx.objectKeys(inputArg), function (key) {
                return inputArg[key];

        function dayOfWeekNumber(struct) {
            var day = gregorianToJd(struct).plus(1.5).mod(7).floor();

            if ( {
                day =;

            return day;

        function weekDayNumber(struct) {
            var bnWeekDay = dayOfWeekNumber(struct);

            if (bnWeekDay.isZero()) {
                bnWeekDay = new BigNumber(7);

            return bnWeekDay;

        function cldrDayKey(struct) {
            return dayKeys[utilx.toNumber(dayOfWeekNumber(struct))];

        function fractionToTime(fraction, fractionIn, struct, julian) {
            var time = {},

            fraction = new BigNumber(fraction);
            switch (fractionIn) {
            case 'year':
                if (utilx.strictEqual(julian, true)) {
                    days = daysInJulianYear(struct);
                } else {
                    days = daysInGregorianYear(struct);

                totalMs = fraction.times(days.times(86400000));
            case 'month':
                if (utilx.strictEqual(julian, true)) {
                    days = daysInJulianMonth(struct);
                } else {
                    days = daysInGregorianMonth(struct);

                totalMs = fraction.times(days.times(86400000));
            case 'day':
                totalMs = fraction.times(86400000);
            case 'hour':
                totalMs = fraction.times(3600000);
            case 'minute':
                totalMs = fraction.times(60000);
            case 'second':
                totalMs = fraction.times(1000);
            case 'millisecond':
                totalMs = fraction;
                throw new Error(fractionIn);

            time.hour = totalMs.div(3600000).floor();
            time.minute = totalMs.minus(time.hour.times(3600000)).div(60000).floor();
            time.second = totalMs.minus(time.hour.times(3600000)).minus(time.minute.times(60000)).div(1000).floor();
            time.millisecond = totalMs.minus(time.hour.times(3600000)).minus(time.minute.times(60000))

            return time;

        function getTime(struct) {
            return gregorianToJd(struct).minus(2440587.5).times(86400000).floor();

        // DeltaT
        function deltaTime(struct, canonCorrection) {
            var y =,

            if (struct.year.inRange(-500, 2150)) {
                if ( {
                    u = y.div(100);
                    r = new BigNumber(10583.6).minus(u.times(1014.41)).plus(u.pow(2)
                } else if ( {
                    u = y.minus(1000).div(100);
                    r = new BigNumber(1574.2).minus(u.times(556.01)).plus(u.pow(2)
                } else if ( {
                    t = y.minus(1600);
                    r = new BigNumber(120).minus(t.times(0.9808)).minus(t.pow(2)
                } else if ( {
                    t = y.minus(1700);
                    r = new BigNumber(8.83).plus(t.times(0.1603)).minus(t.pow(2)
                } else if ( {
                    t = y.minus(1800);
                    r = new BigNumber(13.72).minus(t.times(0.332447)).plus(t.pow(2)
                } else if ( {
                    t = y.minus(1860);
                    r = new BigNumber(7.62).plus(t.times(0.5737)).minus(t.pow(2)
                } else if ( {
                    t = y.minus(1900);
                    r = new BigNumber(-2.79).plus(t.times(1.494119)).minus(t.pow(2)
                } else if ( {
                    t = y.minus(1920);
                    r = new BigNumber(21.20).plus(t.times(0.84493)).minus(t.pow(2)
                } else if ( {
                    t = y.minus(1950);
                    r = new BigNumber(29.07).plus(t.times(0.407)).minus(t.pow(2).div(233)).plus(t.pow(3).div(2547));
                } else if ( {
                    t = y.minus(1975);
                    r = new BigNumber(45.45).plus(t.times(1.067)).minus(t.pow(2).div(260)).minus(t.pow(3).div(718));
                } else if ( {
                    t = y.minus(2000);
                    r = new BigNumber(63.86).plus(t.times(0.3345)).minus(t.pow(2).times(0.060374))
                } else if ( {
                    t = y.minus(2000);
                    r = new BigNumber(62.92).plus(t.times(0.32217)).plus(t.pow(2).times(0.005589));
                } else {
                    r = new BigNumber(-20).plus(y.minus(1820).div(100).pow(2).times(32))
            } else {
                u = y.minus(1820).div(100);
                r = u.pow(2).times(32).plus(-20);

            if (canonCorrection && !struct.year.inRange(1955, 2004)) {

            return r.times(1000).trunc();

        function bnGetTimezoneOffset() {
            return new BigNumber(new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60);

         * Changes a '-' or '+' character to a multipler value '-1' or '+1' string.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {string} sign
         * @return {string}
        function toSignMultipler(sign) {
            return sign + '1';

         * Converts offset hours, minutes and seconds to seconds.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {number|string} hour
         * @param {number|string} [minute]
         * @param {number|string} [second]
         * @return {BigNumber}
        function offsetToSeconds(hour, minute, second) {
            return timeTo({
                hour: new BigNumber(hour),
                minute: new BigNumber(minute || 0),
                second: new BigNumber(second || 0),
            }, 'second');

        function bnOffset(value) {
            var val,

            if (utilx.isNumber(value) || utilx.isString(value)) {
                val = utilx.toNumber(value);
                if (!utilx.numberIsFinite(val)) {
                    val = value.toString().toUpperCase();
            } else {
                val = '';

            if (utilx.isNumber(val)) {
                bn = new BigNumber(val);
            } else if (utilx.strictEqual(val, 'Z') || utilx.strictEqual(val, 'UTC') || utilx.strictEqual(val, 'GMT')) {
                bn =;
            } else {
                if (bnOffsetRx.test(val)) {
                    off = val.match(bnOffsetRx);
                    bn = offsetToSeconds(off[2], off[3], off[4]).times(toSignMultipler(off[1] || '+')).neg();
                } else {
                    bn = bnGetTimezoneOffset();

            return bn;

        function arrayToStruct(arr, julian) {
            var struct = {};

            if (utilx.arrayIsArray(arr)) {
                utilx.arraySome(fullKeys, function (element, index) {
                    var value = arr[index],

                    if (utilx.isNumber(value) || utilx.isString(value) ||
                        (utilx.isTypeObject(value) && utilx.objectInstanceOf(value, BigNumber))) {
                        bn = new BigNumber(value);
                    } else {
                        bn = new BigNumber(NaN);

                    switch (element.full) {
                    case 'year':
                        if (!inYearRange(bn)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                    case 'month':
                        if (utilx.isUndefined(value)) {
                            bn =;

                        if (!inMonthRange(bn)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                    case 'day':
                        if (utilx.strictEqual(julian, true)) {
                            dim = daysInJulianMonth(struct);
                        } else {
                            dim = daysInGregorianMonth(struct);

                        if (utilx.isUndefined(value)) {
                            bn =;

                        if (!inDayRange(bn, dim)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                    case 'hour':
                        if (utilx.isUndefined(value)) {
                            bn =;

                        if (!inHourRange(bn)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                    case 'minute':
                        if (utilx.isUndefined(value)) {
                            bn =;

                        if (!inMinuteRange(bn, struct.hour)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                    case 'second':
                        if (utilx.isUndefined(value)) {
                            bn =;

                        if (!inSecondRange(bn, struct)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                    case 'millisecond':
                        if (utilx.isUndefined(value)) {
                            bn =;

                        if (!inMillisecondRange(bn, struct.hour)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                    case 'offset':
                        bn = bnOffset(value);
                        if (!inOffsetRange(bn)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                        throw new Error(element);

                    struct[element.full] = bn;

                    return false;

            return struct;

        function structToArray(struct) {
            var arr;

            if (isValid(struct)) {
                arr = utilx.arrayMap(fullKeys, function (element) {
                    return struct[element.full];
            } else {
                arr = [];

            return arr;

        function returnElementToString(element) {
            return element.toString();

        function structToArrayOfString(struct) {
            return utilx.arrayMap(structToArray(struct), returnElementToString);

        function objectToStruct(object, julian) {
            var struct = {};

            if (utilx.isPlainObject(object)) {
                utilx.arraySome(fullKeys, function (element) {
                    var value = object[element.alias] || object[element.full] || object[element.full + 's'],

                    if (utilx.isNumber(value) || utilx.isString(value) ||
                        (utilx.isTypeObject(value) && utilx.objectInstanceOf(value, BigNumber))) {
                        bn = new BigNumber(value);
                    } else {
                        bn = new BigNumber(NaN);

                    switch (element.full) {
                    case 'year':
                        if (!inYearRange(bn)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                    case 'month':
                        if (utilx.isUndefined(value)) {
                            bn =;

                        if (!inMonthRange(bn)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                    case 'day':
                        if (utilx.strictEqual(julian, true)) {
                            dim = daysInJulianMonth(struct);
                        } else {
                            dim = daysInGregorianMonth(struct);

                        if (utilx.isUndefined(value)) {
                            bn =;

                        if (!inDayRange(bn, dim)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                    case 'hour':
                        if (utilx.isUndefined(value)) {
                            bn =;

                        if (!inHourRange(bn)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                    case 'minute':
                        if (utilx.isUndefined(value)) {
                            bn =;

                        if (!inMinuteRange(bn, struct.hour)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                    case 'second':
                        if (utilx.isUndefined(value)) {
                            bn =;

                        if (!inSecondRange(bn, struct)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                    case 'millisecond':
                        if (utilx.isUndefined(value)) {
                            bn =;

                        if (!inMillisecondRange(bn, struct.hour)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                    case 'offset':
                        bn = bnOffset(value);
                        if (!inOffsetRange(bn)) {
                            struct = {};
                            return true;

                        throw new Error(element);

                    struct[element.full] = bn;

                    return false;

            return struct;

        function structToObject(struct) {
            var newObject = {};

            if (utilx.isPlainObject(struct)) {
                utilx.arrayForEach(fullKeys, function (key) {
                    newObject[key.full] = struct[key.full].toString();

            return newObject;

        function dateToStruct(date) {
            var struct = {};

            if (utilx.isDateValid(date)) {
                utilx.arrayForEach(fullKeys, function (element) {
                    var value = new BigNumber(date[element.local]());

                    if (utilx.strictEqual(element.full, 'month')) {
                        value =;

                    if (utilx.strictEqual(element.full, 'offset')) {
                        value = value.times(60);

                    struct[element.full] = value;

            return struct;

        function julianToJd(struct) {
            var year = struct.year,

            month = struct.month;
            if (month.lte(2)) {
                year = year.minus(1);
                month =;

            a =;
            b =;

            return, 'day'));

        function julianToJdn(struct) {
            return julianToJd(struct).round(1, 1);

        function jdToGregorian(julianDate) {
            var struct = {},
                jd = new BigNumber(julianDate),

            if (jd.isFinite()) {
                jd =;
                a =;
                b = a.times(4).div(146097).floor();
                a = a.minus(b.times(146097).plus(3).div(4).floor());
                struct.year =;
                a = a.minus(struct.year.times(1461).div(4).floor()).plus(31);
                struct.month = a.times(80).div(2447).floor();
       = a.minus(struct.month.times(2447).div(80).floor());
                a = struct.month.div(11).floor();
                struct.month =;
                struct.year = b.minus(49).times(100).plus(struct.year).plus(a).floor();
                struct.offset =;
                utilx.extend(struct, fractionToTime(jd.modf().abs(), 'day'));

            return struct;

        function jdToJulian(julianDate) {
            var struct = {},
                jd = new BigNumber(julianDate),

            if (jd.isFinite()) {
                jd =;
                a = jd.floor();
                b =;
                c = b.minus(122.1).div(365.25).floor();
                d = c.times(365.25).floor();
                g = b.minus(d);
                e = g.div(30.6001).floor();

       = g.minus(e.times(30.6001).floor());
                if ( {
                    struct.month = e.minus(1);
                } else {
                    struct.month = e.minus(13);

                if ( {
                    struct.year = c.minus(4716);
                } else {
                    struct.year = c.minus(4715);

                struct.offset =;
                utilx.extend(struct, fractionToTime(jd.modf().abs(), 'day'));

            return struct;

        function gregorianToMJD(struct) {
            return gregorianToJd(struct).minus(2400000.5);

        function julianToMJD(struct) {
            return julianToJd(struct).minus(2400000.5);

        function jdToMJD(jd) {
            return jd.minus(2400000.5);

        function gregorianToJulian(struct) {
            var newStruct;

            if (isValid(struct)) {
                newStruct = jdToJulian(gregorianToJd(struct));
            } else {
                newStruct = {};

            return newStruct;

        function julianToGregorian(struct) {
            var newStruct;

            if (isValid(struct)) {
                newStruct = jdToGregorian(julianToJd(struct));
            } else {
                newStruct = {};

            return newStruct;

        function toUT(struct) {
            return jdToGregorian(gregorianToJd(struct).times(86400000).plus(struct.offset.times(1000)).div(86400000));

        function toTT(struct) {
            var offset = struct.offset,
                structTT = jdToGregorian(gregorianToJd(struct).times(86400000).minus(deltaTime(struct)).div(86400000));

            structTT.offset = offset;

            return structTT;

        function addDT(struct) {
            var offset = struct.offset,
                structTT = jdToGregorian(gregorianToJd(struct).times(86400000).plus(deltaTime(struct)).div(86400000));

            structTT.offset = offset;

            return structTT;

        function subDT(struct) {
            var offset = struct.offset,
                structTT = jdToGregorian(gregorianToJd(struct).times(86400000).plus(deltaTime(struct)).div(86400000));

            structTT.offset = offset;

            return structTT;

        function toLocal(struct) {
            var timezoneOffset = bnGetTimezoneOffset(),
                structLocal = jdToGregorian(gregorianToJd(struct).times(86400000)

            structLocal.offset = timezoneOffset;

            return structLocal;

        function toTAI(struct) {
            var offset = struct.offset,
                structTT = jdToGregorian(gregorianToJd(struct).times(86400000)

            structTT.offset = offset;

            return structTT;

        function toGPS(struct) {
              var offset = struct.offset,
                structTT = jdToGregorian(gregorianToJd(struct).times(86400000)

            structTT.offset = offset;

            return structTT;

         * Converts a date struct to an ISO extended dateTime stamp.
         * This routine needs changing so that the type of ISO dateTime stamp can be choosen.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {object} struct
         * @param {number} userPadding
         * @return {string}
        function toISOString(struct, userPadding) {
            var string,

            number = utilx.toNumber(userPadding);
            if (, 5) || !utilx.numberIsFinite(number)) {
                number = 6;

            index = 0;
            string = '';
            for (count = 0;, 3); count += 1) {
                if (utilx.isUndefined(struct[fullKeys[count].full])) {
                    index = 3;

            for (last = fullKeys.length - 1;, last); index += 1) {
                key = fullKeys[index].full;
                value = struct[key];
                if (utilx.strictEqual(key, 'year')) {
                    if ( {
                        string += '-';
                        padding = number;
                    } else if (value.gte(10000)) {
                        string += '+';
                        padding = number;
                    } else {
                        padding = 4;
                } else if (utilx.strictEqual(key, 'hour')) {
                    string += 'T';
                    padding = 2;
                } else if (utilx.strictEqual(key, 'millisecond')) {
                    padding = 3;
                } else {
                    padding = 2;

                string += value.abs().padLeadingZero(padding);
                if (, 2)) {
                    string += '-';
                } else if (utilx.inRange(index, 3, 4)) {
                    string += ':';
                } else if (utilx.strictEqual(key, 'second')) {
                    string += '.';

            value = struct.offset;
            if (value.isZero()) {
                string += 'Z';
            } else {
                if (value.lte(0)) {
                    string += '+';
                } else {
                    string += '-';

                value = fractionToTime(value.abs(), 'second');
                string += value.hour.padLeadingZero(2);
                string += ':';
                string += value.minute.padLeadingZero(2);

            return string;

         * Returns true if the ISO timeDate stamp has the correct character counts/looks like an ISO timeDate stamp.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {string} string
         * @return {boolean}
        function isoHasValidCharacterCounts(string) {
            var val;

            if (!utilx.inRange(utilx.countCharacter(string, ' ') + utilx.countCharacter(string, 'T'), 0, 1)) {
                val = false;
            } else if (!utilx.inRange(utilx.countCharacter(string, 'W'), 0, 1)) {
                val = false;
            } else if (!utilx.inRange(utilx.countCharacter(string, 'Z'), 0, 1)) {
                val = false;
            } else if (!utilx.inRange(utilx.countCharacter(string, '.') + utilx.countCharacter(string, ','), 0, 1)) {
                val = false;
            } else if (!utilx.inRange(utilx.countCharacter(string, '+'), 0, 2)) {
                val = false;
            } else if (!utilx.inRange(utilx.countCharacter(string, '-'), 0, 4)) {
                val = false;
            } else if (!utilx.inRange(utilx.countCharacter(string, ':'), 0, 4)) {
                val = false;
            } else if (\D/g, '').length, 2)) {
                val = false;
            } else {
                val = true;

            return val;

         * Convert the ISO ordinal date to a date struct.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {(number|string|BigNumber)} year
         * @param {(number|string|BigNumber)} dayOfYear
         * @return {object}
        function ordinalToCalendar(year, dayOfYear) {
            var struct = {
                year: new BigNumber(year),
                daysInYear = daysInGregorianYear(struct),

            dayOfYear = new BigNumber(dayOfYear);
            if (dayOfYear.inRange(1, daysInYear)) {
                struct = jdToGregorian(gregorianToJd(struct).plus(dayOfYear).minus(1));
                result = {
                    sign: 1,
                    year: struct.year,
                    month: struct.month,

            return result;

         * Convert the ISO week date to a date struct.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {(number|string|BigNumber)} year
         * @param {(number|string|BigNumber)} week
         * @param {(number|string|BigNumber)} weekDay
         * @return {object}
        function weekDateToCalendar(year, week, weekDay) {
            var struct = {
                year: new BigNumber(year),
                day: new BigNumber(4),
                weekDayJan4 = weekDayNumber(struct),

            dayOfYear = new BigNumber(7).times(week).plus(weekDay).minus(;
            if ( {
                struct.year = struct.year.minus(1);
                dayOfYear = daysInGregorianYear(struct).plus(dayOfYear);
            } else if ( {
                struct.year =;
                dayOfYear = dayOfYear.minus(daysInGregorianYear(struct));

            return ordinalToCalendar(struct.year, dayOfYear);

         * Returns the ISO week date.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {object} struct
         * @return {object}
        function calendarToWeekDate(struct) {
            var weekDay = weekDayNumber(struct),
                year = struct.year,
                month = struct.month,

            nearestThursday =;
            if (struct.month.equals(12) && {
                val = {
                    weekDay: weekDay
            } else {
                if (struct.month.equals(1) && {
                    year = struct.year.minus(1);
                    month = new BigNumber(12);
                    nearestThursday =;

                val = {
                    year: year,
                    week: dayOfGregorianYear({
                        year: year,
                        month: month,
                        day: nearestThursday
                    weekDay: weekDay

            return val;

         * ISO says that the first week of a year is the first week containing
         * a Thursday. Extending that says that the first week of the month is
         * the first week containing a Thursday. ICU agrees.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {object} struct
         * @return {BigNumber}
        function calendarToWeekOfMonth(struct) {

         * Returns the ISO weekDay number.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {object} struct
         * @return {BigNumber}
        function weekDayOfMonth(struct) {

         * Returns true if BigNumber is any number except if it is minus zero.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {BigNumber} bn
         * @param {string} sign
         * @return {boolean}
        function isNotNegativeZero(bn, sign) {
            return utilx.strictEqual(sign, '+') || !bn.isZero() || (bn.isZero() && !utilx.strictEqual(sign, '-'));

         * Covert the fractional part of hours to a time object.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {(number|string)} number
         * @param {(number|string|BigNumber)} offset
         * @param {(number|string)} hour
         * @return {object.BigNumber}
        function hourFractionToTime(number, offset, hour) {
            var frac = fractionToTime('0.' + number, 'hour');

            frac.hour = new BigNumber(hour);
            frac.offset = new BigNumber(offset);

            return frac;

         * Covert the fractional part of minutes to a time object.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {(number|string)} number
         * @param {(number|string|BigNumber)} offset
         * @param {(number|string)} hour
         * @param {(number|string)} [minute]
         * @param {(number|string)} [second]
         * @return {object.BigNumber}
        function minuteFractionToTime(number, offset, hour, minute, second) {
            var frac = fractionToTime('0.' + number, 'minute');

            frac.hour = new BigNumber(hour);

            if (!utilx.isUndefined(minute)) {
                frac.minute = new BigNumber(minute);

            if (!utilx.isUndefined(second)) {
                frac.second = new BigNumber(second);

            frac.offset = new BigNumber(offset);

            return frac;

         * Covert the fractional part of seconds to a time object.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {(number|string)} number
         * @param {(number|string|BigNumber)} offset
         * @param {(number|string)} hour
         * @param {(number|string)} minute
         * @param {(number|string)} second
         * @return {object.BigNumber}
        function secondFractionToTime(number, offset, hour, minute, second) {
            var frac = fractionToTime('0.' + number, 'second');

            frac.hour = new BigNumber(hour);
            frac.minute = new BigNumber(minute);
            frac.second = new BigNumber(second);
            frac.offset = new BigNumber(offset);

            return frac;

         * Splits the given string into its date and time string components.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {string} string
         * @return {object}
        function isoSplitDateTime(string) {
            var dtObject = {
                date: '',
                time: ''
                firstSplit = utilx.stringSplit(utilx.stringTrim(string), /[T ]/),
                splitLength = firstSplit.length,

            if (utilx.inRange(splitLength, 1, 2)) {
                if (utilx.strictEqual(splitLength, 1)) {
                    element = utilx.arrayFirst(firstSplit);
                    // we make a best guess
                    if (utilx.strictEqual(element.slice(-4), '-') || utilx.firstCharIs(element, '+') ||
                        utilx.firstCharIs(element, '-') || utilx.strictEqual(element.length, 2) ||
                        utilx.gte(utilx.countCharacter(element, '-'), 2) || utilx.stringContains(element, 'W')) {

                        // only ordinal dates have a "-" at -4
                        // only dates begin with "+" or "-"
                        // dates and times can be only 2 digits but will default to
                        // date unless preceeded with " " or "T"
                        // only dates have 2 or more "-"
                        // only dates have a week number "W"
               = element;
                        dtObject.time = '00';
                    } else if (utilx.lastCharIs(element, 'Z') || utilx.stringContains(element, ':') ||
                        utilx.stringContains(element, '.') || utilx.stringContains(element, ',') ||
                        utilx.stringContains(element, '+') || utilx.strictEqual(element.slice(-3), '-')) {

                        // only times end with a "Z"
                        // only times contain a ":" or a "." or a ","
                        // only times contain a "+" that is not at the beginning
                        // only times have a "-" at -3
               = '00';
                        dtObject.time = element;
                    } else {
                        // otherwise we guess it is a date
               = element;
                        dtObject.time = '00';
                } else {
           = utilx.arrayFirst(firstSplit) || '00';
                    dtObject.time = utilx.arrayLast(firstSplit);

            return dtObject;

        function dateToObject(year, month, day) {
            return {
                year: new BigNumber(year),
                month: new BigNumber(month),
                day: new BigNumber(day)

         * Holds the a list of RegExps and functions for testing basic and extended ISO 8601 date patterns.
         * @private
         * @readonly
         * @type {object.array.object}
         * @see {@link}
        datePatterns = {

             * The basic date patterns.
             * @private
             * @type {array.object}
            basic: [{
                 * yy
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return dateToObject(rxResult[1] + '00', 1, 1);
            }, {
                 * yyyy
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{4})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return dateToObject(rxResult[1], 1, 1);
            }, {
                 * yyyyMMdd
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return dateToObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3]);
            }, {
                 * yyyyddd
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{4})(\d{3})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return ordinalToCalendar(rxResult[1], rxResult[2]);
            }, {
                 * yyyyWww
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{4})W(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return weekDateToCalendar(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], 1);
            }, {
                 * yyyyWwwD
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{4})W(\d{2})([1-7]{1})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return weekDateToCalendar(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3]);

             * The extended date patterns.
             * @private
             * @type {array.object}
            extended: [{
                // need to add tests for -0
                 * -+[..y]yyyyy-MM
                 * @private
                regex: /^([\-+])(\d{5,})-(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return dateToObject(new BigNumber(rxResult[2]).times(toSignMultipler(rxResult[1])), rxResult[3], 1);
            }, {
                 * yyyy-MM
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return dateToObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], 1);
            }, {
                 * yyyy-MM-dd
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return dateToObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3]);
            }, {
                 * -+[..y]yyyyy-MM-dd
                 * @private
                regex: /^([\-+])(\d{5,})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return dateToObject(new BigNumber(rxResult[2]).times(toSignMultipler(rxResult[1])),
                        rxResult[3], rxResult[4]);
            }, {
                 * yyyy-DDD
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{4})-(\d{3})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return ordinalToCalendar(rxResult[1], rxResult[2]);
            }, {
                 * yyyy-Www
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{4})-W(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return weekDateToCalendar(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], 1);
            }, {
                 * yyyy-Www-D
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{4})-W(\d{2})-([1-7]{1})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return weekDateToCalendar(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3]);
            }, {
                 * -+[..y]yyyy-DDD
                 * @private
                regex: /^([\-+])(\d{5,})-(\d{3})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return ordinalToCalendar(new BigNumber(rxResult[2]).times(toSignMultipler(rxResult[1])),
            }, {
                 * -+[..y]yyyyy-Www
                 * @private
                regex: /^([\-+])(\d{5,})-W(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return weekDateToCalendar(new BigNumber(rxResult[2]).times(toSignMultipler(rxResult[1])),
                        rxResult[3], 1);
            }, {
                 * -+[..y]yyyyy-Www-D
                 * @private
                regex: /^([\-+])(\d{5,})-W(\d{2})-([1-7]{1})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return weekDateToCalendar(new BigNumber(rxResult[2]).times(toSignMultipler(rxResult[1])),
                        rxResult[3], rxResult[4]);

        /** Make datePatterns readonly */

        function createTimeObject(hour, minute, second, offset, sign) {
            return {
                hour: new BigNumber(hour),
                minute: new BigNumber(minute),
                second: new BigNumber(second),
                offset: new BigNumber(offset).times(toSignMultipler(sign || '-')).neg()

         * Holds the a list of RegExps and functions for testing basic and extended ISO 8601 time patterns.
         * @private
         * @readonly
         * @type {object.array.object}
         * @see {@link}
        timePatterns = {

             * The basic time patterns.
             * @private
             * @type {array.object}
            basic: [{
                 * HH
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return createTimeObject(rxResult[1], 0, 0, bnGetTimezoneOffset());
            }, {
                 * HHMM
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], 0, bnGetTimezoneOffset());
            }, {
                 * HHMMSS
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3], bnGetTimezoneOffset());
            }, {
                 * HHZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})Z$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return createTimeObject(rxResult[1], 0, 0, 0);
            }, {
                 * HHMMZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})Z$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], 0, 0);
            }, {
                 * HHMMSSZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})Z$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3], 0);
            }, {
                 * HH-+ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})([\-+])(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[2],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[3]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = createTimeObject(rxResult[1], 0, 0, offset, sign);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HHMM-+ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})([\-+])(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[3],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[4]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], 0, offset, sign);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HHMMSS-+ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})([\-+])(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[4],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[5]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3], offset, sign);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HH-+ZZZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})([\-+])(\d{2})(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[2],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[3], rxResult[4]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = createTimeObject(rxResult[1], 0, 0, offset, sign);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HHMM-+ZZZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})([\-+])(\d{2})(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[3],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[4], rxResult[5]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], 0, offset, sign);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HHMMSS-+ZZZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})([\-+])(\d{2})(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[4],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[5], rxResult[6]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3], offset, sign);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HH.,[..f]f
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return hourFractionToTime(rxResult[2], bnGetTimezoneOffset(), rxResult[1]);
            }, {
                 * HHMM.,[..f]f
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return minuteFractionToTime(rxResult[3], bnGetTimezoneOffset(), rxResult[1], rxResult[2]);
            }, {
                 * HHMMSS.,[..f]f
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return secondFractionToTime(rxResult[4], bnGetTimezoneOffset(),
                        rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3]);
            }, {
                 * HH.,[..f]fZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)Z$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return hourFractionToTime(rxResult[2], 0, rxResult[1]);
            }, {
                 * HHMM.,[..f]fZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)Z$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return minuteFractionToTime(rxResult[3], 0, rxResult[1], rxResult[2]);
            }, {
                 * HHMMSS.,[..f]fZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)Z$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return secondFractionToTime(rxResult[4], 0, rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3]);
            }, {
                 * HH.,[..f]f-+ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)([\-+])(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[3],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[4]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = hourFractionToTime(rxResult[2], offset.times(toSignMultipler(sign)).neg(), rxResult[1]);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HHMM.,[..f]f-+ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)([\-+])(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[4],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[5]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = minuteFractionToTime(rxResult[3], offset.times(toSignMultipler(sign)).neg(),
                            rxResult[1], rxResult[2]);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HHMMSS.,[..f]f-+ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)([\-+])(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[5],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[6]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = secondFractionToTime(rxResult[4], offset.times(toSignMultipler(sign)).neg(),
                            rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3]);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HH.,[..f]f-+ZZZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)([\-+])(\d{2})(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[3],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[4], rxResult[5]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = hourFractionToTime(rxResult[2], offset.times(toSignMultipler(sign)).neg(), rxResult[1]);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HHMM.,[..f]f-+ZZZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)([\-+])(\d{2})(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[4],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[5], rxResult[6]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = minuteFractionToTime(rxResult[3], offset.times(toSignMultipler(sign)).neg(),
                            rxResult[1], rxResult[2]);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HHMMSS.,[..f]f-+ZZZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)([\-+])(\d{2})(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[5],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[6], rxResult[7]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = secondFractionToTime(rxResult[4], offset.times(toSignMultipler(sign)).neg(),
                            rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3]);

                    return val;

             * The extended time patterns.
             * @private
             * @type {array.object}
            extended: [{
                 * HH
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return createTimeObject(rxResult[1], 0, 0, bnGetTimezoneOffset());
            }, {
                 * HH:MM
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], 0, bnGetTimezoneOffset());
            }, {
                 * HH:MM:SS
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3], bnGetTimezoneOffset());
            }, {
                 * HHZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})Z$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return createTimeObject(rxResult[1], 0, 0, 0);
            }, {
                 * HH:MMZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2})Z$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], 0, 0);
            }, {
                 * HH:MM:SSZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})Z$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3], 0);
            }, {
                 * HH-+ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})([\-+])(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[2],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[3]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = createTimeObject(rxResult[1], 0, 0, offset, sign);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HH:MM-+ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2})([\-+])(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[3],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[4]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], 0, offset, sign);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HH:MM:SS-+ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})([\-+])(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[4],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[5]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3], offset, sign);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HH-+ZZ:ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})([\-+])(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[2],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[3], rxResult[4]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = createTimeObject(rxResult[1], 0, 0, offset, sign);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HH:MM-+ZZ:ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2})([\-+])(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[3],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[4], rxResult[5]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], 0, offset, sign);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HH:MM:SS-+ZZ:ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})([\-+])(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[4],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[5], rxResult[6]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = createTimeObject(rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3], offset, sign);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HH.,[..f]f
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return hourFractionToTime(rxResult[2], bnGetTimezoneOffset(), rxResult[1]);
            }, {
                 * HH:MM.,[..f]f
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return minuteFractionToTime(rxResult[3], bnGetTimezoneOffset(), rxResult[1], rxResult[2]);
            }, {
                 * HH:MM:SS.,[..f]f
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return secondFractionToTime(rxResult[4], bnGetTimezoneOffset(),
                        rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3]);
            }, {
                 * HH.,[..f]fZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)Z$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return hourFractionToTime(rxResult[2], 0, rxResult[1]);
            }, {
                 * HH:MM.,[..f]fZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)Z$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return minuteFractionToTime(rxResult[3], 0, rxResult[1], rxResult[1]);
            }, {
                 * HH:MM:SS.,[..f]fZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)Z$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    return secondFractionToTime(rxResult[4], 0, rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3]);
            }, {
                 * HH.,[..f]f-+ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)([\-+])(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[3],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[4]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = hourFractionToTime(rxResult[2], offset.times(toSignMultipler(sign)).neg(), rxResult[1]);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HH:MM.,[..f]f-+ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)([\-+])(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[4],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[5]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = minuteFractionToTime(rxResult[3], offset.times(toSignMultipler(sign)).neg(),
                            rxResult[1], rxResult[2]);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HH:MM:SS.,[..f]f-+ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)([\-+])(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[5],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[6]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = secondFractionToTime(rxResult[4], offset.times(toSignMultipler(sign)).neg(),
                            rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3]);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HH.,[..f]f-+ZZ:ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)([\-+])(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[3],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[4], rxResult[5]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = hourFractionToTime(rxResult[2], offset.times(toSignMultipler(sign)).neg(), rxResult[1]);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HH:MM.,[..f]f-+ZZ:ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)([\-+])(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[4],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[5], rxResult[6]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = minuteFractionToTime(rxResult[3], offset.times(toSignMultipler(sign)).neg(),
                            rxResult[1], rxResult[2]);

                    return val;
            }, {
                 * HH:MM:SS.,[..f]f-+ZZ:ZZ
                 * @private
                regex: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})[\.,](\d+)([\-+])(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/,
                func: function (rxResult) {
                    var sign = rxResult[5],
                        offset = offsetToSeconds(rxResult[6], rxResult[7]),

                    if (isNotNegativeZero(offset, sign)) {
                        val = secondFractionToTime(rxResult[4], offset.times(toSignMultipler(sign)).neg(),
                            rxResult[1], rxResult[2], rxResult[3]);

                    return val;

        /** Make timePatterns readonly */

         * Takes a give string an parses it as a given ISO timestamp returning the date and time matches as an object.
         * Uses datePatterns and timePatterns for precision matching.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {string} isoString
         * @return {object}
        function isoParse(isoString) {
            // Unused variable for JScript NFE bug
            var dtObject = {
                input: isoString

            function searchPatterns(pattern) {
                var rxResult = pattern.regex.exec(searchString),
                    val = false,

                if (!utilx.isNull(rxResult)) {
                    result = pattern.func(rxResult);
                    if (!utilx.isUndefined(result)) {
                        utilx.extend(dtObject, result);

                    val = true;

                return val;

            if (utilx.isString(isoString) && !utilx.isEmptyString(isoString) && !invalidISOCharsRx.test(isoString) && isoHasValidCharacterCounts(isoString)) {

                utilx.extend(dtObject, isoSplitDateTime(isoString));
                searchString =;
                if (!utilx.arraySome(datePatterns.basic, searchPatterns)) {
                    if (utilx.arraySome(datePatterns.extended, searchPatterns)) {
                        searchString = dtObject.time;
                        utilx.arraySome(timePatterns.extended, searchPatterns);
                } else {
                    searchString = dtObject.time;
                    utilx.arraySome(timePatterns.basic, searchPatterns);

            return dtObject;

         * Converts the given Gregorian structure to an appropriate structure depending
         * on the AstroDate instance settings.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {AstroDate} thisAstroDate
         * @param {object} struct
         * @return {object}
        function getCorrectStruct(thisAstroDate, struct) {
            if (thisAstroDate.isDT()) {
                if (thisAstroDate.isUT2TT()) {
                    struct = subDT(struct);
                } else {
                    struct = addDT(struct);

            if (thisAstroDate.isTT()) {
                struct = toTT(struct);

            if (thisAstroDate.isUT()) {
                struct = toUT(struct);
            } else if (thisAstroDate.isLocal()) {
                struct = toLocal(struct);

            return struct;

         * Left pads a number with '0's so that it is of the require length as given by size.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {number|string} num
         * @param {number} size
         * @return {string}
        function cldrPadLeadingZero(num, size) {
            var strNum = utilx.anyToString(utilx.checkObjectCoercible(num)),

            if (utilx.isDigits(strNum) && new BigNumber(strNum).isFinite()) {
                firsrCharacter = utilx.firstChar(strNum);
                val = '';
                if (utilx.strictEqual(firsrCharacter, '-')) {
                    strNum = strNum.slice(1);
                    size -= 1;
                    val = firsrCharacter;

                val += utilx.padLeadingChar(strNum, '0', size);
            } else {
                val = strNum;

            return val;

         * Replaces the given token pattern in the given pattern with the supplied string value.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {string} pattern
         * @param {string} token
         * @param {string} value
         * @return {string}
        function replaceToken(pattern, token, value) {
            if (!utilx.isString(token) || utilx.isEmptyString(token)) {
                throw new Error();

            var firstCharacter,

            if ((/^\{\d\}$/).test(token)) {
                token = utilx.escapeRegex(token);
                copyMatch = token;
                noWrap = true;
            } else {
                firstCharacter = utilx.firstChar(token);
                if (!(/^\S\{\d+,\d*\}$/).test(token)) {
                    count = token.length;
                    if (!utilx.strictEqual(count, utilx.countCharacter(token, firstCharacter))) {
                        throw new Error(token);

                copyMatch = '(?:^|[^' + firstCharacter + '])(' + token + ')(?:[^' + firstCharacter + ']|$)';

             * Replaces tokens, handles padding choice and wraps replacements (if required) in sinqle quotes so
             * they are ignored in future.
             * @private
             * @function
             * @param {string} $0
             * @param {string} $1
             * @return {string}
            function tokenReplacerPadWrap($0, $1) {
                var val;

                if ($1) {
                    val = cldrPadLeadingZero(value, $1.length);
                } else {
                    val = value;

                if (!utilx.strictEqual(noWrap, true)) {
                    val = utilx.wrapInChar(val, '\'');

                return $0.replace(new RegExp(token, 'g'), val);

             * Returns strings of non-tokens untouched or calls the replacer on strings with tokens.
             * @private
             * @function
             * @param {string} $0
             * @param {string} $1
             * @param {string} $2
             * @return {string}
            function tokenReplacer($0, $1, $2) {
                var val;

                if ($0) {
                    if ($1) {
                        val = $1.replace(new RegExp(copyMatch, 'g'), tokenReplacerPadWrap);
                    } else {
                        val = $2;

                return val;

            return pattern.replace(replaceTokenRX, tokenReplacer);

         * Remove all non-token from a given pattern and returns a string with any tokens that remain.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {string} pattern
         * @return {string}
        function remainingTokens(pattern) {
            function tokenReplacer($0, $1, $2) {
                var val;

                if ($0 && $1 && !$2) {
                    val = $1;
                } else {
                    val = '';

                return val;

            return pattern.replace(replaceTokenRX, tokenReplacer).replace(unmatchedTokenRx, '');

         * Returns true if there are any remaining tokens in the given pattern.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {string} pattern
         * @return {boolean}
        function hasRemainingTokens(pattern) {
            return !utilx.isEmptyString(remainingTokens(pattern));

         * Remove all signle quote characters from a given dtring.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {string} string
         * @return {string}
        function stripSingleQuotes(string) {
            return utilx.replaceAll(string, '\'', '');

         * Replace all occurences of '-' with '_'.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {string} string
         * @return {string}
        function minusToUnderscore(string) {
            return utilx.replaceAll(string, '-', '_');

        calendarTypes = {
            julian: {
                abbreviated: 'OS',
                wide: 'Julian',
                narrow: 'O'
            gregorian: {
                abbreviated: 'NS',
                wide: 'Gregorian',
                narrow: 'N'


         * Split a string at '_'s.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {string} string
         * @return {array.<string>}
        function splitUnderscore(string) {
            return utilx.stringSplit(string, '_');

        canonicalizeLocaleRx = new RegExp('^([a-z]{2,3}|[a-z]{2,3}[\\-_][a-z]{2}|' +
            '[a-z]{2,3}[\\-_][a-z]{4}|[a-z]{2,3}[\\-_][a-z]{4}[\\-_][a-z]{2})$', 'i');

         * Canonalizes a locale string.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {string} locale
         * @return {string}
        function canonicalizeLocale(locale) {
            var val = [],

            if (utilx.isString(locale) && canonicalizeLocaleRx.test(locale)) {
                firstSplit = splitUnderscore(minusToUnderscore(locale));
                firstSplitLength = firstSplit.length;
                if (!utilx.strictEqual(firstSplitLength, 1)) {
                    element = firstSplit[1];
                    if (utilx.strictEqual(firstSplitLength, 2)) {
                        elementLength = element.length;
                        if (utilx.strictEqual(elementLength, 2)) {
                            region = element.toUpperCase();
                        } else {
                            script = element.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + element.slice(1).toLowerCase();
                    } else {
                        script = element.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + element.slice(1).toLowerCase();
                        region = firstSplit[2].toUpperCase();

                if (!utilx.isUndefined(script) && !utilx.strictEqual(script, 'Zzzz')) {

                if (!utilx.isUndefined(region) && !utilx.strictEqual(region, 'ZZ')) {

            return utilx.arrayJoin(val, '_');

         * Perform a locale lookup from the CLDR likeySubtags given a full or patial locale string.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {string} locale
         * @return {string}
        function lookupLocale(locale) {
            var canonicalizedLocale = canonicalizeLocale(locale),

            if (!utilx.isEmptyString(canonicalizedLocale)) {
                likelySubtags = supplemental.likelySubtags;
                lookup = likelySubtags[canonicalizedLocale];
                if (utilx.isUndefined(lookup)) {
                    firstSplit = splitUnderscore(canonicalizedLocale);
                    length = firstSplit.length;
                    lang = utilx.arrayFirst(firstSplit);
                    if (utilx.strictEqual(length, 3)) {
                        region = utilx.arrayLast(firstSplit);
                        script = firstSplit[1];
                    } else if (utilx.strictEqual(length, 2)) {
                        element = utilx.arrayLast(firstSplit);
                        elementLength = element.length;
                        if (utilx.strictEqual(elementLength, 2)) {
                            region = element;
                        } else {
                            script = element;

                    if (utilx.isUndefined(lookup) && !utilx.isUndefined(region)) {
                        lookup = likelySubtags[utilx.arrayJoin([lang, region], '_')];

                    if (utilx.isUndefined(lookup) && !utilx.isUndefined(script)) {
                        lookup = likelySubtags[utilx.arrayJoin([lang, script], '_')];

                    if (utilx.isUndefined(lookup)) {
                        if (!utilx.isUndefined(languages[canonicalizedLocale])) {
                            lookup = canonicalizedLocale;

                    if (utilx.isUndefined(lookup)) {
                        lookup = likelySubtags[lang];

                    if (utilx.isUndefined(lookup) && !utilx.isUndefined(script)) {
                        lookup = likelySubtags[utilx.arrayJoin(['und', script], '_')];

            if (utilx.isUndefined(lookup)) {
                lookup = '';

            return lookup;

         * Finds a loaded language from the given locale string.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {string} locale
         * @return {string}
        function languageLoaded(locale) {
            var loaded,

            if (!utilx.isEmptyString(locale)) {
                lang = minusToUnderscore(locale);
                if (!utilx.isUndefined(languages[lang])) {
                    loaded = lang;
                } else {
                    firstSplit = splitUnderscore(lookupLocale(locale));
                    lang = utilx.arrayJoin([utilx.arrayFirst(firstSplit), utilx.arrayLast(firstSplit)], '_');
                    if (!utilx.isUndefined(languages[lang])) {
                        loaded = lang;
                    } else {
                        lang = utilx.arrayFirst(firstSplit);
                        if (!utilx.isUndefined(languages[lang])) {
                            loaded = lang;
            } else {
                loaded = '';

            return loaded;

         * Gets the region part of a locale string.
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param {string} locale
         * @return {string}
        function getRegion(locale) {
            return utilx.arrayLast(splitUnderscore(locale));

         * Takes a date pattern of tokens and replaces those tokens with the appropriate CLDR translations.
         * @private
         * @see {@link}
         * @function
         * @param {object} struct
         * @param {string} pattern
         * @param {boolean} julian
         * @param {string} lang
         * @param {string} locale
         * @return {string}
        // struct should not be UTC but UT
        function formatDate(struct, pattern, julian, lang, locale) {
            var gregorian = languages[lang].dates.calendars.gregorian,
                dateFormats = gregorian.dateFormats,
                eras = gregorian.eras,
                standAlone = utilx.arrayLast(nameTypes),
                months = gregorian.months,
                monthsFormat = months.format,
                monthsStandAlone = months[standAlone],
                days = gregorian.days,
                daysFormat = days.format,
                daysStandAlone = days[standAlone],
                shortStr = utilx.arrayLast(formatTypes),
                weekDate = calendarToWeekDate(struct), // should use alternative CLDR
                dayKey = cldrDayKey(struct),

            if (utilx.arrayContains(formatTypes, pattern)) {
                switch (pattern) {
                case 'long':
                    calendarPattern = '\'(\'CCCC\')\'';
                case 'medium':
                    calendarPattern = '\'(\'C\')\'';
                case 'short':
                    calendarPattern = '\'(\'CCCCCC\')\'';
                    calendarPattern = '\'(\'CCCC\')\'';

                pattern = dateFormats[pattern];


            if (julian) {
                calendarType = 'julian';
            } else {
                calendarType = 'gregorian';

            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'CCCCC', calendarTypes[calendarType].narrow);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'CCCC', calendarTypes[calendarType].wide);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'C{1,3}', calendarTypes[calendarType].abbreviated);

            if ( {
                eraNum = 0;
            } else {
                eraNum = 1;

            eraNumStr = eraNum.toString();
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'GGGGG', eras.eraNarrow[eraNumStr]);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'GGGG', eras.eraNames[eraNumStr]);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'G{1,3}', eras.eraAbbr[eraNumStr]);

            year = - 1);
            if ( {
                yearSign = '-';
            } else {
                yearSign = '';

            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'y{3,}', year);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'yy', yearSign + year.toString().slice(-2));
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'y', year);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'U{1,}', year);

            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'u{1,}', struct.year);

            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'Y{1,}', weekDate.year);
            week = weekDate.week.toString();
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'w{1,2}', week);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'W', calendarToWeekOfMonth(struct));

            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'Q{1,2}', value);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'QQQ', value);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'QQQQ', value);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'q{1,2}', value);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'qqq', value);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'qqqq', value);

            month = struct.month.toString();
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'MMMMM', monthsFormat.narrow[month]);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'MMMM', monthsFormat.wide[month]);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'MMM', monthsFormat.abbreviated[month]);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'M{1,2}', month);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'LLLLL', monthsStandAlone.narrow[month]);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'LLLL', monthsStandAlone.wide[month]);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'LLL', monthsStandAlone.abbreviated[month]);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'L{1,2}', month);

            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'd{1,2}',;
            if (julian) {
                dayOfYear = dayOfJulianYear(gregorianToJulian(struct));
            } else {
                dayOfYear = dayOfGregorianYear(struct);

            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'D{1,3}', dayOfYear);

            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'F', weekDayOfMonth(struct));
            if (julian) {
                mjd = julianToMJD(toUT(struct));
            } else {
                mjd = gregorianToMJD(toUT(struct));

            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'g{1,}', mjd);

            dayStr = daysFormat[shortStr][dayKey];
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'EEEEEE', dayStr);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'eeeeee', dayStr);
            dayStr = daysFormat.narrow[dayKey];
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'EEEEE', dayStr);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'eeeee', dayStr);
            dayStr = daysFormat.wide[dayKey];
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'EEEE', dayStr);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'eeee', dayStr);
            dayStr = daysFormat.abbreviated[dayKey];
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'EEE', dayStr);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'eee', dayStr);

            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'E{1,2}', weekDate.weekDay);

            dayOfWeekLocaleNumber = utilx.mod(1 +
                (7 - utilx.arrayIndexOf(dayKeys, supplemental.weekData.firstDay[getRegion(locale)]) +
                    utilx.arrayIndexOf(dayKeys, dayKey)), 7);

            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'e{1,2}', dayOfWeekLocaleNumber);

            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'cccccc', daysStandAlone[shortStr][dayKey]);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'ccccc', daysStandAlone.narrow[dayKey]);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'cccc', daysStandAlone.wide[dayKey]);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'ccc', daysStandAlone.abbreviated[dayKey]);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'c{1,2}', dayOfWeekLocaleNumber);

            return pattern;

         * Formats ISO timezone tokens with the appropriate CLDR translations.
         * @private
         * @see {@link}
         * @function
         * @param {object} struct
         * @param {string} lang
         * @param {boolean} withZ
         * @param {string} format
         * @param {boolean} optional
         * @return {string}
        // ISO 8601 time zone formats.
        function formatIsoTimeZone(struct, lang, withZ, format, optional) {
            var timeZoneNames = languages[lang].dates.timeZoneNames,
                offsetFormats = utilx.stringSplit(timeZoneNames.hourFormat, ';'),

            if (withZ && struct.offset.isZero()) {
                pattern = 'Z';
            } else {
                offset = fractionToTime(struct.offset.abs(), 'second');
                if (struct.offset.lte(0)) {
                    offsetFormat = utilx.arrayFirst(offsetFormats);
                } else {
                    offsetFormat = utilx.arrayLast(offsetFormats);

                offsetFormat = offsetFormat.replace(/([\-+])H:/i, '$1HH:');
                if (utilx.strictEqual(format, 'basic')) {
                    if (utilx.strictEqual(optional, true) && offset.minute.isZero()) {
                        offsetFormat = utilx.arrayFirst(utilx.stringSplit(offsetFormat, ':'));
                    } else {
                        offsetFormat = offsetFormat.replace(':', '');

                pattern = replaceToken(offsetFormat, 'H{1,2}', offset.hour);
                pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'm{1,2}', offset.minute);
                if (hasRemainingTokens(pattern)) {
                    throw new Error('formatIsoTimeZone has remaining tokens! ' + remainingTokens(pattern));

            return stripSingleQuotes(pattern);

         * Formats ISO timezone tokens with the appropriate CLDR translations.
         * @private
         * @see {@link}
         * @function
         * @param {object} struct
         * @param {string} lang
         * @param {boolean} withZ
         * @param {string} format
         * @param {boolean} optional
         * @return {string}
        // ISO 8601 time zone formats.
        function formatIsoTimeZoneSeconds(struct, lang, withZ, format, optional) {
            var timeZoneNames = languages[lang].dates.timeZoneNames,
                offsetFormats = utilx.stringSplit(timeZoneNames.hourFormat, ';'),

            if (withZ && struct.offset.isZero()) {
                pattern = 'Z';
            } else {
                offset = fractionToTime(struct.offset.abs(), 'second');
                if (struct.offset.lte(0)) {
                    offsetFormat = utilx.arrayFirst(offsetFormats);
                } else {
                    offsetFormat = utilx.arrayLast(offsetFormats);

                offsetFormat = offsetFormat.replace(/([\-+])H:/i, '$1HH:') + ':ss';
                if (utilx.strictEqual(format, 'basic')) {
                    if (utilx.strictEqual(optional, true) && offset.second.isZero()) {
                        offsetFormat = utilx.stringSplit(offsetFormat, ':');
                        offsetFormat = utilx.arrayJoin(offsetFormat, '');
                    } else {
                        offsetFormat = offsetFormat.replace(':', '');

                pattern = replaceToken(offsetFormat, 'H{1,2}', offset.hour);
                pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'm{1,2}', offset.minute);
                pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 's{1,2}', offset.second);
                if (hasRemainingTokens(pattern)) {
                    throw new Error('formatIsoTimeZone has remaining tokens! ' + remainingTokens(pattern));

            return stripSingleQuotes(pattern);

         * Formats localized GMT timezone tokens with the appropriate CLDR translations.
         * @private
         * @see {@link}
         * @function
         * @param {object} struct
         * @param {string} lang
         * @param {boolean} requestedShort
         * @return {string}
        // The localized GMT format.
        function formatLocalisedGMT(struct, lang, requestedShort) {
            var timeZoneNames = languages[lang].dates.timeZoneNames,
                offsetFormats = utilx.stringSplit(timeZoneNames.hourFormat, ';'),

            if (struct.offset.isZero()) {
                pattern = timeZoneNames.gmtZeroFormat;
            } else {
                offset = fractionToTime(struct.offset.abs(), 'second');
                if (struct.offset.lte(0)) {
                    offsetFormat = utilx.arrayFirst(offsetFormats);
                } else {
                    offsetFormat = utilx.arrayLast(offsetFormats);

                if (utilx.strictEqual(requestedShort, true)) {
                    offsetFormat = offsetFormat.replace('HH', 'H');
                } else {
                    offsetFormat = offsetFormat.replace(/([\-+])H:/i, '$1HH:');

                if (requestedShort && offset.minute.isZero()) {
                    offsetFormat = utilx.arrayFirst(utilx.stringSplit(offsetFormat, ':'));

                pattern = replaceToken(offsetFormat, 'H{1,2}', offset.hour);
                pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'm{1,2}', offset.minute);
                if (hasRemainingTokens(pattern)) {
                    throw new Error('formatLocalisedGMT has remaining tokens! ' + remainingTokens(pattern));

                pattern = replaceToken(timeZoneNames.gmtFormat, '{0}', pattern);

            return stripSingleQuotes(pattern);

         * Takes a time pattern of tokens and replaces those tokens with the appropriate CLDR translations.
         * @private
         * @see {@link}
         * @function
         * @param {object} struct
         * @param {string} pattern
         * @param {string} lang
         * @return {string}
        // struct should not be UTC but UT
        function formatTime(struct, pattern, lang) {
            var language = languages[lang],
                gregorian = language.dates.calendars.gregorian,

            if (utilx.arrayContains(formatTypes, pattern)) {
                pattern = gregorian.timeFormats[pattern];

            if (struct.hour.inRange(12, 23)) {
                dayPeriod = 'pm';
            } else {
                dayPeriod = 'am';

            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'a', gregorian.dayPeriods.format.abbreviated[dayPeriod]);
            hour =;
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'h{1,2}', hour);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'H{1,2}', struct.hour);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'K{1,2}', hour.minus(1));

            // if hour is 24, needs to be handled in date too
            //temp = new AstroDate().jd(new AstroDate().jd());
            //pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'k{1,2}',;

            //pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'j{1,2}', struct.hour);

            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'm{1,2}', struct.minute);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 's{1,2}', struct.second);
            // needs fixing
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'S{1,}', struct.millisecond);

            //pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'A{1,}', value);

            // The short localized GMT format.
            shortLocalisedGMT = formatLocalisedGMT(struct, lang, true);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'O', shortLocalisedGMT);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'z{1,3}', shortLocalisedGMT);
            // The long localized GMT format.
            longLocalisedGMT = formatLocalisedGMT(struct, lang, false);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'OOOO', longLocalisedGMT);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'zzzz', longLocalisedGMT);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'ZZZZ', longLocalisedGMT);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'vvvv', longLocalisedGMT);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'v', longLocalisedGMT);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'VVVV', longLocalisedGMT);
            // The ISO8601 basic format short
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'X', formatIsoTimeZone(struct, lang, true, 'basic', true));
            // The ISO8601 basic format short no Z
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'x', formatIsoTimeZone(struct, lang, false, 'basic', true));
            // The ISO8601 basic format
            isoBasic = formatIsoTimeZone(struct, lang, true, 'basic', false);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'Z{1,3}', isoBasic);
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'XX', isoBasic);
            // The ISO8601 basic format no Z
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'xx', formatIsoTimeZone(struct, lang, false, 'basic', false));
            //The ISO8601 extended format
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'XXX', formatIsoTimeZone(struct, lang, true, 'extended', false));
            //The ISO8601 extended format no Z
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'xxx', formatIsoTimeZone(struct, lang, false, 'extended', false));
            // The ISO8601 basic format optional seconds
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'XXXX', formatIsoTimeZone(struct, lang, true, 'basic', true));
            // The ISO8601 basic format no Z optional seconds
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'xxxx', formatIsoTimeZoneSeconds(struct, lang, false, 'basic', true));
            //The ISO8601 extended format optional seconds
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'XXXXX', formatIsoTimeZoneSeconds(struct, lang, true, 'extended', true));
            //The ISO8601 extended format no Z optional seconds
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'xxxxx', formatIsoTimeZoneSeconds(struct, lang, false, 'extended', true));
            //The ISO8601 extended format optional seconds
            pattern = replaceToken(pattern, 'ZZZZZ', formatIsoTimeZoneSeconds(struct, lang, true, 'extended', true));

            return pattern;

         * @constructor AstroDate
         * @classdesc This is what becomes exported or made global.
         * @this AstroDate
         * @param {...*} [arguments]
         * @return {AstroDate}
         * @desc Used to create a new instance of a date.
         * <pre><code>
         * new AstroDate();
         * new AstroDate(value);
         * new AstroDate(dateString);
         * new AstroDate(dateObject);
         * new AstroDate(astroDateObject);
         * new AstroDate(year[, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, offset][, options]);
         * </code></pre>
         * <ul>
         * <li><b>value</b><br>
         * Integer value representing the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC (Unix Epoch).</li>
         * <li><b>dateString</b><br>
         * String value representing a date. The string must be in the format of ISO8601.</li>
         * <li><b>dateObject</b><br>
         * A Javascript Date object.</li>
         * <li><b>astroDateObject</b><br>
         * An AstroDate object.</li>
         * <li><b>year</b><br>
         * Integer or string value representing the year. The year must always be provided in full
         * (e.g. 98 is treated as 98, not 1998).</li>
         * <li><b>month</b><br>
         * Integer or string value representing the month, beginning with 0 for January to 11 for December.</li>
         * <li><b>day</b><br>
         * Integer or string value representing the day of the month.</li>
         * <li><b>hour</b><br>
         * Integer or string value representing the hour of the day.</li>
         * <li><b>minute</b><br>
         * Integer or string value representing the minute segment of a time.</li>
         * <li><b>second</b><br>
         * Integer or string value representing the second segment of a time.</li>
         * <li><b>millisecond</b><br>
         * Integer or string value representing the millisecond segment of a time.</li>
         * <li><b>offset</b><br>
         * Integer or string value representing the offset from UT in seconds.</li>
         * <li><b>options</b><br>
         * null or object Must be used when only year is specified. Allows date to be specified in
         * Julian Calender (more/changes coming). </li>
         * </ul>
         * @example <caption>Example usage of constructor.</caption>
         * // If no arguments are provided, the constructor creates an AstroDate object for the
         * // current date and time according to system settings.
         * new AstroDate();
         * // Integer value representing the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC (Unix Epoch).
         * // -9,007,199,254,740,992 to 9,007,199,254,740,992 or NaN
         * new AstroDate(819170640000); //1995-12-17T03:24:00.000Z
         * new AstroDate(NaN); //Invalid Date
         * // String value representing a date. The string must be in the format of ISO8601.
         * new AstroDate('1995-12-17T03:24:00.000Z');
         * // A Javascript Date object.
         * new AstroDate(new Date(1995, 12, 17, 3, 24, 0, 0));
         * // An AstroDate object.
         * new AstroDate(new AstroDate(1995, 12, 17, 3, 24, 0, 0, 3600)); // offset is same as '-01:00:00'
         * // Using an arguments list.
         * new AstroDate(1995, null);
         * new AstroDate(1995, {offset: -3600}); // offset is same as '+01:00:00'
         * new AstroDate(55, {julian: true, offset: -3600});
         * // year 55 of the Julian Calendar, offset is same as '+01:00:00'
         * new AstroDate(1995, 12, 17, 3, 24, 0, 0, -3600); // offset is same as '+01:00:00'
         * new AstroDate('1995', '12', '17', '3', '24', '0', '0', '-5400'); // offset is same as '+01:30:00'
         * new AstroDate('1995', '12', '17', '3', '24', '0', '0', '+01:30:00'); // offset is same as -5400
         * new AstroDate('-10', '5', '7', {julian: true}); // year -10 of the Julian Calendar
        function AstroDate() {
            var args = utilx.arraySlice(arguments),
                input = arguments,
                argsLength = args.length,
                isJulian = false,
                isUT = false,
                isTT = false,
                isLocal = false,
                error = null,
                delta = 0,
                 * The current language of the AstroDate instance.
                 * @private
                 * @type {string}
                currentLanguage = defaultLanguage,
                 * The current locale of the AstroDate instance.
                 * @private
                 * @type {string}
                currentLocale = defaultLocale,

            utilx.objectDefineProperties(this, {
                 * Gets the value of a specific internal property.
                 * @readonly
                 * @protected
                 * @memberOf AstroDate
                 * @instance
                 * @function
                 * @param {*} key
                 * @return {*}
                getter: {
                    value: function (key) {
                        var got;

                        if (utilx.isUndefined(key)) {
                            got = utilx.extend({}, struct);
                        } else if (utilx.isString(key)) {
                            switch (key) {
                            case 'struct':
                                got = utilx.extend({}, struct);
                            case 'isJulian':
                                got = isJulian;
                            case 'isUT':
                                got = isUT;
                            case 'isTT':
                                got = isTT;
                            case 'DT':
                                got = delta;
                            case 'isLocal':
                                got = isLocal;
                            case 'args':
                                got = args;
                            case 'input':
                                got = input;
                            case 'error':
                                got = error;
                            case 'lang':
                                got = currentLanguage;
                            case 'locale':
                                got = currentLocale;
                                throw new SyntaxError(key);
                        } else {
                            throw new TypeError(key);

                        return got;
                    enumerable: false,
                    writable: true,
                    configurable: true

                 * Sets the value of a specific internal property.
                 * @protected
                 * @instance
                 * @memberOf AstroDate
                 * @function
                 * @param {*} key
                 * @param {*} value
                 * @return {AstroDate}
                 * @this AstroDate
                setter: {
                    value: function (key, value) {
                        var unit = normaliseUnits(key),
                            valid = false,

                        if (unit) {
                            bn = new BigNumber(value);
                            switch (unit) {
                            case 'year':
                                valid = inYearRange(bn);
                            case 'month':
                                valid = inMonthRange(bn);
                            case 'day':
                                if (utilx.strictEqual(isJulian, true)) {
                                    dim = daysInJulianMonth(struct);
                                } else {
                                    dim = daysInGregorianMonth(struct);

                                valid = inDayRange(bn, dim);
                            case 'hour':
                                valid = inHourRange(bn);
                            case 'minute':
                                valid = inMinuteRange(bn, struct.hour);
                            case 'second':
                                valid = inSecondRange(bn, struct);
                            case 'millisecond':
                                valid = inMillisecondRange(bn, struct.hour);
                            case 'offset':
                                valid = inOffsetRange(bn);
                                throw new Error(unit);

                            if (valid) {
                                struct[unit] = bn;
                            } else {
                                struct = {};
                        } else if (utilx.arrayIsArray(key)) {
                            struct = arrayToStruct(key, false);
                        } else if (AstroDate.isAstroDate(key)) {
                            struct = key.getter();
                            isJulian = key.isJulian();
                        } else if (utilx.isDate(key)) {
                            struct = dateToStruct(key);
                        } else if (utilx.isString(key)) {
                            switch (key) {
                            case 'input':
                                input = value;
                            case 'error':
                                error = value;
                            case 'struct':
                                if (isValid(value)) {
                                    struct = utilx.extend({}, value);
                                } else {
                                    struct = {};

                            case 'isJulian':
                                isJulian = utilx.toBoolean(value);
                            case 'isUT':
                                isUT = utilx.toBoolean(value);
                            case 'isTT':
                                isTT = utilx.toBoolean(value);
                            case 'DT':
                                delta = utilx.mathSign(value) || 0;
                            case 'isLocal':
                                isLocal = utilx.toBoolean(value);
                            case 'lang':
                                if (utilx.isString(value) && !utilx.isEmptyString(value)) {
                                    currentLanguage = value;
                                } else {
                                    currentLanguage = defaultLanguage;
                                    currentLocale = defaultLocale;

                            case 'locale':
                                if (utilx.isString(value) && !utilx.isEmptyString(value)) {
                                    currentLocale = lookupLocale(value);
                                } else {
                                    currentLanguage = defaultLanguage;
                                    currentLocale = defaultLocale;

                                struct = isoParse(key);
                        } else {
                            throw new SyntaxError(key);

                        return this;
                    enumerable: false,
                    writable: true,
                    configurable: true

            length = argsLength;
            if (utilx.strictEqual(length, 0)) {
                struct = dateToStruct(new Date());
            } else if (utilx.strictEqual(length, 1)) {
                arg = utilx.arrayFirst(args);
                if (AstroDate.isAstroDate(arg)) {
                    isJulian = arg.getter('isJulian');
                    struct = utilx.extend({}, arg.getter());
                } else if (utilx.isDate(arg)) {
                    struct = dateToStruct(arg);
                } else if (utilx.isNumber(arg)) {
                    struct = dateToStruct(new Date(arg));
                } else if (utilx.isString(arg)) {
                    struct = isoParse(arg);
                } else {
                    throw new TypeError(arg);
            } else {
                arg = utilx.arrayLast(args);
                opts = normaliseOptions(arg);
                if (utilx.isNull(arg) || utilx.isPlainObject(arg)) {
                    if (opts.Julian) {
                        isJulian = true;

                    struct = arrayToStruct(utilx.arraySlice(args, 0, -1), isJulian);
                    if (isJulian) {
                        struct = julianToGregorian(struct);
                } else {
                    struct = arrayToStruct(utilx.arraySlice(args, 0, args.length), isJulian);

                if (utilx.isUndefined(args[8]) && !utilx.isUndefined(opts.offset)) {
                    struct.offset = bnOffset(opts.offset);

            if (!isValid(struct)) {
                struct = {};

        utilx.objectDefineProperties(AstroDate.prototype, {
            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            julian: {
                value: function () {
                    return this.setter('isJulian', true);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            gregorian: {
                value: function () {
                    return this.setter('isJulian', false);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {AstroDate}
             * @this AstroDate
            local: {
                value: function () {
                    this.setter('isLocal', true);
                    this.setter('isUT', false);

                    return this;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {AstroDate}
             * @this AstroDate
            UT: {
                value: function () {
                    this.setter('isLocal', false);
                    this.setter('isUT', true);

                    return this;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            TT: {
                value: function () {
                    return this.setter('isTT', true);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            UT2TT: {
                value: function () {
                    return this.setter('DT', -1);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            TT2UT: {
                value: function () {
                    return this.setter('DT', 1);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            civil: {
                value: function () {
                    return this.setter('isTT', false);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {AstroDate}
             * @this AstroDate
            raw: {
                value: function () {
                    this.setter('isLocal', false);
                    this.setter('isUT', false);
                    this.setter('isTT', false);
                    this.setter('DT', 0);

                    return this;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            isJulian: {
                value: function () {
                    return this.getter('isJulian');
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            isGregorian: {
                value: function () {
                    return !this.getter('isJulian');
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            isUT: {
                value: function () {
                    return this.getter('isUT');
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            isTT: {
                value: function () {
                    return this.getter('isTT');
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            isUT2TT: {
                value: function () {
                    return utilx.strictEqual(this.getter('DT'), -1);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            isTT2UT: {
                value: function () {
                    return utilx.strictEqual(this.getter('DT'), 1);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            isDT: {
                value: function () {
                    return !utilx.strictEqual(this.getter('DT'), 0);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            isCivil: {
                value: function () {
                    return !this.getter('isTT');
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            isLocal: {
                value: function () {
                    return this.getter('isLocal');
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            isRaw: {
                value: function () {
                    return !this.getter('isUT') && !this.getter('isTT') && this.getter('isLocal');
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {string}
             * @this AstroDate
            currentLang: {
                value: function () {
                    return this.getter('lang');
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @this AstroDate
            isWeekDay: {
                value: function () {
                    var val;

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        val = weekDayNumber(getCorrectStruct(this, this.getter())).inRange(1, 5);

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @this AstroDate
            isWeekend: {
                value: function () {
                    var val;

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        val = weekDayNumber(getCorrectStruct(this, this.getter())).inRange(6, 7);

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @this AstroDate
            zone: {
                value: function () {
                    var val;

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        val = getCorrectStruct(this, this.getter()).offset.toString();

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {boolean}
             * @this AstroDate
            isValid: {
                value: function () {
                    return isValid(this.getter());
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @param {string} isoString
             * @this AstroDate
            parse: {
                value: function (isoString) {
                    var val;

                    if (utilx.isString(isoString)) {
                        val = this.setter('struct', isoParse(isoString));
                    } else {
                        throw new TypeError(isoString);

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @param {string} pattern
             * @this AstroDate
             * @desc
             * <p>Date and time formats are specified by <em>date and time pattern</em> strings.
             * Within date and time pattern strings, all unquoted ASCII letters [A-Za-z] are reserved as
             * pattern letters representing calendar fields.
             * <code>astrodate</code> supports the date and time formatting algorithm and pattern letters defined by
             * <a href="">UTS#35 Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML)</a>.
             * The following pattern letters are currently available:</p>
             * <table border="1">
             * <thead>
             * <tr>
             * <th>Field</th>
             * <th style="text-align: center">Sym.</th>
             * <th style="text-align: center">No.</th>
             * <th>Example</th>
             * <th>Description</th>
             * </tr>
             * </thead>
             * <tbody>
             * <tr>
             * <th rowspan="3">era</th>
             * <td style="text-align: center" rowspan="3">G</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..3</td>
             * <td>AD</td>
             * <td rowspan="3">Era - Replaced with the Era string for the current date.
             * One to three letters for the abbreviated form,
             * four letters for the long form, five for the narrow form.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>Anno Domini</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
             * <td>A</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <th rowspan="6">year</th>
             * <td style="text-align: center">y</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..n</td>
             * <td>1996</td>
             * <td>
             * Year. Normally the length specifies the padding,
             * but for two letters it also specifies the maximum length.
             * Example:
             * <div align="center">
             * <center>
             * <table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
             * <tbody>
             * <tr>
             * <th>Year</th>
             * <th style="text-align: right">y</th>
             * <th style="text-align: right">yy</th>
             * <th style="text-align: right">yyy</th>
             * <th style="text-align: right">yyyy</th>
             * <th style="text-align: right">yyyyy</th>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td>AD 1</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">1</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">01</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">001</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">0001</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">00001</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td>AD 12</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">12</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">12</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">012</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">0012</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">00012</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td>AD 123</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">123</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">23</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">123</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">0123</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">00123</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td>AD 1234</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">1234</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">34</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">1234</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">1234</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">01234</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td>AD 12345</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">12345</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">45</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">12345</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">12345</td>
             * <td style="text-align: right">12345</td>
             * </tr>
             * </tbody>
             * </table>
             * </center>
             * </div>
             * </td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">Y</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..n</td>
             * <td>1997</td>
             * <td>Year (in "Week of Year" based calendars). Normally the length specifies the padding,
             * but for two letters it also specifies the maximum length.
             * This year designation is used in ISO year-week calendar as defined by ISO 8601,
             * but can be used in non-Gregorian based calendar systems where week date processing is desired.
             * May not always be the same value as calendar year.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">u</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..n</td>
             * <td>4601</td>
             * <td>Extended year. This is a single number designating the year of this calendar system,
             * encompassing all supra-year fields.
             * For example, for the Julian calendar system, year numbers are positive, with an era of BCE or CE.
             * An extended year value for the Julian calendar system assigns positive values to CE years and
             * negative values to BCE years, with 1 BCE being year 0.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center" rowspan="3">U</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..3</td>
             * <td>&#x7532;&#x5B50;</td>
             * <td rowspan="3">Cyclic year name. Calendars such as the Chinese lunar calendar (and related calendars)
             * and the Hindu calendars use 60-year cycles of year names.
             * Use one through three letters for the abbreviated name,
             * four for the full name, or five for the narrow name
             * (currently the data only provides abbreviated names,
             * which will be used for all requested name widths).
             * If the calendar does not provide cyclic year name data,
             * or if the year value to be formatted is out of the range
             * of years for which cyclic name data is provided, then numeric formatting is used (behaves like 'y').</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>(currently also &#x7532;&#x5B50;)</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
             * <td>(currently also &#x7532;&#x5B50;)</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <th rowspan="6">quarter</th>
             * <td rowspan="3" style="text-align: center">Q</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
             * <td>02</td>
             * <td rowspan="3">Quarter - Use one or two for the numerical quarter, three for the abbreviation,
             * or four for the full name.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
             * <td>Q2</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>2nd quarter</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td rowspan="3" style="text-align: center">q</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
             * <td>02</td>
             * <td rowspan="3"><b>Stand-Alone</b> Quarter - Use one or two for the numerical quarter,
             * three for the abbreviation, or four for the full name.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
             * <td>Q2</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>2nd quarter</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <th rowspan="8">month</th>
             * <td rowspan="4" style="text-align: center">M</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
             * <td>09</td>
             * <td rowspan="4">Month - Use one or two for the numerical month, three for the abbreviation,
             * four for the full name, or five for the narrow name.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
             * <td>Sept</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>September</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
             * <td>S</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td rowspan="4" style="text-align: center">L</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
             * <td>09</td>
             * <td rowspan="4"><b>Stand-Alone</b> Month - Use one or two for the numerical month,
             * three for the abbreviation, or four for the full name, or 5 for the narrow name.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
             * <td>Sept</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>September</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
             * <td>S</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <th rowspan="2">week</th>
             * <td style="text-align: center">w</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
             * <td>27</td>
             * <td>Week of Year.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">W</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
             * <td>3</td>
             * <td>Week of Month. From 0..5. The first week of the month is the first week that contains a Thursday.
             * This is based on the ICU definition of week of month, and correlates to the ISO8601 week of year
             * definition. A day in the week before the week with the first Thursday will be week 0.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <th rowspan="4">day</th>
             * <td style="text-align: center">d</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
             * <td>1</td>
             * <td>Date - Day of the month</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">D</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..3</td>
             * <td>345</td>
             * <td>Day of year</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">F</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
             * <td>2</td>
             * <td>Day of Week in Month. The example is for the 2nd Wed in July</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">g</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..n</td>
             * <td>2451334</td>
             * <td>Modified Julian day. This is different from the conventional Julian day number in two regards.
             * First, it demarcates days at local zone midnight, rather than noon GMT.
             * Second, it is a local number; that is, it depends on the local time zone.
             * It can be thought of as a single number that encompasses all the date-related fields.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <th rowspan="15">week<br>
             * day</th>
             * <td rowspan="5" style="text-align: center">E</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
             * <td>2</td>
             * <td rowspan="5">Day of week - Use one through two for ISO number, or three for the short day,
             * or four for the full name, five for the narrow name, or six for the short name.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
             * <td>Tue</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>Tuesday</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
             * <td>T</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">6</td>
             * <td>Tu</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td rowspan="5" style="text-align: center">e</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
             * <td>2</td>
             * <td rowspan="5">Local day of week. Same as E except adds a numeric value that will depend on the
             * local starting day of the week, using one or two letters. For this example,
             * Monday is the first day of the week.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
             * <td>Tue</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>Tuesday</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
             * <td>T</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">6</td>
             * <td>Tu</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td rowspan="5" style="text-align: center">c</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
             * <td>2</td>
             * <td rowspan="5"><b>Stand-Alone</b> local day of week - Use one or two letters for the local numeric value
             * (same as 'e'), three for the short day, four for the full name, five for the narrow name,
             * or six for the short name.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
             * <td>Tue</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>Tuesday</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
             * <td>T</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">6</td>
             * <td>Tu</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <th>period</th>
             * <td style="text-align: center">a</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
             * <td>AM</td>
             * <td>AM or PM</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <th rowspan="4">hour</th>
             * <td style="text-align: center">h</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
             * <td>11</td>
             * <td>Hour [1-12]. When used in skeleton data or in a skeleton passed in an API
             * for flexible data pattern generation,
             * it should match the 12-hour-cycle format preferred by the locale (h or K);
             * it should not match a 24-hour-cycle format (H or k). Use hh for zero padding.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">H</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
             * <td>13</td>
             * <td>Hour [0-23]. When used in skeleton data or in a skeleton passed in an API
             * for flexible data pattern generation,
             * it should match the 24-hour-cycle format preferred by the locale (H or k);
             * it should not match a 12-hour-cycle format (h or K). Use HH for zero padding.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">K</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
             * <td>0</td>
             * <td>Hour [0-11]. When used in a skeleton, only matches K or h, see above. Use KK for zero padding.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">k</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
             * <td>24</td>
             * <td>Hour [1-24]. When used in a skeleton, only matches k or H, see above. Use kk for zero padding.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <th>minute</th>
             * <td style="text-align: center">m</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
             * <td>59</td>
             * <td>Minute. Use one or two for zero padding.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <th rowspan="3">second</th>
             * <td style="text-align: center">s</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
             * <td>12</td>
             * <td>Second. Use one or two for zero padding.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">S</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..n</td>
             * <td>3456</td>
             * <td>Fractional Second - truncates (like other time fields) to the count of letters.
             * (example shows display using pattern SSSS for seconds value 12.34567)</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">A</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..n</td>
             * <td>69540000</td>
             * <td>Milliseconds in day. This field behaves <i>exactly</i> like a composite of all time-related fields,
             * not including the zone fields. As such, it also reflects discontinuities
             * of those fields on DST transition days.
             * On a day of DST onset, it will jump forward. On a day of DST cessation, it will jump backward.
             * This reflects the fact that is must be combined with the offset field
             * to obtain a unique local time value.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <th rowspan="23">zone</th>
             * <td rowspan="2" style="text-align: center">z</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..3</td>
             * <td>PDT</td>
             * <td>The <i>short specific non-location format</i>. Where that is unavailable, falls back to the
             * <i>short localized GMT format</i> ("O").</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>Pacific Daylight Time</td>
             * <td>The <i>long specific non-location format</i>. Where that is unavailable, falls back to the
             * <i>long localized GMT format</i> ("OOOO").</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td rowspan="3" style="text-align: center">Z</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1..3</td>
             * <td>-0800</td>
             * <td>The <i>ISO8601 basic format</i> with hours, minutes and optional seconds fields.
             * The format is equivalent to RFC 822 zone format (when optional seconds field is absent).
             * This is equivalent to the "xxxx" specifier.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>GMT-8:00</td>
             * <td>The <i>long localized GMT format</i>. This is equivalent to the "OOOO" specifier.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
             * <td>-08:00<br>
             * -07:52:58</td>
             * <td>The <i>ISO8601 extended format</i> with hours, minutes and optional seconds fields.
             * The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when local time offset is 0.
             * This is equivalent to the "XXXXX" specifier.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td rowspan="2" style="text-align: center">O</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
             * <td>GMT-8</td>
             * <td>The <i>short localized GMT format</i>.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>GMT-08:00</td>
             * <td>The <i>long localized GMT format</i>.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td rowspan="2" style="text-align: center">v</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
             * <td>PT</td>
             * <td>The <i>short generic non-location format</i>. Where that is unavailable, falls back to the
             * <i>generic location format</i> ("VVVV"),
             * then the <i>short localized GMT format</i> as the final fallback.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>Pacific Time</td>
             * <td>The <i>long generic non-location format</i>. Where that is unavailable, falls back to
             * <i>generic location format</i> ("VVVV").</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td rowspan="4" style="text-align: center">V</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
             * <td>uslax</td>
             * <td><b>NOT SUPPORTED!</b> The short time zone ID. Where that is unavailable,
             * the special short time zone ID <i>unk</i> (Unknown Zone) is used.<br>
             * <i><b>Note</b>: This specifier was originally used for a variant of the short specific
             * non-location format,
             * but it was deprecated in the later version of the LDML specification. In CLDR 23/ICU 51,
             * the definition of the specifier was changed to designate a short time zone ID.</i></td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">2</td>
             * <td>America/Los_Angeles</td>
             * <td><b>NOT SUPPORTED!</b> The long time zone ID.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
             * <td>Los Angeles</td>
             * <td><b>NOT SUPPORTED!</b> The exemplar city (location) for the time zone. Where that is unavailable,
             * the localized exemplar city name for the special zone <i>Etc/Unknown</i> is used as the fallback
             * (for example, "Unknown City").</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>Los Angeles Time</td>
             * <td>The <i>generic location format</i>. Where that is unavailable, falls back to the
             * <i>long localized GMT format</i> ("OOOO"; Note: Fallback is only necessary with a GMT-style Time Zone ID,
             * like Etc/GMT-830.)<br>
             * This is especially useful when presenting possible timezone choices for user selection,
             * since the naming is more uniform than the "v" format.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td rowspan="5" style="text-align: center">X</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
             * <td>-08<br>
             * +0530<br>
             * Z</td>
             * <td>The <i>ISO8601 basic format</i> with hours field and optional minutes field.
             * The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when local time offset is 0.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">2</td>
             * <td>-0800<br>
             * Z</td>
             * <td>The <i>ISO8601 basic format</i> with hours and minutes fields.
             * The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when local time offset is 0.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
             * <td>-08:00<br>
             * Z</td>
             * <td>The <i>ISO8601 extended format</i> with hours and minutes fields.
             * The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when local time offset is 0.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>-0800<br>
             * -075258<br>
             * Z</td>
             * <td>The <i>ISO8601 basic format</i> with hours, minutes and optional seconds fields.
             * (Note: The seconds field is not supported by the ISO8601 specification.)
             * The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when local time offset is 0.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
             * <td>-08:00<br>
             * -07:52:58<br>
             * Z</td>
             * <td>The <i>ISO8601 extended format</i> with hours, minutes and optional seconds fields.
             * (Note: The seconds field is not supported by the ISO8601 specification.)
             * The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when local time offset is 0.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td rowspan="5" style="text-align: center">x</td>
             * <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
             * <td>-08<br>
             * +0530</td>
             * <td>The <i>ISO8601 basic format</i> with hours field and optional minutes field.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">2</td>
             * <td>-0800</td>
             * <td>The <i>ISO8601 basic format</i> with hours and minutes fields.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
             * <td>-08:00</td>
             * <td>The <i>ISO8601 extended format</i> with hours and minutes fields.</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
             * <td>-0800<br>
             * -075258</td>
             * <td>The <i>ISO8601 basic format</i> with hours, minutes and optional seconds fields.
             * (Note: The seconds field is not supported by the ISO8601 specification.)</td>
             * </tr>
             * <tr>
             * <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
             * <td>-08:00<br>
             * -07:52:58</td>
             * <td>The <i>ISO8601 extended format</i> with hours, minutes and optional seconds fields.
             * (Note: The seconds field is not supported by the ISO8601 specification.)</td>
             * </tr>
             * </tbody>
             * </table>
             * <p>Any characters in the pattern that are not in the ranges of ['a'..'z'] and ['A'..'Z']
             * will be treated as quoted text. For instance, characters like ':', '.', ' ', '#' and '@'
             * will appear in the resulting time text even they are not embraced within single quotes.</p>
             * <p>A pattern containing any invalid pattern letter will result in a
             * thrown exception during formatting.</p>
            format: {
                value: function (pattern) {
                    var struct,

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        lang = this.currentLang();
                        if (!utilx.isString(lang) || utilx.isEmptyString(lang) || !utilx.isPlainObject(languages[lang])) {

                            if (!utilx.isString(defaultLanguage) || utilx.isEmptyString(defaultLanguage) || !utilx.isPlainObject(languages[defaultLanguage])) {

                                throw new Error('Language not loaded!');

                            lang = defaultLanguage;

                        isJulian = this.isJulian();
                        if (isJulian) {
                            struct = jdToJulian(this.jd());
                        } else {
                            struct = this.getter();

                        struct = getCorrectStruct(this, struct);
                        dateTimeFormats = languages[lang].dates.calendars.gregorian.dateTimeFormats;
                        if (!utilx.isString(pattern) || utilx.isEmptyString(pattern)) {
                            pattern = utilx.arrayFirst(formatTypes);

                        if (utilx.arrayContains(utilx.objectKeys(dateTimeFormats), pattern)) {
                            dateTimeFormat = dateTimeFormats[pattern];
                            dateTimeFormat = replaceToken(dateTimeFormat, '{1}',
                                formatDate(struct, pattern, isJulian, lang, this.locale()));
                            dateTimeFormat = replaceToken(dateTimeFormat, '{0}', formatTime(struct, pattern, lang));
                        } else {
                            dateTimeFormat = formatDate(struct, pattern, isJulian, lang, this.locale());
                            dateTimeFormat = formatTime(struct, dateTimeFormat, lang);

                        if (hasRemainingTokens(dateTimeFormat)) {
                            throw new Error('Pattern has remaining tokens!: ' + remainingTokens(dateTimeFormat));

                        string = stripSingleQuotes(dateTimeFormat);
                    } else {
                        string = 'Invalid Date';

                    return string;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @param {string} [pattern]
             * @return {string}
             * @this AstroDate
            toString: {
                value: function (pattern) {
                    if (!utilx.isString(pattern) || utilx.isEmptyString(pattern) || !utilx.arrayContains(formatTypes, pattern)) {

                        pattern = utilx.arrayFirst(formatTypes);

                    return this.format(pattern);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @param {string} [pattern]
             * @return {string}
             * @this AstroDate
            toDateString: {
                value: function (pattern) {
                    var struct,

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        lang = this.currentLang();
                        if (!utilx.isString(lang) || utilx.isEmptyString(lang) || !utilx.isPlainObject(languages[lang])) {

                            if (!utilx.isString(defaultLanguage) || utilx.isEmptyString(defaultLanguage) || !utilx.isPlainObject(languages[defaultLanguage])) {

                                throw new Error('Language not loaded!');

                            lang = defaultLanguage;

                        isJulian = this.isJulian();
                        if (isJulian) {
                            struct = jdToJulian(this.jd());
                        } else {
                            struct = this.getter();

                        if (!utilx.isString(pattern) || utilx.isEmptyString(pattern) || !utilx.arrayContains(formatTypes, pattern)) {

                            pattern = utilx.arrayFirst(formatTypes);

                        pattern = formatDate(getCorrectStruct(this, struct), pattern, isJulian, lang, this.locale());
                        if (hasRemainingTokens(pattern)) {
                            throw new Error('Pattern has remaining tokens!: ' + remainingTokens(pattern));

                        string = stripSingleQuotes(pattern);
                    } else {
                        string = 'Invalid Date';

                    return string;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @param {string} [pattern]
             * @return {string}
             * @this AstroDate
            toTimeString: {
                value: function (pattern) {
                    var struct,

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        lang = this.currentLang();
                        if (!utilx.isString(lang) || utilx.isEmptyString(lang) || !utilx.isPlainObject(languages[lang])) {

                            if (!utilx.isString(defaultLanguage) || utilx.isEmptyString(defaultLanguage) || !utilx.isPlainObject(languages[defaultLanguage])) {

                                throw new Error('Language not loaded!');

                            lang = defaultLanguage;

                        isJulian = this.isJulian();
                        if (isJulian) {
                            struct = jdToJulian(this.jd());
                        } else {
                            struct = this.getter();

                        if (!utilx.isString(pattern) || utilx.isEmptyString(pattern) || !utilx.arrayContains(formatTypes, pattern)) {

                            pattern = utilx.arrayFirst(formatTypes);

                        pattern = formatTime(getCorrectStruct(this, struct), pattern, lang);
                        if (hasRemainingTokens(pattern)) {
                            throw new Error('Pattern has remaining tokens!: ' + remainingTokens(pattern));

                        string = stripSingleQuotes(pattern);
                    } else {
                        string = 'Invalid Date';

                    return string;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {string}
             * @this AstroDate
            toISOString: {
                value: function (padding) {
                    var val;

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        // should be gregorian?!
                        // add weekDate = calendarToWeekDate(struct)
                        val = toISOString(getCorrectStruct(this, this.getter()), padding);
                    } else {
                        val = 'Invalid Date';

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {string}
             * @this AstroDate
            valueOf: {
                value: function () {
                    var val;

                    if (this.isJulian()) {
                        val = this.jd();
                    } else {
                        val = this.getTime();

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @this AstroDate
            unix: {
                value: function () {
                    var struct,

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        if (this.isTT()) {
                            struct = toTT(this.getter());
                        } else {
                            struct = this.getter();

                        val = getTime(toUT(struct)).div(1000).trunc().toString();

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @param {object} [dateObject]
             * @this AstroDate
            object: {
                value: function (dateObject) {
                    var struct,

                    if (utilx.isUndefined(dateObject)) {
                        if (this.isValid()) {
                            struct = getCorrectStruct(this, this.getter());
                            if (this.isJulian()) {
                                val = structToObject(gregorianToJulian(struct));
                            } else {
                                val = structToObject(struct);
                    } else if (utilx.isPlainObject(dateObject)) {
                        val = this.setter('struct', objectToStruct(dateObject, this.isJulian()));
                    } else {
                        throw new TypeError(dateObject);

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {AstroDate}
             * @this AstroDate
            clone: {
                value: function () {
                    return new AstroDate(this);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @param {array} [dateArray]
             * @this AstroDate
            array: {
                value: function (dateArray) {
                    var struct,

                    if (utilx.isUndefined(dateArray)) {
                        if (this.isValid()) {
                            struct = getCorrectStruct(this, this.getter());
                            if (this.isJulian()) {
                                val = structToArrayOfString(gregorianToJulian(struct));
                            } else {
                                val = structToArrayOfString(struct);
                    } else if (utilx.arrayIsArray(dateArray)) {
                        val = this.setter('struct', arrayToStruct(dateArray, this.isJulian()));
                    } else {
                        throw new TypeError(dateArray);

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @param {window.Date} [date]
             * @this AstroDate
            date: {
                value: function (date) {
                    var val;

                    if (utilx.isUndefined(date)) {
                        if (this.isValid()) {
                            val = new Date(utilx.toNumber(this.getTime()));
                        } else {
                            val = new Date(NaN);
                    } else if (utilx.isDate(date)) {
                        val = this.setter(date);
                    } else {
                        throw new TypeError(date);

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @this AstroDate
            getTime: {
                value: function () {
                    var struct,

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        if (this.isTT()) {
                            struct = toTT(this.getter());
                        } else {
                            struct = this.getter();

                        val = getTime(toUT(struct)).toString();

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @this AstroDate
            deltaTime: {
                value: function () {
                    var val;

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        val = deltaTime(getCorrectStruct(this, this.getter())).toString();

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @param {string} unit
             * @this AstroDate
            timeTo: {
                value: function (unit) {
                    var val;

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        val = timeTo(getCorrectStruct(this, this.getter()), normaliseUnits(unit)).toString();

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * The Julian Date (JD) of any instant is the Julian day number for the preceding noon plus the
             * fraction of the day since that instant.
             * Julian Dates are expressed as a Julian day number with a decimal fraction added.
             * For example, the Julian Date for 00:30:00.0 UT 1 January 2013 is 2456293.520833334
             * If argument is passed then this function acts as a setter; otherwise it is a getter.
             * If AstroDate is invalid then undefined is returned.
             * Throws an error if the argument is not of the correct type.
             * @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @param {(number|string)} [jd]
             * @return {string|undefined}
             * @this AstroDate
            jd: {
                value: function (jd) {
                    var struct,

                    if (utilx.isUndefined(jd)) {
                        if (this.isValid()) {
                            if (this.isTT()) {
                                struct = toTT(this.getter());
                            } else {
                                struct = this.getter();

                            val = gregorianToJd(toUT(struct)).toFixed(BigNumber.config().DECIMAL_PLACES);
                    } else if (utilx.isNumber(jd) || (utilx.isString(jd) && !utilx.isEmptyString(jd))) {
                        val = this.setter('struct', jdToGregorian(jd));
                    } else {
                        throw new TypeError(jd);

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @this AstroDate
            jdn: {
                value: function () {
                    var struct,

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        if (this.isTT()) {
                            struct = toTT(this.getter());
                        } else {
                            struct = this.getter();

                        val = gregorianToJdn(toUT(struct)).toString();

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @this AstroDate
            mjd: {
                value: function () {
                    var struct,

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        if (this.isTT()) {
                            struct = toTT(this.getter());
                        } else {
                            struct = this.getter();

                        val = gregorianToMJD(toUT(struct)).toString();

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @this AstroDate
            easter: {
                value: function () {
                    var struct,

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        struct = getCorrectStruct(this, this.getter());
                        if (this.isJulian()) {
                            a = struct.year.mod(4);
                            b = struct.year.mod(7);
                            c = struct.year.mod(19);
                            d = c.times(19).plus(15).mod(30);
                            e = a.times(2).plus(b.times(4)).minus(d).plus(34).mod(7);
                            f =;
                            val = new AstroDate([struct.year, f.div(31).floor().minus(1), f.mod(31).plus(1)]);
                        } else {
                            a = struct.year.mod(19);
                            b = struct.year.div(100).floor();
                            c = struct.year.mod(100).floor();
                            d = b.div(4);
                            e = b.mod(4);
                            f =;
                            g = b.minus(f).plus(1).div(3).floor();
                            h = new BigNumber(19).times(a).plus(b).minus(d).minus(g).plus(15).mod(30);
                            i = c.div(4).floor();
                            k = c.mod(4);
                            l = new BigNumber(32).plus(e.times(2)).plus(i.times(2)).minus(h).minus(k).mod(7);
                            m =;
                            n =;
                            val = new AstroDate([struct.year, n.div(31).floor(), n.mod(31).plus(1)]);

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @this AstroDate
            isLeapYear: {
                value: function () {
                    var struct,

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        struct = getCorrectStruct(this, this.getter());
                        if (this.isJulian()) {
                            val = isJulianLeapYear(gregorianToJulian(struct));
                        } else {
                            val = isGregorianLeapYear(struct);

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @this AstroDate
             * @return {number}
            daysInYear: {
                value: function () {
                    var struct,

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        struct = getCorrectStruct(this, this.getter());
                        if (this.isJulian()) {
                            val = utilx.toNumber(daysInJulianYear(gregorianToJulian(struct)).toString());
                        } else {
                            val = utilx.toNumber(daysInGregorianYear(struct).toString());

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @this AstroDate
             * @return {number}
            daysInMonth: {
                value: function () {
                    var struct,

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        struct = getCorrectStruct(this, this.getter());
                        if (this.isJulian()) {
                            val = utilx.toNumber(daysInJulianMonth(gregorianToJulian(struct)).toString());
                        } else {
                            val = utilx.toNumber(daysInGregorianMonth(struct).toString());

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @param {string} [jsonString]
             * @return {string}
             * @this AstroDate
            json: {
                value: function (jsonString) {
                    var struct,

                    if (utilx.isString(jsonString) && !utilx.isEmptyString(jsonString)) {
                        struct = objectToStruct(utilx.jsonParse(jsonString), this.isJulian());
                        if (!isValid(struct)) {
                            throw new SyntaxError(struct);

                        val = this.setter('struct', struct);
                    } else {
                        val = utilx.jsonStringify(this.object());

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @return {string}
             * @this AstroDate
            toJSON: {
                value: function (padding, type) {
                    return this.toISOString(padding, type);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @this AstroDate
            calendarToWeekDate: {
                value: function () {
                    var val;

                    if (this.isValid()) {
                        val = structToObject(calendarToWeekDate(getCorrectStruct(this, this.getter())));

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @param {string} [id]
             * @return {string}
             * @this AstroDate
            lang: {
                value: function (id) {
                    var val,

                    if (utilx.isString(id) && !utilx.isEmptyString(id)) {
                        lang = minusToUnderscore(id);
                        if (utilx.isPlainObject(languages[lang])) {
                            this.setter('lang', lang);
                            this.setter('locale', lookupLocale(lang));

                        val = this;
                    } else {
                        val = this.getter('lang');

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate.prototype
             * @function
             * @param {string} [id]
             * @return {string}
             * @this AstroDate
            locale: {
                value: function (id) {
                    var lang,

                    if (utilx.isString(id) && !utilx.isEmptyString(id)) {
                        lang = languageLoaded(id);
                        if (!utilx.isEmptyString(lang)) {
                            this.setter('lang', lang);
                            this.setter('locale', lookupLocale(id));

                        val = this;
                    } else {
                        val = this.getter('locale');

                    return val;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

        utilx.objectDefineProperties(AstroDate, {
            /** @memberOf AstroDate
             * @function
             * @return {string}
            version: {
                value: function () {
                    return VERSION;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate
             * @function
             * @param {string} [id]
             * @param {object} [object]
             * @param {boolean} [freeze]
             * @return {string}
            lang: {
                value: function (id, object, freeze) {
                    var lang;

                    if (utilx.isString(id) && !utilx.isEmptyString(id)) {
                        lang = minusToUnderscore(id);
                        if (utilx.isPlainObject(object)) {
                            languages[lang] = object;
                            if (!utilx.strictEqual(freeze, false)) {

                        if (utilx.isPlainObject(languages[lang])) {
                            defaultLanguage = lang;
                            defaultLocale = lookupLocale(lang);

                    return defaultLanguage;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate
             * @function
             * @return {array.<String>}
            langs: {
                value: function () {
                    return utilx.objectKeys(languages);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate
             * @function
             * @param {string} [id] The string representing the required locale, e.g. 'en_GB'
             * @return {string} Returns the current locale, e.g. 'en_GB'
            locale: {
                value: function (id) {
                    var lang;

                    if (utilx.isString(id) && !utilx.isEmptyString(id)) {
                        lang = languageLoaded(id);
                        if (!utilx.isEmptyString(lang)) {
                            defaultLanguage = lang;
                            defaultLocale = lookupLocale(id);

                    return defaultLocale;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate
             * @function
             * @param {object} object
             * @param {boolean} freeze
             * @return {object}
            leapSeconds: {
                value: function (object, freeze) {
                    if (utilx.isPlainObject(object)) {
                        leapSeconds = object;
                        if (!utilx.strictEqual(freeze, false)) {

                    return leapSeconds;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate
             * @function
             * @param {object} object
             * @param {boolean} freeze
             * @return {object}
            supplemental: {
                value: function (object, freeze) {
                    if (utilx.isPlainObject(object)) {
                        supplemental = object;
                        if (!utilx.strictEqual(freeze, false)) {

                    return supplemental;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * A JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic
             * @memberOf AstroDate
             * @type {object}
            BigNumber: {
                value: (function () {
                    var obj ={});

                    // set the properties of AstroDate.BigNumber to not enumerable
                    utilx.arrayForEach(utilx.objectKeys(obj), function (key) {
                        utilx.objectDefineProperty(obj, key, {
                            enumerable: false,
                            writable: true,
                            configurable: true

                    // set the properties of AstroDate.BigNumber.prototype to not enumerable
                    utilx.arrayForEach(utilx.objectKeys(obj.prototype), function (key) {
                        utilx.objectDefineProperty(obj.prototype, key, {
                            enumerable: false,
                            writable: true,
                            configurable: true

                    return obj;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * The Javascript library that AstroDate is built on for cross environment compatability.
             * @memberOf AstroDate
             * @type {object}
            utilx: {
                value: (function () {
                    return utilx.factory();
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            /** @memberOf AstroDate
             * @function
             * @param {string} unitString
            normaliseUnits: {
                value: function (unitString) {
                    return normaliseUnits(unitString);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * Tests if the provided input is an instance of AstroDate.
             * @memberOf AstroDate
             * @function
             * @param {object} inputArg
             * @return {boolean}
            isAstroDate: {
                value: function (inputArg) {
                    return utilx.isObject(inputArg) && utilx.objectInstanceOf(inputArg, AstroDate);
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * Time is measured in ECMAScript in milliseconds since 01 January, 1970 UTC. In time values leap seconds
             * are ignored. It is assumed that there are exactly 86,400,000 milliseconds per day.
             * @memberOf AstroDate
             * @function
             * @return {string}
            now: {
                value: function () {
                    return new AstroDate().getTime();
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * The Julian Date (JD) of any instant is the Julian day number for the preceding noon plus
             * the fraction of the day since that instant.
             * Julian Dates are expressed as a Julian day number with a decimal fraction added.
             * For example, the Julian Date for 00:30:00.0 UT 1 January 2013 is 2456293.520833334
             * @memberOf AstroDate
             * @function
             * @return {string}
            jd: {
                value: function () {
                    return new AstroDate().jd();
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true
             * The Julian Day Number (JDN) is the integer assigned to a whole solar day in the Julian day count
             * starting from noon Greenwich Mean Time,
             * with Julian day number 0 assigned to the day starting at noon on 1 January 4713 BC proleptic
             * Julian calendar (24 November 4714 BC, in the proleptic Gregorian calendar).
             * For example, the Julian day number for 1 January 2000 was 2,451,545.0
             * @memberOf AstroDate
             * @function
             * @return {string}
            jdn: {
                value: function () {
                    return new AstroDate().jdn();
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * The Modified Julian Date (MJD) was introduced by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
             * in 1957 to record the orbit of
             * Sputnik via an IBM 704 (36-bit machine) and using only 18 bits until August 7, 2576.
             * MJD is the epoch of OpenVMS, using 63-bit date/time postponing the next Y2K campaign to
             * July 31, 31086 02:48:05.47.
             * MJD is defined relative to midnight, rather than noon.
             * @memberOf AstroDate
             * @function
             * @return {string}
            mjd: {
                value: function () {
                    return new AstroDate().mjd();
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

             * The time now represented in Unix time.
             * Unix time, or POSIX time, is a system for describing instants in time,
             * defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC),
             * Thursday, 1 January 1970, not counting leap seconds.
             * It is used widely in Unix-like and many other operating systems and file formats.
             * Due to its handling of leap seconds, it is neither a linear representation of time nor
             * a true representation of UTC.
             * Unix time may be checked on most Unix systems by typing date +%s on the command line.
             * @memberOf AstroDate
             * @function
             * @return {string}
            unix: {
                value: function () {
                    return new AstroDate().unix();
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

        /*jslint white: true */
        /* jshint quotmark: false, -W100 */
        leapSeconds = utilx.deepFreeze({
            "1972": {
                "6": {
                    "30": "1"
                "12": {
                    "31": "1"
            "1973": {
                "12": {
                    "31": "1"
            "1974": {
                "12": {
                    "31": "1"
            "1975": {
                "12": {
                    "31": "1"
            "1976": {
                "12": {
                    "31": "1"
            "1977": {
                "12": {
                    "31": "1"
            "1978": {
                "12": {
                    "31": "1"
            "1979": {
                "12": {
                    "31": "1"
            "1981": {
                "6": {
                    "30": "1"
            "1982": {
                "6": {
                    "30": "1"
            "1983": {
                "6": {
                    "30": "1"
            "1985": {
                "6": {
                    "30": "1"
            "1987": {
                "12": {
                    "31": "1"
            "1989": {
                "12": {
                    "31": "1"
            "1990": {
                "12": {
                    "31": "1"
            "1992": {
                "6": {
                    "30": "1"
            "1993": {
                "6": {
                    "30": "1"
            "1994": {
                "6": {
                    "30": "1"
            "1995": {
                "12": {
                    "31": "1"
            "1997": {
                "6": {
                    "30": "1"
            "1998": {
                "12": {
                    "31": "1"
            "2005": {
                "12": {
                    "31": "1"
            "2008": {
                "12": {
                    "31": "1"
            "2012": {
                "6": {
                    "30": "1"

        supplemental = utilx.deepFreeze({
            "likelySubtags": {
                "aa": "aa_Latn_ET",
                "ab": "ab_Cyrl_GE",
                "ace": "ace_Latn_ID",
                "ady": "ady_Cyrl_RU",
                "af": "af_Latn_ZA",
                "agq": "agq_Latn_CM",
                "ak": "ak_Latn_GH",
                "alt": "alt_Cyrl_RU",
                "am": "am_Ethi_ET",
                "amo": "amo_Latn_NG",
                "ar": "ar_Arab_EG",
                "as": "as_Beng_IN",
                "asa": "asa_Latn_TZ",
                "ast": "ast_Latn_ES",
                "av": "av_Cyrl_RU",
                "awa": "awa_Deva_IN",
                "ay": "ay_Latn_BO",
                "az": "az_Latn_AZ",
                "az_Arab": "az_Arab_IR",
                "az_IR": "az_Arab_IR",
                "az_RU": "az_Cyrl_RU",
                "ba": "ba_Cyrl_RU",
                "bal": "bal_Arab_PK",
                "ban": "ban_Latn_ID",
                "bas": "bas_Latn_CM",
                "bax": "bax_Bamu_CM",
                "bbc": "bbc_Latn_ID",
                "be": "be_Cyrl_BY",
                "bem": "bem_Latn_ZM",
                "bez": "bez_Latn_TZ",
                "bfq": "bfq_Taml_IN",
                "bft": "bft_Arab_PK",
                "bfy": "bfy_Deva_IN",
                "bg": "bg_Cyrl_BG",
                "bhb": "bhb_Deva_IN",
                "bho": "bho_Deva_IN",
                "bi": "bi_Latn_VU",
                "bik": "bik_Latn_PH",
                "bin": "bin_Latn_NG",
                "bjj": "bjj_Deva_IN",
                "bku": "bku_Latn_PH",
                "bm": "bm_Latn_ML",
                "bn": "bn_Beng_BD",
                "bo": "bo_Tibt_CN",
                "bqv": "bqv_Latn_CI",
                "br": "br_Latn_FR",
                "bra": "bra_Deva_IN",
                "brx": "brx_Deva_IN",
                "bs": "bs_Latn_BA",
                "bss": "bss_Latn_CM",
                "btv": "btv_Deva_PK",
                "bua": "bua_Cyrl_RU",
                "buc": "buc_Latn_YT",
                "bug": "bug_Latn_ID",
                "bya": "bya_Latn_ID",
                "byn": "byn_Ethi_ER",
                "ca": "ca_Latn_ES",
                "cch": "cch_Latn_NG",
                "ccp": "ccp_Beng_IN",
                "ce": "ce_Cyrl_RU",
                "ceb": "ceb_Latn_PH",
                "cgg": "cgg_Latn_UG",
                "ch": "ch_Latn_GU",
                "chk": "chk_Latn_FM",
                "chm": "chm_Cyrl_RU",
                "chp": "chp_Latn_CA",
                "chr": "chr_Cher_US",
                "cja": "cja_Arab_KH",
                "cjm": "cjm_Cham_VN",
                "ckb": "ckb_Arab_IQ",
                "co": "co_Latn_FR",
                "cr": "cr_Cans_CA",
                "crk": "crk_Cans_CA",
                "cs": "cs_Latn_CZ",
                "csb": "csb_Latn_PL",
                "cv": "cv_Cyrl_RU",
                "cy": "cy_Latn_GB",
                "da": "da_Latn_DK",
                "dar": "dar_Cyrl_RU",
                "dav": "dav_Latn_KE",
                "de": "de_Latn_DE",
                "den": "den_Latn_CA",
                "dgr": "dgr_Latn_CA",
                "dje": "dje_Latn_NE",
                "doi": "doi_Arab_IN",
                "dsb": "dsb_Latn_DE",
                "dua": "dua_Latn_CM",
                "dv": "dv_Thaa_MV",
                "dyo": "dyo_Latn_SN",
                "dyu": "dyu_Latn_BF",
                "dz": "dz_Tibt_BT",
                "ebu": "ebu_Latn_KE",
                "ee": "ee_Latn_GH",
                "efi": "efi_Latn_NG",
                "el": "el_Grek_GR",
                "en": "en_Latn_US",
                "eo": "eo_Latn_001",
                "es": "es_Latn_ES",
                "et": "et_Latn_EE",
                "eu": "eu_Latn_ES",
                "ewo": "ewo_Latn_CM",
                "fa": "fa_Arab_IR",
                "fan": "fan_Latn_GQ",
                "ff": "ff_Latn_SN",
                "fi": "fi_Latn_FI",
                "fil": "fil_Latn_PH",
                "fj": "fj_Latn_FJ",
                "fo": "fo_Latn_FO",
                "fon": "fon_Latn_BJ",
                "fr": "fr_Latn_FR",
                "fur": "fur_Latn_IT",
                "fy": "fy_Latn_NL",
                "ga": "ga_Latn_IE",
                "gaa": "gaa_Latn_GH",
                "gag": "gag_Latn_MD",
                "gbm": "gbm_Deva_IN",
                "gcr": "gcr_Latn_GF",
                "gd": "gd_Latn_GB",
                "gez": "gez_Ethi_ET",
                "gil": "gil_Latn_KI",
                "gl": "gl_Latn_ES",
                "gn": "gn_Latn_PY",
                "gon": "gon_Telu_IN",
                "gor": "gor_Latn_ID",
                "grt": "grt_Beng_IN",
                "gsw": "gsw_Latn_CH",
                "gu": "gu_Gujr_IN",
                "guz": "guz_Latn_KE",
                "gv": "gv_Latn_IM",
                "gwi": "gwi_Latn_CA",
                "ha": "ha_Latn_NG",
                "ha_CM": "ha_Arab_CM",
                "ha_SD": "ha_Arab_SD",
                "haw": "haw_Latn_US",
                "he": "he_Hebr_IL",
                "hi": "hi_Deva_IN",
                "hil": "hil_Latn_PH",
                "hne": "hne_Deva_IN",
                "hnn": "hnn_Latn_PH",
                "ho": "ho_Latn_PG",
                "hoc": "hoc_Deva_IN",
                "hoj": "hoj_Deva_IN",
                "hr": "hr_Latn_HR",
                "ht": "ht_Latn_HT",
                "hu": "hu_Latn_HU",
                "hy": "hy_Armn_AM",
                "ia": "ia_Latn_FR",
                "ibb": "ibb_Latn_NG",
                "id": "id_Latn_ID",
                "ig": "ig_Latn_NG",
                "ii": "ii_Yiii_CN",
                "ik": "ik_Latn_US",
                "ilo": "ilo_Latn_PH",
                "in": "in_Latn_ID",
                "inh": "inh_Cyrl_RU",
                "is": "is_Latn_IS",
                "it": "it_Latn_IT",
                "iu": "iu_Cans_CA",
                "iw": "iw_Hebr_IL",
                "ja": "ja_Jpan_JP",
                "jgo": "jgo_Latn_CM",
                "ji": "ji_Hebr_UA",
                "jmc": "jmc_Latn_TZ",
                "jv": "jv_Latn_ID",
                "jw": "jw_Latn_ID",
                "ka": "ka_Geor_GE",
                "kaa": "kaa_Cyrl_UZ",
                "kab": "kab_Latn_DZ",
                "kaj": "kaj_Latn_NG",
                "kam": "kam_Latn_KE",
                "kbd": "kbd_Cyrl_RU",
                "kcg": "kcg_Latn_NG",
                "kde": "kde_Latn_TZ",
                "kdt": "kdt_Thai_TH",
                "kea": "kea_Latn_CV",
                "ken": "ken_Latn_CM",
                "kfo": "kfo_Latn_CI",
                "kfr": "kfr_Deva_IN",
                "kg": "kg_Latn_CD",
                "kha": "kha_Latn_IN",
                "khb": "khb_Talu_CN",
                "khq": "khq_Latn_ML",
                "kht": "kht_Mymr_IN",
                "ki": "ki_Latn_KE",
                "kj": "kj_Latn_NA",
                "kk": "kk_Cyrl_KZ",
                "kk_AF": "kk_Arab_AF",
                "kk_Arab": "kk_Arab_CN",
                "kk_CN": "kk_Arab_CN",
                "kk_IR": "kk_Arab_IR",
                "kk_MN": "kk_Arab_MN",
                "kkj": "kkj_Latn_CM",
                "kl": "kl_Latn_GL",
                "kln": "kln_Latn_KE",
                "km": "km_Khmr_KH",
                "kmb": "kmb_Latn_AO",
                "kn": "kn_Knda_IN",
                "ko": "ko_Kore_KR",
                "koi": "koi_Cyrl_RU",
                "kok": "kok_Deva_IN",
                "kos": "kos_Latn_FM",
                "kpe": "kpe_Latn_LR",
                "krc": "krc_Cyrl_RU",
                "kri": "kri_Latn_SL",
                "krl": "krl_Latn_RU",
                "kru": "kru_Deva_IN",
                "ks": "ks_Arab_IN",
                "ksb": "ksb_Latn_TZ",
                "ksf": "ksf_Latn_CM",
                "ksh": "ksh_Latn_DE",
                "ku": "ku_Latn_TR",
                "ku_Arab": "ku_Arab_IQ",
                "ku_LB": "ku_Arab_LB",
                "kum": "kum_Cyrl_RU",
                "kv": "kv_Cyrl_RU",
                "kw": "kw_Latn_GB",
                "ky": "ky_Cyrl_KG",
                "ky_Arab": "ky_Arab_CN",
                "ky_CN": "ky_Arab_CN",
                "ky_Latn": "ky_Latn_TR",
                "ky_TR": "ky_Latn_TR",
                "la": "la_Latn_VA",
                "lag": "lag_Latn_TZ",
                "lah": "lah_Arab_PK",
                "lb": "lb_Latn_LU",
                "lbe": "lbe_Cyrl_RU",
                "lcp": "lcp_Thai_CN",
                "lep": "lep_Lepc_IN",
                "lez": "lez_Cyrl_RU",
                "lg": "lg_Latn_UG",
                "li": "li_Latn_NL",
                "lif": "lif_Deva_NP",
                "lis": "lis_Lisu_CN",
                "lki": "lki_Arab_IR",
                "lkt": "lkt_Latn_US",
                "lmn": "lmn_Telu_IN",
                "ln": "ln_Latn_CD",
                "lo": "lo_Laoo_LA",
                "lol": "lol_Latn_CD",
                "lt": "lt_Latn_LT",
                "lu": "lu_Latn_CD",
                "lua": "lua_Latn_CD",
                "luo": "luo_Latn_KE",
                "luy": "luy_Latn_KE",
                "lv": "lv_Latn_LV",
                "lwl": "lwl_Thai_TH",
                "mad": "mad_Latn_ID",
                "mag": "mag_Deva_IN",
                "mai": "mai_Deva_IN",
                "mak": "mak_Latn_ID",
                "man": "man_Latn_GM",
                "man_GN": "man_Nkoo_GN",
                "man_Nkoo": "man_Nkoo_GN",
                "mas": "mas_Latn_KE",
                "mdf": "mdf_Cyrl_RU",
                "mdh": "mdh_Latn_PH",
                "mdr": "mdr_Latn_ID",
                "men": "men_Latn_SL",
                "mer": "mer_Latn_KE",
                "mfe": "mfe_Latn_MU",
                "mg": "mg_Latn_MG",
                "mgh": "mgh_Latn_MZ",
                "mgo": "mgo_Latn_CM",
                "mh": "mh_Latn_MH",
                "mi": "mi_Latn_NZ",
                "min": "min_Latn_ID",
                "mk": "mk_Cyrl_MK",
                "ml": "ml_Mlym_IN",
                "mn": "mn_Cyrl_MN",
                "mn_CN": "mn_Mong_CN",
                "mn_Mong": "mn_Mong_CN",
                "mni": "mni_Beng_IN",
                "mnw": "mnw_Mymr_MM",
                "mo": "mo_Latn_RO",
                "mos": "mos_Latn_BF",
                "mr": "mr_Deva_IN",
                "ms": "ms_Latn_MY",
                "ms_CC": "ms_Arab_CC",
                "ms_ID": "ms_Arab_ID",
                "mt": "mt_Latn_MT",
                "mua": "mua_Latn_CM",
                "mwr": "mwr_Deva_IN",
                "my": "my_Mymr_MM",
                "myv": "myv_Cyrl_RU",
                "na": "na_Latn_NR",
                "nap": "nap_Latn_IT",
                "naq": "naq_Latn_NA",
                "nb": "nb_Latn_NO",
                "nd": "nd_Latn_ZW",
                "nds": "nds_Latn_DE",
                "ne": "ne_Deva_NP",
                "new": "new_Deva_NP",
                "ng": "ng_Latn_NA",
                "niu": "niu_Latn_NU",
                "nl": "nl_Latn_NL",
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                                        "wed": "الأربعاء",
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                                        "sat": "السبت"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "ح",
                                        "mon": "ن",
                                        "tue": "ث",
                                        "wed": "ر",
                                        "thu": "خ",
                                        "fri": "ج",
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                                        "sun": "الأحد",
                                        "mon": "الاثنين",
                                        "tue": "الثلاثاء",
                                        "wed": "الأربعاء",
                                        "thu": "الخميس",
                                        "fri": "الجمعة",
                                        "sat": "السبت"
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                                        "mon": "الاثنين",
                                        "tue": "الثلاثاء",
                                        "wed": "الأربعاء",
                                        "thu": "الخميس",
                                        "fri": "الجمعة",
                                        "sat": "السبت"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "الأحد",
                                        "mon": "الاثنين",
                                        "tue": "الثلاثاء",
                                        "wed": "الأربعاء",
                                        "thu": "الخميس",
                                        "fri": "الجمعة",
                                        "sat": "السبت"
                                    "narrow": {
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                                        "mon": "ن",
                                        "tue": "ث",
                                        "wed": "ر",
                                        "thu": "خ",
                                        "fri": "ج",
                                        "sat": "س"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "الأحد",
                                        "mon": "الاثنين",
                                        "tue": "الثلاثاء",
                                        "wed": "الأربعاء",
                                        "thu": "الخميس",
                                        "fri": "الجمعة",
                                        "sat": "السبت"
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                                        "sun": "الأحد",
                                        "mon": "الاثنين",
                                        "tue": "الثلاثاء",
                                        "wed": "الأربعاء",
                                        "thu": "الخميس",
                                        "fri": "الجمعة",
                                        "sat": "السبت"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "الربع الأول",
                                        "2": "الربع الثاني",
                                        "3": "الربع الثالث",
                                        "4": "الربع الرابع"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "١",
                                        "2": "٢",
                                        "3": "٣",
                                        "4": "٤"
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                                        "1": "الربع الأول",
                                        "2": "الربع الثاني",
                                        "3": "الربع الثالث",
                                        "4": "الربع الرابع"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "الربع الأول",
                                        "2": "الربع الثاني",
                                        "3": "الربع الثالث",
                                        "4": "الربع الرابع"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "١",
                                        "2": "٢",
                                        "3": "٣",
                                        "4": "٤"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "الربع الأول",
                                        "2": "الربع الثاني",
                                        "3": "الربع الثالث",
                                        "4": "الربع الرابع"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "ص",
                                        "pm": "م"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "ص",
                                        "pm": "م"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "ص",
                                        "pm": "م"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "ص",
                                        "pm": "م"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "ص",
                                        "pm": "م"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "ص",
                                        "pm": "م"
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                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "قبل الميلاد",
                                    "1": "ميلادي",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "ق.م",
                                    "1": "م",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "ق.م",
                                    "1": "م",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE، d MMMM، y",
                                "long": "d MMMM، y",
                                "medium": "dd‏/MM‏/y",
                                "short": "d‏/M‏/y"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "h:mm:ss a zzzz",
                                "long": "h:mm:ss a z",
                                "medium": "h:mm:ss a",
                                "short": "h:mm a"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
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                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E، d",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM، y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E، d MMM، y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "d/‏M",
                                    "MEd": "E، d/M",
                                    "MMdd": "dd‏/MM",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E، d MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d MMMM",
                                    "MMMMEd": "E، d MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "M‏/y",
                                    "yMd": "d‏/M‏/y",
                                    "yMEd": "E، d/‏M/‏y",
                                    "yMM": "MM‏/y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d MMM، y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E، d MMM، y",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d–d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a",
                                        "h": "h–h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a v",
                                        "h": "h–h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M–M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "M/d – M/d",
                                        "M": "M/d – M/d"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E، d/‏M –‏ E، d/‏M",
                                        "M": "E، d/‏M – E، d/‏M"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d–d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E، d – E، d MMM",
                                        "M": "E، d MMM – E، d MMM"
                                    "MMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLLL–LLLL"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y–y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "M‏/y – M‏/y",
                                        "y": "M‏/y – M‏/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "d‏/M‏/y – d‏/M‏/y",
                                        "M": "d‏/M‏/y – d‏/M‏/y",
                                        "y": "d‏/M‏/y – d‏/M‏/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E، dd‏/MM‏/y – E، dd‏/MM‏/y",
                                        "M": "E، d‏/M‏/y – E، d‏/M‏/y",
                                        "y": "E، d‏/M‏/y – E، d‏/M‏/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM – MMM، y",
                                        "y": "MMM، y – MMM، y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d–d MMM، y",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM، y",
                                        "y": "d MMM، y – d MMM، y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E، d – E، d MMM، y",
                                        "M": "E، d MMM – E، d MMM، y",
                                        "y": "E، d MMM، y – E، d MMM، y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM – MMMM، y",
                                        "y": "MMMM، y – MMMM، y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
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                        "gmtZeroFormat": "جرينتش",
                        "regionFormat": "توقيت {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "توقيت {0} الصيفي",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "توقيت {0} الرسمي",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "gen.",
                                        "2": "feb.",
                                        "3": "març",
                                        "4": "abr.",
                                        "5": "maig",
                                        "6": "juny",
                                        "7": "jul.",
                                        "8": "ag.",
                                        "9": "set.",
                                        "10": "oct.",
                                        "11": "nov.",
                                        "12": "des."
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                                        "1": "GN",
                                        "2": "FB",
                                        "3": "MÇ",
                                        "4": "AB",
                                        "5": "MG",
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                                        "8": "AG",
                                        "9": "ST",
                                        "10": "OC",
                                        "11": "NV",
                                        "12": "DS"
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                                        "4": "abril",
                                        "5": "maig",
                                        "6": "juny",
                                        "7": "juliol",
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                                        "9": "setembre",
                                        "10": "octubre",
                                        "11": "novembre",
                                        "12": "desembre"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "gen.",
                                        "2": "feb.",
                                        "3": "març",
                                        "4": "abr.",
                                        "5": "maig",
                                        "6": "juny",
                                        "7": "jul.",
                                        "8": "ag.",
                                        "9": "set.",
                                        "10": "oct.",
                                        "11": "nov.",
                                        "12": "des."
                                    "narrow": {
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                                        "2": "FB",
                                        "3": "MÇ",
                                        "4": "AB",
                                        "5": "MG",
                                        "6": "JN",
                                        "7": "JL",
                                        "8": "AG",
                                        "9": "ST",
                                        "10": "OC",
                                        "11": "NV",
                                        "12": "DS"
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                                        "3": "març",
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                                        "6": "juny",
                                        "7": "juliol",
                                        "8": "agost",
                                        "9": "setembre",
                                        "10": "octubre",
                                        "11": "novembre",
                                        "12": "desembre"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "dg.",
                                        "mon": "dl.",
                                        "tue": "dt.",
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                                        "thu": "dj.",
                                        "fri": "dv.",
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                                        "mon": "dl",
                                        "tue": "dt",
                                        "wed": "dc",
                                        "thu": "dj",
                                        "fri": "dv",
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                                    "short": {
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                                        "mon": "dl.",
                                        "tue": "dt.",
                                        "wed": "dc.",
                                        "thu": "dj.",
                                        "fri": "dv.",
                                        "sat": "ds."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "diumenge",
                                        "mon": "dilluns",
                                        "tue": "dimarts",
                                        "wed": "dimecres",
                                        "thu": "dijous",
                                        "fri": "divendres",
                                        "sat": "dissabte"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "dg.",
                                        "mon": "dl.",
                                        "tue": "dt.",
                                        "wed": "dc.",
                                        "thu": "dj.",
                                        "fri": "dv.",
                                        "sat": "ds."
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                                        "mon": "dl",
                                        "tue": "dt",
                                        "wed": "dc",
                                        "thu": "dj",
                                        "fri": "dv",
                                        "sat": "ds"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "dg.",
                                        "mon": "dl.",
                                        "tue": "dm.",
                                        "wed": "dc.",
                                        "thu": "dj.",
                                        "fri": "dv.",
                                        "sat": "ds."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "diumenge",
                                        "mon": "dilluns",
                                        "tue": "dimarts",
                                        "wed": "dimecres",
                                        "thu": "dijous",
                                        "fri": "divendres",
                                        "sat": "dissabte"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "1T",
                                        "2": "2T",
                                        "3": "3T",
                                        "4": "4T"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1r trimestre",
                                        "2": "2n trimestre",
                                        "3": "3r trimestre",
                                        "4": "4t trimestre"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "1T",
                                        "2": "2T",
                                        "3": "3T",
                                        "4": "4T"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1r trimestre",
                                        "2": "2n trimestre",
                                        "3": "3r trimestre",
                                        "4": "4t trimestre"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "a. m.",
                                        "pm": "p. m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "a. m.",
                                        "pm": "p. m."
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "a. m.",
                                        "pm": "p. m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "a. m.",
                                        "pm": "p. m."
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "abans de Crist",
                                    "1": "després de Crist",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "a. de la n. e.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "de la n. e."
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "aC",
                                    "1": "dC",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "a. de la n. e.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "de la n.e."
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "aC",
                                    "1": "dC",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "a. de la n. e.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "de la n.e."
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, d MMMM 'de' y",
                                "long": "d MMMM 'de' y",
                                "medium": "dd/MM/y",
                                "short": "d/M/yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": " zzzz",
                                "long": " z",
                                "medium": "",
                                "short": ""
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
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                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E d",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E H:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E H:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "LLL y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d MMM, y G",
                                    "GyMMMM": "LLLL 'de' y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "H",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "d/M",
                                    "MEd": "E d/M",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E d MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d MMMM",
                                    "MMMMEd": "E d MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "M/y",
                                    "yMd": "d/M/y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, d/M/y",
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                                    "yMMMd": "d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d MMM, y",
                                    "yMMMM": "LLLL 'de' y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
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                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
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                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d-d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a",
                                        "h": "h-h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "H-H"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": " a a",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "",
                                        "m": ""
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": " v",
                                        "m": " v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a v",
                                        "h": "h-h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "H-H v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M-M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM - dd/MM",
                                        "M": "dd/MM - dd/MM"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E dd/MM - E dd/MM",
                                        "M": "E dd/MM - E dd/MM"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL-LLL"
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                                        "d": "d-d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM - d MMM"
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                                        "d": "E d - E d MMM",
                                        "M": "E d MMM - E d MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y-y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM/y - MM/y",
                                        "y": "MM/y - MM/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E dd/MM/y - E dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "E dd/MM/y - E dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "E dd/MM/y - E dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL-LLL 'de' y",
                                        "y": "LLL 'de' y - LLL 'de' y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d-d MMM 'de' y",
                                        "M": "d MMM - d MMM 'de' y",
                                        "y": "d MMM 'de' y - d MMM 'de' y"
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                                        "d": "E d - E d MMM 'de' y",
                                        "M": "E d MMM - E d MMM 'de' y",
                                        "y": "E d MMM 'de' y - E d MMM 'de' y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLLL-LLLL 'de' y",
                                        "y": "LLLL 'de' y - LLLL 'de' y"
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                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "– v",
                                        "m": "– v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a v",
                                        "h": "h–h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M–M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM – dd/MM",
                                        "M": "dd/MM – dd/MM"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E dd/MM – E dd/MM",
                                        "M": "E dd/MM – E dd/MM"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d.–d. MMM",
                                        "M": "d. MMM – d. MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E 'den' d. – E 'den' d. MMM",
                                        "M": "E 'den' d. MMM – E 'den' d. MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y–y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM/y – MM/y",
                                        "y": "MM/y – MM/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y – MMM y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d.–d. MMM y",
                                        "M": "d. MMM – d. MMM y",
                                        "y": "d. MMM y – d. MMM y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E 'den' d. – E 'den' d. MMM y",
                                        "M": "E 'den' d. MMM – E 'den' d. MMM y",
                                        "y": "E 'den' d. MMM y – E 'den' d. MMM y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM–MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": ";",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "Tidszone for {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} (+1)",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} (+0)",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "de": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan.",
                                        "2": "Feb.",
                                        "3": "März",
                                        "4": "Apr.",
                                        "5": "Mai",
                                        "6": "Juni",
                                        "7": "Juli",
                                        "8": "Aug.",
                                        "9": "Sep.",
                                        "10": "Okt.",
                                        "11": "Nov.",
                                        "12": "Dez."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "Januar",
                                        "2": "Februar",
                                        "3": "März",
                                        "4": "April",
                                        "5": "Mai",
                                        "6": "Juni",
                                        "7": "Juli",
                                        "8": "August",
                                        "9": "September",
                                        "10": "Oktober",
                                        "11": "November",
                                        "12": "Dezember"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Feb",
                                        "3": "Mär",
                                        "4": "Apr",
                                        "5": "Mai",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Aug",
                                        "9": "Sep",
                                        "10": "Okt",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dez"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "Januar",
                                        "2": "Februar",
                                        "3": "März",
                                        "4": "April",
                                        "5": "Mai",
                                        "6": "Juni",
                                        "7": "Juli",
                                        "8": "August",
                                        "9": "September",
                                        "10": "Oktober",
                                        "11": "November",
                                        "12": "Dezember"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "So.",
                                        "mon": "Mo.",
                                        "tue": "Di.",
                                        "wed": "Mi.",
                                        "thu": "Do.",
                                        "fri": "Fr.",
                                        "sat": "Sa."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "D",
                                        "wed": "M",
                                        "thu": "D",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "So.",
                                        "mon": "Mo.",
                                        "tue": "Di.",
                                        "wed": "Mi.",
                                        "thu": "Do.",
                                        "fri": "Fr.",
                                        "sat": "Sa."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Sonntag",
                                        "mon": "Montag",
                                        "tue": "Dienstag",
                                        "wed": "Mittwoch",
                                        "thu": "Donnerstag",
                                        "fri": "Freitag",
                                        "sat": "Samstag"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "So",
                                        "mon": "Mo",
                                        "tue": "Di",
                                        "wed": "Mi",
                                        "thu": "Do",
                                        "fri": "Fr",
                                        "sat": "Sa"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "D",
                                        "wed": "M",
                                        "thu": "D",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "So.",
                                        "mon": "Mo.",
                                        "tue": "Di.",
                                        "wed": "Mi.",
                                        "thu": "Do.",
                                        "fri": "Fr.",
                                        "sat": "Sa."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Sonntag",
                                        "mon": "Montag",
                                        "tue": "Dienstag",
                                        "wed": "Mittwoch",
                                        "thu": "Donnerstag",
                                        "fri": "Freitag",
                                        "sat": "Samstag"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1. Quartal",
                                        "2": "2. Quartal",
                                        "3": "3. Quartal",
                                        "4": "4. Quartal"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1. Quartal",
                                        "2": "2. Quartal",
                                        "3": "3. Quartal",
                                        "4": "4. Quartal"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "nachmittags",
                                        "am": "vorm.",
                                        "earlyMorning": "morgens",
                                        "evening": "abends",
                                        "morning": "vormittags",
                                        "night": "nachts",
                                        "noon": "Mittag",
                                        "pm": "nachm."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "nachmittags",
                                        "am": "vorm.",
                                        "earlyMorning": "morgens",
                                        "evening": "abends",
                                        "morning": "vormittags",
                                        "night": "nachts",
                                        "noon": "Mittag",
                                        "pm": "nachm."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "afternoon": "nachmittags",
                                        "am": "vorm.",
                                        "earlyMorning": "morgens",
                                        "evening": "abends",
                                        "morning": "vormittags",
                                        "night": "nachts",
                                        "noon": "Mittag",
                                        "pm": "nachm."
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "nachmittags",
                                        "am": "vorm.",
                                        "earlyMorning": "morgens",
                                        "evening": "abends",
                                        "morning": "vormittags",
                                        "night": "nachts",
                                        "noon": "Mittag",
                                        "pm": "nachm."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "nachmittags",
                                        "am": "vorm.",
                                        "earlyMorning": "morgens",
                                        "evening": "abends",
                                        "morning": "vormittags",
                                        "night": "nachts",
                                        "noon": "Mittag",
                                        "pm": "nachm."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "afternoon": "Nachmittag",
                                        "am": "vorm.",
                                        "earlyMorning": "Morgen",
                                        "evening": "Abend",
                                        "morning": "Vormittag",
                                        "night": "Nacht",
                                        "noon": "Mittag",
                                        "pm": "nachm."
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "v. Chr.",
                                    "1": "n. Chr.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "vor der gewöhnlichen Zeitrechnung",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "der gewöhnlichen Zeitrechnung"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "v. Chr.",
                                    "1": "n. Chr.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "v. u. Z.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "u. Z."
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "v. Chr.",
                                    "1": "n. Chr.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "vdZ",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "dZ"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, d. MMMM y",
                                "long": "d. MMMM y",
                                "medium": "dd.MM.y",
                                "short": "dd.MM.yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E, d.",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E, HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E, h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E, HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d. MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d. MMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH 'Uhr'",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "d.M.",
                                    "MEd": "E, d.M.",
                                    "MMd": "d.MM.",
                                    "MMdd": "dd.MM.",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d. MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E, d. MMM",
                                    "MMMMdd": "dd. MMMM",
                                    "MMMMEd": "E, d. MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "M.y",
                                    "yMd": "d.M.y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, d.M.y",
                                    "yMM": "MM.y",
                                    "yMMdd": "dd.MM.y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d. MMM y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d. MMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} - {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d.-d."
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a",
                                        "h": "h-h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH-HH 'Uhr'"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm-HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm-HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm-HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm-HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a v",
                                        "h": "h-h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH-HH 'Uhr' v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M.-M."
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd.MM. - dd.MM.",
                                        "M": "dd.MM. - dd.MM."
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd.MM. - E, dd.MM.",
                                        "M": "E, dd.MM. - E, dd.MM."
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM-MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d.-d. MMM",
                                        "M": "d. MMM - d. MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d. - E, d. MMM",
                                        "M": "E, d. MMM - E, d. MMM"
                                    "MMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLLL-LLLL"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y-y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM.y - MM.y",
                                        "y": "MM.y - MM.y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "dd.MM.y - dd.MM.y",
                                        "M": "dd.MM.y - dd.MM.y",
                                        "y": "dd.MM.y - dd.MM.y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd.MM.y - E, dd.MM.y",
                                        "M": "E, dd.MM.y - E, dd.MM.y",
                                        "y": "E, dd.MM.y - E, dd.MM.y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM-MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y - MMM y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d.-d. MMM y",
                                        "M": "d. MMM - d. MMM y",
                                        "y": "d. MMM y - d. MMM y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d. - E, d. MMM y",
                                        "M": "E, d. MMM - E, d. MMM y",
                                        "y": "E, d. MMM y - E, d. MMM y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM-MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y - MMMM y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0} Zeit",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} Sommerzeit",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} Normalzeit",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "el": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Ιαν",
                                        "2": "Φεβ",
                                        "3": "Μαρ",
                                        "4": "Απρ",
                                        "5": "Μαΐ",
                                        "6": "Ιουν",
                                        "7": "Ιουλ",
                                        "8": "Αυγ",
                                        "9": "Σεπ",
                                        "10": "Οκτ",
                                        "11": "Νοε",
                                        "12": "Δεκ"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "Ι",
                                        "2": "Φ",
                                        "3": "Μ",
                                        "4": "Α",
                                        "5": "Μ",
                                        "6": "Ι",
                                        "7": "Ι",
                                        "8": "Α",
                                        "9": "Σ",
                                        "10": "Ο",
                                        "11": "Ν",
                                        "12": "Δ"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "Ιανουαρίου",
                                        "2": "Φεβρουαρίου",
                                        "3": "Μαρτίου",
                                        "4": "Απριλίου",
                                        "5": "Μαΐου",
                                        "6": "Ιουνίου",
                                        "7": "Ιουλίου",
                                        "8": "Αυγούστου",
                                        "9": "Σεπτεμβρίου",
                                        "10": "Οκτωβρίου",
                                        "11": "Νοεμβρίου",
                                        "12": "Δεκεμβρίου"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Ιαν",
                                        "2": "Φεβ",
                                        "3": "Μάρ",
                                        "4": "Απρ",
                                        "5": "Μάι",
                                        "6": "Ιούν",
                                        "7": "Ιούλ",
                                        "8": "Αύγ",
                                        "9": "Σεπ",
                                        "10": "Οκτ",
                                        "11": "Νοέ",
                                        "12": "Δεκ"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "Ι",
                                        "2": "Φ",
                                        "3": "Μ",
                                        "4": "Α",
                                        "5": "Μ",
                                        "6": "Ι",
                                        "7": "Ι",
                                        "8": "Α",
                                        "9": "Σ",
                                        "10": "Ο",
                                        "11": "Ν",
                                        "12": "Δ"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "Ιανουάριος",
                                        "2": "Φεβρουάριος",
                                        "3": "Μάρτιος",
                                        "4": "Απρίλιος",
                                        "5": "Μάιος",
                                        "6": "Ιούνιος",
                                        "7": "Ιούλιος",
                                        "8": "Αύγουστος",
                                        "9": "Σεπτέμβριος",
                                        "10": "Οκτώβριος",
                                        "11": "Νοέμβριος",
                                        "12": "Δεκέμβριος"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Κυρ",
                                        "mon": "Δευ",
                                        "tue": "Τρί",
                                        "wed": "Τετ",
                                        "thu": "Πέμ",
                                        "fri": "Παρ",
                                        "sat": "Σάβ"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "Κ",
                                        "mon": "Δ",
                                        "tue": "Τ",
                                        "wed": "Τ",
                                        "thu": "Π",
                                        "fri": "Π",
                                        "sat": "Σ"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Κυ",
                                        "mon": "Δε",
                                        "tue": "Τρ",
                                        "wed": "Τε",
                                        "thu": "Πέ",
                                        "fri": "Πα",
                                        "sat": "Σά"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Κυριακή",
                                        "mon": "Δευτέρα",
                                        "tue": "Τρίτη",
                                        "wed": "Τετάρτη",
                                        "thu": "Πέμπτη",
                                        "fri": "Παρασκευή",
                                        "sat": "Σάββατο"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Κυρ",
                                        "mon": "Δευ",
                                        "tue": "Τρί",
                                        "wed": "Τετ",
                                        "thu": "Πέμ",
                                        "fri": "Παρ",
                                        "sat": "Σάβ"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "Κ",
                                        "mon": "Δ",
                                        "tue": "Τ",
                                        "wed": "Τ",
                                        "thu": "Π",
                                        "fri": "Π",
                                        "sat": "Σ"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Κυ",
                                        "mon": "Δε",
                                        "tue": "Τρ",
                                        "wed": "Τε",
                                        "thu": "Πέ",
                                        "fri": "Πα",
                                        "sat": "Σά"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Κυριακή",
                                        "mon": "Δευτέρα",
                                        "tue": "Τρίτη",
                                        "wed": "Τετάρτη",
                                        "thu": "Πέμπτη",
                                        "fri": "Παρασκευή",
                                        "sat": "Σάββατο"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Τ1",
                                        "2": "Τ2",
                                        "3": "Τ3",
                                        "4": "Τ4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1ο τρίμηνο",
                                        "2": "2ο τρίμηνο",
                                        "3": "3ο τρίμηνο",
                                        "4": "4ο τρίμηνο"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Τ1",
                                        "2": "Τ2",
                                        "3": "Τ3",
                                        "4": "Τ4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1ο τρίμηνο",
                                        "2": "2ο τρίμηνο",
                                        "3": "3ο τρίμηνο",
                                        "4": "4ο τρίμηνο"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "π.μ.",
                                        "pm": "μ.μ."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "π.μ.",
                                        "pm": "μ.μ."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "π.μ.",
                                        "pm": "μ.μ."
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "π.μ.",
                                        "pm": "μ.μ."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "π.μ.",
                                        "pm": "μ.μ."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "π.μ.",
                                        "pm": "μ.μ."
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "π.Χ.",
                                    "1": "μ.Χ.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "π.Κ.Χ.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "ΚΧ"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "π.Χ.",
                                    "1": "μ.Χ.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "π.Κ.Χ.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "ΚΧ"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "π.Χ.",
                                    "1": "μ.Χ.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "π.Κ.Χ.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "ΚΧ"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, d MMMM y",
                                "long": "d MMMM y",
                                "medium": "d MMM y",
                                "short": "d/M/yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "h:mm:ss a zzzz",
                                "long": "h:mm:ss a z",
                                "medium": "h:mm:ss a",
                                "short": "h:mm a"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} - {0}",
                                "long": "{1} - {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} - {0}",
                                "short": "{1} - {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E d",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "LLL y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d MMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "HHmm": "HH:mm",
                                    "HHmmss": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "d/M",
                                    "MEd": "E, d/M",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E, d MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d MMMM",
                                    "MMMMEd": "E, d MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "M/y",
                                    "yMd": "d/M/y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, d/M/y",
                                    "yMMM": "LLL y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "LLLL y",
                                    "yQQQ": "y QQQ",
                                    "yQQQQ": "y QQQQ"
                                "appendItems": {
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                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} - {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d-d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a",
                                        "h": "h-h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a v",
                                        "h": "h-h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M-M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM - dd/MM",
                                        "M": "dd/MM - dd/MM"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd/MM - E, dd/MM",
                                        "M": "E, dd/MM - E, dd/MM"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL-LLL"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "dd-dd MMM",
                                        "M": "dd MMM - dd MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd - E, dd MMM",
                                        "M": "E, dd MMM - E, dd MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y-y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM/y - MM/y",
                                        "y": "MM/y - MM/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd/MM/y - E, dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "E, dd/MM/y - E, dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "E, dd/MM/y - E, dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL-LLL y",
                                        "y": "MMM y - MMM y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "dd-dd MMM y",
                                        "M": "dd MMM - dd MMM y",
                                        "y": "dd MMM y - dd MMM y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd MMM - E, dd MMM y",
                                        "M": "E, dd MMM - E, dd MMM y",
                                        "y": "E, dd MMM y - E, dd MMM y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLLL-LLLL y",
                                        "y": "LLLL y - LLLL y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "Ώρα ({0})",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "Θερινή ώρα ({0})",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "Χειμερινή ώρα ({0})",
                        "fallbackFormat": "[{1} ({0})]"
            "en": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Feb",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Apr",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Aug",
                                        "9": "Sep",
                                        "10": "Oct",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "January",
                                        "2": "February",
                                        "3": "March",
                                        "4": "April",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "June",
                                        "7": "July",
                                        "8": "August",
                                        "9": "September",
                                        "10": "October",
                                        "11": "November",
                                        "12": "December"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Feb",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Apr",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Aug",
                                        "9": "Sep",
                                        "10": "Oct",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "January",
                                        "2": "February",
                                        "3": "March",
                                        "4": "April",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "June",
                                        "7": "July",
                                        "8": "August",
                                        "9": "September",
                                        "10": "October",
                                        "11": "November",
                                        "12": "December"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Sun",
                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
                                        "wed": "Wed",
                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "W",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Su",
                                        "mon": "Mo",
                                        "tue": "Tu",
                                        "wed": "We",
                                        "thu": "Th",
                                        "fri": "Fr",
                                        "sat": "Sa"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Sunday",
                                        "mon": "Monday",
                                        "tue": "Tuesday",
                                        "wed": "Wednesday",
                                        "thu": "Thursday",
                                        "fri": "Friday",
                                        "sat": "Saturday"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Sun",
                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
                                        "wed": "Wed",
                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "W",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Su",
                                        "mon": "Mo",
                                        "tue": "Tu",
                                        "wed": "We",
                                        "thu": "Th",
                                        "fri": "Fr",
                                        "sat": "Sa"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Sunday",
                                        "mon": "Monday",
                                        "tue": "Tuesday",
                                        "wed": "Wednesday",
                                        "thu": "Thursday",
                                        "fri": "Friday",
                                        "sat": "Saturday"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1st quarter",
                                        "2": "2nd quarter",
                                        "3": "3rd quarter",
                                        "4": "4th quarter"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1st quarter",
                                        "2": "2nd quarter",
                                        "3": "3rd quarter",
                                        "4": "4th quarter"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "PM",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "p",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "PM",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "PM",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "p",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "PM",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "Before Christ",
                                    "1": "Anno Domini",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "Before Common Era",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "Common Era"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "BC",
                                    "1": "AD",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "B",
                                    "1": "A",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, MMMM d, y",
                                "long": "MMMM d, y",
                                "medium": "MMM d, y",
                                "short": "M/d/yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "h:mm:ss a zzzz",
                                "long": "h:mm:ss a z",
                                "medium": "h:mm:ss a",
                                "short": "h:mm a"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} 'at' {0}",
                                "long": "{1} 'at' {0}",
                                "medium": "{1}, {0}",
                                "short": "{1}, {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "d E",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "MMM d, y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, MMM d, y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "M/d",
                                    "MEd": "E, M/d",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "MMM d",
                                    "MMMEd": "E, MMM d",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "M/y",
                                    "yMd": "M/d/y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, M/d/y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "MMM d, y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, MMM d, y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{0} {1}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d – d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a",
                                        "h": "h – h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH – HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm – h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm – h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm – HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm – HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm – h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm – h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm – HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm – HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a v",
                                        "h": "h – h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH – HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M – M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "M/d – M/d",
                                        "M": "M/d – M/d"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E, M/d – E, M/d",
                                        "M": "E, M/d – E, M/d"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM – MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "MMM d – d",
                                        "M": "MMM d – MMM d"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, MMM d – E, MMM d",
                                        "M": "E, MMM d – E, MMM d"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y – y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "M/y – M/y",
                                        "y": "M/y – M/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "M/d/y – M/d/y",
                                        "M": "M/d/y – M/d/y",
                                        "y": "M/d/y – M/d/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y",
                                        "M": "E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y",
                                        "y": "E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM – MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y – MMM y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "MMM d – d, y",
                                        "M": "MMM d – MMM d, y",
                                        "y": "MMM d, y – MMM d, y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y",
                                        "M": "E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y",
                                        "y": "E, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM – MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0} Time",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} Daylight Time",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} Standard Time",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "en-AU": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Feb",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Apr",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Aug",
                                        "9": "Sep",
                                        "10": "Oct",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "January",
                                        "2": "February",
                                        "3": "March",
                                        "4": "April",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "June",
                                        "7": "July",
                                        "8": "August",
                                        "9": "September",
                                        "10": "October",
                                        "11": "November",
                                        "12": "December"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Feb",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Apr",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Aug",
                                        "9": "Sep",
                                        "10": "Oct",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "January",
                                        "2": "February",
                                        "3": "March",
                                        "4": "April",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "June",
                                        "7": "July",
                                        "8": "August",
                                        "9": "September",
                                        "10": "October",
                                        "11": "November",
                                        "12": "December"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Sun",
                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
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                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "W",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Su",
                                        "mon": "Mo",
                                        "tue": "Tu",
                                        "wed": "We",
                                        "thu": "Th",
                                        "fri": "Fr",
                                        "sat": "Sa"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Sunday",
                                        "mon": "Monday",
                                        "tue": "Tuesday",
                                        "wed": "Wednesday",
                                        "thu": "Thursday",
                                        "fri": "Friday",
                                        "sat": "Saturday"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Sun",
                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
                                        "wed": "Wed",
                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "W",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Su",
                                        "mon": "Mo",
                                        "tue": "Tu",
                                        "wed": "We",
                                        "thu": "Th",
                                        "fri": "Fr",
                                        "sat": "Sa"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Sunday",
                                        "mon": "Monday",
                                        "tue": "Tuesday",
                                        "wed": "Wednesday",
                                        "thu": "Thursday",
                                        "fri": "Friday",
                                        "sat": "Saturday"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1st quarter",
                                        "2": "2nd quarter",
                                        "3": "3rd quarter",
                                        "4": "4th quarter"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1st quarter",
                                        "2": "2nd quarter",
                                        "3": "3rd quarter",
                                        "4": "4th quarter"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "am",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "p",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "am",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "am",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "p",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "am",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "Before Christ",
                                    "1": "Anno Domini",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "Before Common Era",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "Common Era"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "BC",
                                    "1": "AD",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "B",
                                    "1": "A",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, d MMMM y",
                                "long": "d MMMM y",
                                "medium": "d MMM y",
                                "short": "d/MM/y"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "h:mm:ss a zzzz",
                                "long": "h:mm:ss a z",
                                "medium": "h:mm:ss a",
                                "short": "h:mm a"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E d",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d MMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "LL",
                                    "Md": "dd/MM",
                                    "MEd": "E dd/MM",
                                    "MMdd": "dd/MM",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E d MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "MM/y",
                                    "yMd": "d/M/y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, d/M/y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{0} {1}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} - {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d-d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a",
                                        "h": "h-h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a v",
                                        "h": "h-h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M-M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "d/MM - d/MM",
                                        "M": "d/MM - d/MM"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d/MM - E, d/MM",
                                        "M": "E, d/MM - E, d/MM"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM-MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d-d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM - d MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d - E, d MMM",
                                        "M": "E, d MMM - E, d MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y-y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM/y - MM/y",
                                        "y": "MM/y - MM/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "d/MM/y - d/MM/y",
                                        "M": "d/MM/y - d/MM/y",
                                        "y": "d/MM/y - d/MM/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d/MM/y - E, d/MM/y",
                                        "M": "E, d/MM/y - E, d/MM/y",
                                        "y": "E, d/MM/y - E, d/MM/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM-MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y - MMM y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d-d MMM y",
                                        "M": "d MMM - d MMM y",
                                        "y": "d MMM y - d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d - E, d MMM y",
                                        "M": "E, d MMM - E, d MMM y",
                                        "y": "E, d MMM y - E, d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM–MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0} Time",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} Daylight Time",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} Standard Time",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "en-CA": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Feb",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Apr",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Aug",
                                        "9": "Sep",
                                        "10": "Oct",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "January",
                                        "2": "February",
                                        "3": "March",
                                        "4": "April",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "June",
                                        "7": "July",
                                        "8": "August",
                                        "9": "September",
                                        "10": "October",
                                        "11": "November",
                                        "12": "December"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Feb",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Apr",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Aug",
                                        "9": "Sep",
                                        "10": "Oct",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "January",
                                        "2": "February",
                                        "3": "March",
                                        "4": "April",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "June",
                                        "7": "July",
                                        "8": "August",
                                        "9": "September",
                                        "10": "October",
                                        "11": "November",
                                        "12": "December"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Sun",
                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
                                        "wed": "Wed",
                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "W",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Su",
                                        "mon": "Mo",
                                        "tue": "Tu",
                                        "wed": "We",
                                        "thu": "Th",
                                        "fri": "Fr",
                                        "sat": "Sa"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Sunday",
                                        "mon": "Monday",
                                        "tue": "Tuesday",
                                        "wed": "Wednesday",
                                        "thu": "Thursday",
                                        "fri": "Friday",
                                        "sat": "Saturday"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Sun",
                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
                                        "wed": "Wed",
                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "W",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Su",
                                        "mon": "Mo",
                                        "tue": "Tu",
                                        "wed": "We",
                                        "thu": "Th",
                                        "fri": "Fr",
                                        "sat": "Sa"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Sunday",
                                        "mon": "Monday",
                                        "tue": "Tuesday",
                                        "wed": "Wednesday",
                                        "thu": "Thursday",
                                        "fri": "Friday",
                                        "sat": "Saturday"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1st quarter",
                                        "2": "2nd quarter",
                                        "3": "3rd quarter",
                                        "4": "4th quarter"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1st quarter",
                                        "2": "2nd quarter",
                                        "3": "3rd quarter",
                                        "4": "4th quarter"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "PM",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "p",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "PM",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "PM",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "p",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "PM",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "Before Christ",
                                    "1": "Anno Domini",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "Before Common Era",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "Common Era"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "BC",
                                    "1": "AD",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "B",
                                    "1": "A",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, MMMM d, y",
                                "long": "MMMM d, y",
                                "medium": "MMM d, y",
                                "short": "M/d/yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "h:mm:ss a zzzz",
                                "long": "h:mm:ss a z",
                                "medium": "h:mm:ss a",
                                "short": "h:mm a"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} 'at' {0}",
                                "long": "{1} 'at' {0}",
                                "medium": "{1}, {0}",
                                "short": "{1}, {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "d E",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "MMM d, y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, MMM d, y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "M/d",
                                    "MEd": "E, M/d",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "MMM d",
                                    "MMMEd": "E, MMM d",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "M/y",
                                    "yMd": "M/d/y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, M/d/y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "MMM d, y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, MMM d, y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{0} {1}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d – d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a",
                                        "h": "h – h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH – HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm – h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm – h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm – HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm – HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm – h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm – h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm – HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm – HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a v",
                                        "h": "h – h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH – HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M – M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "M/d – M/d",
                                        "M": "M/d – M/d"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E, M/d – E, M/d",
                                        "M": "E, M/d – E, M/d"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM – MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "MMM d – d",
                                        "M": "MMM d – MMM d"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, MMM d – E, MMM d",
                                        "M": "E, MMM d – E, MMM d"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y – y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "M/y – M/y",
                                        "y": "M/y – M/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "M/d/y – M/d/y",
                                        "M": "M/d/y – M/d/y",
                                        "y": "M/d/y – M/d/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y",
                                        "M": "E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y",
                                        "y": "E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM – MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y – MMM y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "MMM d – d, y",
                                        "M": "MMM d – MMM d, y",
                                        "y": "MMM d, y – MMM d, y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y",
                                        "M": "E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y",
                                        "y": "E, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM – MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0} Time",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} Daylight Time",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} Standard Time",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "en-GB": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Feb",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Apr",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Aug",
                                        "9": "Sep",
                                        "10": "Oct",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "January",
                                        "2": "February",
                                        "3": "March",
                                        "4": "April",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "June",
                                        "7": "July",
                                        "8": "August",
                                        "9": "September",
                                        "10": "October",
                                        "11": "November",
                                        "12": "December"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Feb",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Apr",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Aug",
                                        "9": "Sep",
                                        "10": "Oct",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "January",
                                        "2": "February",
                                        "3": "March",
                                        "4": "April",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "June",
                                        "7": "July",
                                        "8": "August",
                                        "9": "September",
                                        "10": "October",
                                        "11": "November",
                                        "12": "December"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Sun",
                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
                                        "wed": "Wed",
                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "W",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Su",
                                        "mon": "Mo",
                                        "tue": "Tu",
                                        "wed": "We",
                                        "thu": "Th",
                                        "fri": "Fr",
                                        "sat": "Sa"
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                                        "sun": "Sunday",
                                        "mon": "Monday",
                                        "tue": "Tuesday",
                                        "wed": "Wednesday",
                                        "thu": "Thursday",
                                        "fri": "Friday",
                                        "sat": "Saturday"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
                                        "wed": "Wed",
                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
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                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
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                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
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                                        "mon": "Mo",
                                        "tue": "Tu",
                                        "wed": "We",
                                        "thu": "Th",
                                        "fri": "Fr",
                                        "sat": "Sa"
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                                        "mon": "Monday",
                                        "tue": "Tuesday",
                                        "wed": "Wednesday",
                                        "thu": "Thursday",
                                        "fri": "Friday",
                                        "sat": "Saturday"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
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                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1st quarter",
                                        "2": "2nd quarter",
                                        "3": "3rd quarter",
                                        "4": "4th quarter"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
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                                        "1": "1st quarter",
                                        "2": "2nd quarter",
                                        "3": "3rd quarter",
                                        "4": "4th quarter"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
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                                        "am": "a",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "p",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
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                                        "am": "am",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "am",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
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                                        "am": "a",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "p",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "am",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "Before Christ",
                                    "1": "Anno Domini",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "Before Common Era",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "Common Era"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "BC",
                                    "1": "AD",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "B",
                                    "1": "A",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
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                                "full": "EEEE, d MMMM y",
                                "long": "d MMMM y",
                                "medium": "d MMM y",
                                "short": "dd/MM/y"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
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                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E d",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
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                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d MMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "LL",
                                    "Md": "dd/MM",
                                    "MEd": "E dd/MM",
                                    "MMdd": "dd/MM",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E d MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "MM/y",
                                    "yMd": "dd/MM/y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, dd/MM/y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
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                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{0} {1}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d–d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a",
                                        "h": "h–h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a v",
                                        "h": "h–h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M–M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM – dd/MM",
                                        "M": "dd/MM – dd/MM"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E dd/MM – E dd/MM",
                                        "M": "E dd/MM – E dd/MM"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d–d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E d – E d MMM",
                                        "M": "E d MMM – E d MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y-y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM/y – MM/y",
                                        "y": "MM/y – MM/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd/MM/y – E, dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "E, dd/MM/y – E, dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "E, dd/MM/y – E, dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y – MMM y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d–d MMM y",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
                                        "y": "d MMM y – d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d – E, d MMM y",
                                        "M": "E, d MMM – E, d MMM y",
                                        "y": "E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM–MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0} Time",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} Daylight Time",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} Standard Time",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "en-HK": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Feb",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Apr",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Aug",
                                        "9": "Sep",
                                        "10": "Oct",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "January",
                                        "2": "February",
                                        "3": "March",
                                        "4": "April",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "June",
                                        "7": "July",
                                        "8": "August",
                                        "9": "September",
                                        "10": "October",
                                        "11": "November",
                                        "12": "December"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Feb",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Apr",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Aug",
                                        "9": "Sep",
                                        "10": "Oct",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
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                                        "1": "January",
                                        "2": "February",
                                        "3": "March",
                                        "4": "April",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "June",
                                        "7": "July",
                                        "8": "August",
                                        "9": "September",
                                        "10": "October",
                                        "11": "November",
                                        "12": "December"
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                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
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                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
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                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "W",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Su",
                                        "mon": "Mo",
                                        "tue": "Tu",
                                        "wed": "We",
                                        "thu": "Th",
                                        "fri": "Fr",
                                        "sat": "Sa"
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                                        "sun": "Sunday",
                                        "mon": "Monday",
                                        "tue": "Tuesday",
                                        "wed": "Wednesday",
                                        "thu": "Thursday",
                                        "fri": "Friday",
                                        "sat": "Saturday"
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                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
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                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
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                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
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                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
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                                        "mon": "Mo",
                                        "tue": "Tu",
                                        "wed": "We",
                                        "thu": "Th",
                                        "fri": "Fr",
                                        "sat": "Sa"
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                                        "sun": "Sunday",
                                        "mon": "Monday",
                                        "tue": "Tuesday",
                                        "wed": "Wednesday",
                                        "thu": "Thursday",
                                        "fri": "Friday",
                                        "sat": "Saturday"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
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                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1st quarter",
                                        "2": "2nd quarter",
                                        "3": "3rd quarter",
                                        "4": "4th quarter"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1st quarter",
                                        "2": "2nd quarter",
                                        "3": "3rd quarter",
                                        "4": "4th quarter"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "p",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
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                                        "am": "am",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "am",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "p",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "am",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "Before Christ",
                                    "1": "Anno Domini",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "Before Common Era",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "Common Era"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "BC",
                                    "1": "AD",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "B",
                                    "1": "A",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
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                                "full": "EEEE, d MMMM, y",
                                "long": "d MMMM, y",
                                "medium": "d MMM, y",
                                "short": "d/M/yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "h:mm:ss a zzzz",
                                "long": "h:mm:ss a z",
                                "medium": "h:mm:ss a",
                                "short": "h:mm a"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
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                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E d",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d MMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "LL",
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                                    "MEd": "E dd/MM",
                                    "MMdd": "dd/MM",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E, d MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d MMMM",
                                    "MMMMEd": "E, d MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "MM/y",
                                    "yMd": "d/M/y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, dd/MM/y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d MMM, y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d MMM, y",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
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                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{0} {1}"
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                                        "a": "h a – h a",
                                        "h": "h–h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm v"
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                                        "a": "h a – h a v",
                                        "h": "h–h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
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                                        "d": "d/M – d/M",
                                        "M": "d/M – d/M"
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                                        "M": "E, d/M – E, d/M"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d–d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d MMM – E, d MMM",
                                        "M": "E, d MMM – E, d MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y-y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM/y – MM/y",
                                        "y": "MM/y – MM/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "d/M/y – d/M/y",
                                        "M": "d/M/y – d/M/y",
                                        "y": "d/M/y – d/M/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y",
                                        "M": "E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y",
                                        "y": "E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y – MMM y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d–d MMM, y",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM, y",
                                        "y": "d MMM, y – d MMM, y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d MMM – E, d MMM, y",
                                        "M": "E, d MMM – E, d MMM, y",
                                        "y": "E, d MMM, y – E, d MMM, y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM–MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0} Time",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} Daylight Time",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} Standard Time",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "en-IN": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Feb",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Apr",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Aug",
                                        "9": "Sep",
                                        "10": "Oct",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "January",
                                        "2": "February",
                                        "3": "March",
                                        "4": "April",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "June",
                                        "7": "July",
                                        "8": "August",
                                        "9": "September",
                                        "10": "October",
                                        "11": "November",
                                        "12": "December"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Feb",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Apr",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Aug",
                                        "9": "Sep",
                                        "10": "Oct",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "January",
                                        "2": "February",
                                        "3": "March",
                                        "4": "April",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "June",
                                        "7": "July",
                                        "8": "August",
                                        "9": "September",
                                        "10": "October",
                                        "11": "November",
                                        "12": "December"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Sun",
                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
                                        "wed": "Wed",
                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "W",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Su",
                                        "mon": "Mo",
                                        "tue": "Tu",
                                        "wed": "We",
                                        "thu": "Th",
                                        "fri": "Fr",
                                        "sat": "Sa"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Sunday",
                                        "mon": "Monday",
                                        "tue": "Tuesday",
                                        "wed": "Wednesday",
                                        "thu": "Thursday",
                                        "fri": "Friday",
                                        "sat": "Saturday"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Sun",
                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
                                        "wed": "Wed",
                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "W",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Su",
                                        "mon": "Mo",
                                        "tue": "Tu",
                                        "wed": "We",
                                        "thu": "Th",
                                        "fri": "Fr",
                                        "sat": "Sa"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Sunday",
                                        "mon": "Monday",
                                        "tue": "Tuesday",
                                        "wed": "Wednesday",
                                        "thu": "Thursday",
                                        "fri": "Friday",
                                        "sat": "Saturday"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1st quarter",
                                        "2": "2nd quarter",
                                        "3": "3rd quarter",
                                        "4": "4th quarter"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1st quarter",
                                        "2": "2nd quarter",
                                        "3": "3rd quarter",
                                        "4": "4th quarter"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "am",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "p",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "am",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "am",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "p",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "am",
                                        "am-alt-variant": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "noon",
                                        "pm": "pm",
                                        "pm-alt-variant": "p.m."
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "Before Christ",
                                    "1": "Anno Domini",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "Before Common Era",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "Common Era"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "BC",
                                    "1": "AD",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "B",
                                    "1": "A",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE d MMMM y",
                                "long": "d MMMM y",
                                "medium": "dd-MMM-y",
                                "short": "dd/MM/yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "h:mm:ss a zzzz",
                                "long": "h:mm:ss a z",
                                "medium": "h:mm:ss a",
                                "short": "h:mm a"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E d",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d MMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "LL",
                                    "Md": "dd/MM",
                                    "MEd": "E dd/MM",
                                    "MMdd": "dd/MM",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E d MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "MM/y",
                                    "yMd": "d/M/y",
                                    "yMEd": "E d/M/y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E d MMM, y",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{0} {1}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} - {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d-d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a",
                                        "h": "h-h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a v",
                                        "h": "h-h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M-M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM - dd/MM",
                                        "M": "dd/MM - dd/MM"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E dd/MM - E dd/MM",
                                        "M": "E dd/MM - E dd/MM"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM-MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d-d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM - d MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E d - E d MMM",
                                        "M": "E d MMM - E d MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y-y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM/y - MM/y",
                                        "y": "MM/y - MM/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E dd/MM/y - E dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "E dd/MM/y - E dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "E dd/MM/y - E dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM-MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y - MMM y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d-d MMM y",
                                        "M": "d MMM - d MMM y",
                                        "y": "d MMM y - d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E d - E d MMM y",
                                        "M": "E d MMM - E d MMM y",
                                        "y": "E d MMM y - E d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM–MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0} Time",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} Daylight Time",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} Standard Time",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "es": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "ene.",
                                        "2": "feb.",
                                        "3": "mar.",
                                        "4": "abr.",
                                        "5": "may.",
                                        "6": "jun.",
                                        "7": "jul.",
                                        "8": "ago.",
                                        "9": "sept.",
                                        "10": "oct.",
                                        "11": "nov.",
                                        "12": "dic."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "E",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "enero",
                                        "2": "febrero",
                                        "3": "marzo",
                                        "4": "abril",
                                        "5": "mayo",
                                        "6": "junio",
                                        "7": "julio",
                                        "8": "agosto",
                                        "9": "septiembre",
                                        "10": "octubre",
                                        "11": "noviembre",
                                        "12": "diciembre"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Ene.",
                                        "2": "Feb.",
                                        "3": "Mar.",
                                        "4": "Abr.",
                                        "5": "May.",
                                        "6": "Jun.",
                                        "7": "Jul.",
                                        "8": "Ago.",
                                        "9": "Sept.",
                                        "10": "Oct.",
                                        "11": "Nov.",
                                        "12": "Dic."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "E",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "Enero",
                                        "2": "Febrero",
                                        "3": "Marzo",
                                        "4": "Abril",
                                        "5": "Mayo",
                                        "6": "Junio",
                                        "7": "Julio",
                                        "8": "Agosto",
                                        "9": "Septiembre",
                                        "10": "Octubre",
                                        "11": "Noviembre",
                                        "12": "Diciembre"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "dom.",
                                        "mon": "lun.",
                                        "tue": "mar.",
                                        "wed": "mié.",
                                        "thu": "jue.",
                                        "fri": "vie.",
                                        "sat": "sáb."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "D",
                                        "mon": "L",
                                        "tue": "M",
                                        "wed": "X",
                                        "thu": "J",
                                        "fri": "V",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "DO",
                                        "mon": "LU",
                                        "tue": "MA",
                                        "wed": "MI",
                                        "thu": "JU",
                                        "fri": "VI",
                                        "sat": "SA"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "domingo",
                                        "mon": "lunes",
                                        "tue": "martes",
                                        "wed": "miércoles",
                                        "thu": "jueves",
                                        "fri": "viernes",
                                        "sat": "sábado"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Dom.",
                                        "mon": "Lun.",
                                        "tue": "Mar.",
                                        "wed": "Mié.",
                                        "thu": "Jue.",
                                        "fri": "Vie.",
                                        "sat": "Sáb."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "D",
                                        "mon": "L",
                                        "tue": "M",
                                        "wed": "M",
                                        "thu": "J",
                                        "fri": "V",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "DO",
                                        "mon": "LU",
                                        "tue": "MA",
                                        "wed": "MI",
                                        "thu": "JU",
                                        "fri": "VI",
                                        "sat": "SA"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Domingo",
                                        "mon": "Lunes",
                                        "tue": "Martes",
                                        "wed": "Miércoles",
                                        "thu": "Jueves",
                                        "fri": "Viernes",
                                        "sat": "Sábado"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "T1",
                                        "2": "T2",
                                        "3": "T3",
                                        "4": "T4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1T",
                                        "2": "2T",
                                        "3": "3T",
                                        "4": "4T"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": " trimestre",
                                        "2": "2.º trimestre",
                                        "3": " trimestre",
                                        "4": "4.º trimestre"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "T1",
                                        "2": "T2",
                                        "3": "T3",
                                        "4": "T4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1T",
                                        "2": "2T",
                                        "3": "3T",
                                        "4": "4T"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": " trimestre",
                                        "2": "2.º trimestre",
                                        "3": " trimestre",
                                        "4": "4.º trimestre"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "a. m.",
                                        "pm": "p. m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "a. m.",
                                        "pm": "p. m."
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "a. m.",
                                        "pm": "p. m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "a. m.",
                                        "pm": "p. m."
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "antes de Cristo",
                                    "1": "anno Dómini",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "a. e. c.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "e. c."
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "a. C.",
                                    "1": "d. C.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "a. e. c.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "e. c."
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "a. C.",
                                    "1": "d. C.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "a. e. c.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "e. c."
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
                                "long": "d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
                                "medium": "d/M/y",
                                "short": "d/M/yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "H:mm:ss (zzzz)",
                                "long": "H:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "H:mm:ss",
                                "short": "H:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1}, {0}",
                                "long": "{1}, {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E d",
                                    "Ehm": "E, h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E, H:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E, h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E, H:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM 'de' y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM 'de' y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "H",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "H:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "H:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "d/M",
                                    "MEd": "E, d/M",
                                    "MMd": "d/M",
                                    "MMdd": "d/M",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d 'de' MMM",
                                    "MMMdd": "dd-MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E d 'de' MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d 'de' MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "M/y",
                                    "yMd": "d/M/y",
                                    "yMEd": "EEE, d/M/y",
                                    "yMM": "M/y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM 'de' y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "EEE, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM 'de' y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ 'de' y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
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                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d–d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a–h a",
                                        "h": "h–h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "H–H"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm – h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm – h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "H:mm–H:mm",
                                        "m": "H:mm–H:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a–h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "H:mm–H:mm v",
                                        "m": "H:mm–H:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a–h a v",
                                        "h": "h–h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "H–H v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M–M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "d/M–d/M",
                                        "M": "d/M–d/M"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d/M–E, d/M",
                                        "M": "E, d/M–E, d/M"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d–d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM–d MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d MMM–E, d MMM",
                                        "M": "E, d MMM–E, d MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y–y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "M/y–M/y",
                                        "y": "M/y–M/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "d/M/y–d/M/y",
                                        "M": "d/M/y–d/M/y",
                                        "y": "d/M/y–d/M/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d/M/y–E, d/M/y",
                                        "M": "E, d/M/y–E, d/M/y",
                                        "y": "E, d/M/y–E, d/M/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y–MMM y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d–d MMM y",
                                        "M": "d MMM–d MMM 'de' y",
                                        "y": "d MMM 'de' y–d MMM 'de' y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d MMM–E, d MMM 'de' y",
                                        "M": "E, d MMM–E, d MMM 'de' y",
                                        "y": "E, d MMM 'de' y–E, d MMM 'de' y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM–MMMM 'de' y",
                                        "y": "MMMM 'de' y–MMMM 'de' y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "Hora de {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "horario de verano de {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "horario estándar de {0}",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "fi": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "tammikuuta",
                                        "2": "helmikuuta",
                                        "3": "maaliskuuta",
                                        "4": "huhtikuuta",
                                        "5": "toukokuuta",
                                        "6": "kesäkuuta",
                                        "7": "heinäkuuta",
                                        "8": "elokuuta",
                                        "9": "syyskuuta",
                                        "10": "lokakuuta",
                                        "11": "marraskuuta",
                                        "12": "joulukuuta"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "T",
                                        "2": "H",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "H",
                                        "5": "T",
                                        "6": "K",
                                        "7": "H",
                                        "8": "E",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "L",
                                        "11": "M",
                                        "12": "J"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "tammikuuta",
                                        "2": "helmikuuta",
                                        "3": "maaliskuuta",
                                        "4": "huhtikuuta",
                                        "5": "toukokuuta",
                                        "6": "kesäkuuta",
                                        "7": "heinäkuuta",
                                        "8": "elokuuta",
                                        "9": "syyskuuta",
                                        "10": "lokakuuta",
                                        "11": "marraskuuta",
                                        "12": "joulukuuta"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "tammi",
                                        "2": "helmi",
                                        "3": "maalis",
                                        "4": "huhti",
                                        "5": "touko",
                                        "6": "kesä",
                                        "7": "heinä",
                                        "8": "elo",
                                        "9": "syys",
                                        "10": "loka",
                                        "11": "marras",
                                        "12": "joulu"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "T",
                                        "2": "H",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "H",
                                        "5": "T",
                                        "6": "K",
                                        "7": "H",
                                        "8": "E",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "L",
                                        "11": "M",
                                        "12": "J"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "tammikuu",
                                        "2": "helmikuu",
                                        "3": "maaliskuu",
                                        "4": "huhtikuu",
                                        "5": "toukokuu",
                                        "6": "kesäkuu",
                                        "7": "heinäkuu",
                                        "8": "elokuu",
                                        "9": "syyskuu",
                                        "10": "lokakuu",
                                        "11": "marraskuu",
                                        "12": "joulukuu"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "su",
                                        "mon": "ma",
                                        "tue": "ti",
                                        "wed": "ke",
                                        "thu": "to",
                                        "fri": "pe",
                                        "sat": "la"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "K",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "P",
                                        "sat": "L"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "su",
                                        "mon": "ma",
                                        "tue": "ti",
                                        "wed": "ke",
                                        "thu": "to",
                                        "fri": "pe",
                                        "sat": "la"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "sunnuntaina",
                                        "mon": "maanantaina",
                                        "tue": "tiistaina",
                                        "wed": "keskiviikkona",
                                        "thu": "torstaina",
                                        "fri": "perjantaina",
                                        "sat": "lauantaina"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "su",
                                        "mon": "ma",
                                        "tue": "ti",
                                        "wed": "ke",
                                        "thu": "to",
                                        "fri": "pe",
                                        "sat": "la"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "K",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "P",
                                        "sat": "L"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "su",
                                        "mon": "ma",
                                        "tue": "ti",
                                        "wed": "ke",
                                        "thu": "to",
                                        "fri": "pe",
                                        "sat": "la"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "sunnuntai",
                                        "mon": "maanantai",
                                        "tue": "tiistai",
                                        "wed": "keskiviikko",
                                        "thu": "torstai",
                                        "fri": "perjantai",
                                        "sat": "lauantai"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "1. nelj.",
                                        "2": "2. nelj.",
                                        "3": "3. nelj.",
                                        "4": "4. nelj."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1. neljännes",
                                        "2": "2. neljännes",
                                        "3": "3. neljännes",
                                        "4": "4. neljännes"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "1. nelj.",
                                        "2": "2. nelj.",
                                        "3": "3. nelj.",
                                        "4": "4. nelj."
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                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
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                                        "1": "1. neljännes",
                                        "2": "2. neljännes",
                                        "3": "3. neljännes",
                                        "4": "4. neljännes"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "ap.",
                                        "pm": "ip."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "ap.",
                                        "pm": "ip."
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                                        "am": "ap.",
                                        "pm": "ip."
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "ap.",
                                        "pm": "ip."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "ap.",
                                        "pm": "ip."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "ap.",
                                        "pm": "ip."
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "ennen Kristuksen syntymää",
                                    "1": "jälkeen Kristuksen syntymän",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "ennen ajanlaskun alkua",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "jälkeen ajanlaskun alun"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "eKr.",
                                    "1": "jKr.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "eaa.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "jaa."
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "eK",
                                    "1": "jK",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "eaa",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "jaa"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "cccc d. MMMM y",
                                "long": "d. MMMM y",
                                "medium": "d.M.y",
                                "short": "d.M.y"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": " zzzz",
                                "long": " z",
                                "medium": "",
                                "short": ""
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
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                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E d.",
                                    "Ehm": "E a",
                                    "EHm": "E",
                                    "Ehms": "E a",
                                    "EHms": "E",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "LLL y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d. MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E d. MMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "H",
                                    "hm": " a",
                                    "Hm": "",
                                    "hms": " a",
                                    "Hms": "",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "d.M.",
                                    "MEd": "E d.M.",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d. MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "ccc d. MMM",
                                    "ms": "",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "L.y",
                                    "yMd": "d.M.y",
                                    "yMEd": "E d.M.y",
                                    "yMM": "M.y",
                                    "yMMM": "LLL y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d. MMM y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E d. MMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "LLLL y",
                                    "yMMMMccccd": "cccc d. MMMM y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0}–{1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d.–d."
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a",
                                        "h": "h–h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "H–H"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": " a – a",
                                        "h": "– a",
                                        "m": "– a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "–",
                                        "m": "–"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": " a – a v",
                                        "h": "– a v",
                                        "m": "– a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "– v",
                                        "m": "– v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a v",
                                        "h": "h–h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "H–H v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "L.–L."
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "d.–d.M.",
                                        "M": "d.M.–d.M."
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E d. – E d.M.",
                                        "M": "E d.M. – E d.M."
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL–LLLL"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d.–d. MMMM",
                                        "M": "d. MMMM – d. MMMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E d. – E d. MMMM",
                                        "M": "E d. MMMM – E d. MMMM"
                                    "MMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL–LLLL"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y–y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "LLL–LLLL y",
                                        "y": "LLLL y – LLLL y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "d.–d.M.y",
                                        "M": "d.M.–d.M.y",
                                        "y": "d.M.y–d.M.y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E d.M.y – E d.M.y",
                                        "M": "E d.M.y – E d.M.y",
                                        "y": "E d.M.y – E d.M.y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL–LLLL y",
                                        "y": "LLLL y – LLLL y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d.–d. MMMM y",
                                        "M": "d. MMMM – d. MMMM y",
                                        "y": "d. MMMM y – d. MMMM y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E d. – E d. MMMM y",
                                        "M": "E d. MMMM – E d. MMMM y",
                                        "y": "E d. MMMM y – E d. MMMM y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL–LLLL y",
                                        "y": "LLLL y – LLLL y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": ";",
                        "gmtFormat": "UTC{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "UTC",
                        "regionFormat": "aikavyöhyke: {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} (kesäaika)",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} (normaaliaika)",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "fr": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "janv.",
                                        "2": "févr.",
                                        "3": "mars",
                                        "4": "avr.",
                                        "5": "mai",
                                        "6": "juin",
                                        "7": "juil.",
                                        "8": "août",
                                        "9": "sept.",
                                        "10": "oct.",
                                        "11": "nov.",
                                        "12": "déc."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "janvier",
                                        "2": "février",
                                        "3": "mars",
                                        "4": "avril",
                                        "5": "mai",
                                        "6": "juin",
                                        "7": "juillet",
                                        "8": "août",
                                        "9": "septembre",
                                        "10": "octobre",
                                        "11": "novembre",
                                        "12": "décembre"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "janv.",
                                        "2": "févr.",
                                        "3": "mars",
                                        "4": "avr.",
                                        "5": "mai",
                                        "6": "juin",
                                        "7": "juil.",
                                        "8": "août",
                                        "9": "sept.",
                                        "10": "oct.",
                                        "11": "nov.",
                                        "12": "déc."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "janvier",
                                        "2": "février",
                                        "3": "mars",
                                        "4": "avril",
                                        "5": "mai",
                                        "6": "juin",
                                        "7": "juillet",
                                        "8": "août",
                                        "9": "septembre",
                                        "10": "octobre",
                                        "11": "novembre",
                                        "12": "décembre"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "dim.",
                                        "mon": "lun.",
                                        "tue": "mar.",
                                        "wed": "mer.",
                                        "thu": "jeu.",
                                        "fri": "ven.",
                                        "sat": "sam."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "D",
                                        "mon": "L",
                                        "tue": "M",
                                        "wed": "M",
                                        "thu": "J",
                                        "fri": "V",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "di",
                                        "mon": "lu",
                                        "tue": "ma",
                                        "wed": "me",
                                        "thu": "je",
                                        "fri": "ve",
                                        "sat": "sa"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "dimanche",
                                        "mon": "lundi",
                                        "tue": "mardi",
                                        "wed": "mercredi",
                                        "thu": "jeudi",
                                        "fri": "vendredi",
                                        "sat": "samedi"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "dim.",
                                        "mon": "lun.",
                                        "tue": "mar.",
                                        "wed": "mer.",
                                        "thu": "jeu.",
                                        "fri": "ven.",
                                        "sat": "sam."
                                    "narrow": {
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                                        "mon": "L",
                                        "tue": "M",
                                        "wed": "M",
                                        "thu": "J",
                                        "fri": "V",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
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                                        "mon": "lun.",
                                        "tue": "mar.",
                                        "wed": "mer.",
                                        "thu": "jeu.",
                                        "fri": "ven.",
                                        "sat": "sam."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "dimanche",
                                        "mon": "lundi",
                                        "tue": "mardi",
                                        "wed": "mercredi",
                                        "thu": "jeudi",
                                        "fri": "vendredi",
                                        "sat": "samedi"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "T1",
                                        "2": "T2",
                                        "3": "T3",
                                        "4": "T4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1er trimestre",
                                        "2": "2e trimestre",
                                        "3": "3e trimestre",
                                        "4": "4e trimestre"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "T1",
                                        "2": "T2",
                                        "3": "T3",
                                        "4": "T4"
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                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1er trimestre",
                                        "2": "2e trimestre",
                                        "3": "3e trimestre",
                                        "4": "4e trimestre"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "ap.m.",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "morning": "matin",
                                        "night": "soir",
                                        "noon": "midi",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "ap.-m.",
                                        "am": "a",
                                        "morning": "matin",
                                        "night": "soir",
                                        "noon": "midi",
                                        "pm": "p"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "afternoon": "après-midi",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "morning": "matin",
                                        "night": "soir",
                                        "noon": "midi",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "ap.m.",
                                        "am": "av.m.",
                                        "morning": "matin",
                                        "night": "soir",
                                        "noon": "midi",
                                        "pm": "ap.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "ap.-m.",
                                        "am": "a",
                                        "morning": "matin",
                                        "night": "soir",
                                        "noon": "midi",
                                        "pm": "p"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "afternoon": "après-midi",
                                        "am": "avant-midi",
                                        "morning": "matin",
                                        "night": "soir",
                                        "noon": "midi",
                                        "pm": "après-midi"
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "avant Jésus-Christ",
                                    "1": "après Jésus-Christ",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "AEC",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "EC"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "av. J.-C.",
                                    "1": "ap. J.-C.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "AEC",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "EC"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "av. J.-C.",
                                    "1": "ap. J.-C.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "AEC",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "EC"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE d MMMM y",
                                "long": "d MMMM y",
                                "medium": "d MMM y",
                                "short": "dd/MM/y"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E d",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E d MMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH 'h'",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "d/M",
                                    "MEd": "E d/M",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E d MMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "M/y",
                                    "yMd": "d/M/y",
                                    "yMEd": "E d/M/y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d-d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a",
                                        "h": "h – h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH – HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm – h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm – h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm – HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm – HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm – h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm – h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm – HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm – HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a v",
                                        "h": "h – h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH – HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M–M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM – dd/MM",
                                        "M": "dd/MM - dd/MM"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E dd/MM - E dd/MM",
                                        "M": "E dd/MM - E dd/MM"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d–d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E d – E d MMM",
                                        "M": "E d MMM – E d MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y–y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM/y – MM/y",
                                        "y": "M/y – M/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "d/M/y – d/M/y",
                                        "M": "d/M/y – d/M/y",
                                        "y": "dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y – MMM y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d–d MMM y",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
                                        "y": "d MMM y – d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E d – E d MMM y",
                                        "M": "E d MMM – E d MMM y",
                                        "y": "E d MMM y – E d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM – MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;−HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "UTC{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "UTC",
                        "regionFormat": "heure : {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} (heure d’été)",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} (heure standard)",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "he": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "ינו",
                                        "2": "פבר",
                                        "3": "מרץ",
                                        "4": "אפר",
                                        "5": "מאי",
                                        "6": "יונ",
                                        "7": "יול",
                                        "8": "אוג",
                                        "9": "ספט",
                                        "10": "אוק",
                                        "11": "נוב",
                                        "12": "דצמ"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4",
                                        "5": "5",
                                        "6": "6",
                                        "7": "7",
                                        "8": "8",
                                        "9": "9",
                                        "10": "10",
                                        "11": "11",
                                        "12": "12"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "ינואר",
                                        "2": "פברואר",
                                        "3": "מרץ",
                                        "4": "אפריל",
                                        "5": "מאי",
                                        "6": "יוני",
                                        "7": "יולי",
                                        "8": "אוגוסט",
                                        "9": "ספטמבר",
                                        "10": "אוקטובר",
                                        "11": "נובמבר",
                                        "12": "דצמבר"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "ינו׳",
                                        "2": "פבר׳",
                                        "3": "מרץ",
                                        "4": "אפר׳",
                                        "5": "מאי",
                                        "6": "יונ׳",
                                        "7": "יול׳",
                                        "8": "אוג׳",
                                        "9": "ספט׳",
                                        "10": "אוק׳",
                                        "11": "נוב׳",
                                        "12": "דצמ׳"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4",
                                        "5": "5",
                                        "6": "6",
                                        "7": "7",
                                        "8": "8",
                                        "9": "9",
                                        "10": "10",
                                        "11": "11",
                                        "12": "12"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "ינואר",
                                        "2": "פברואר",
                                        "3": "מרץ",
                                        "4": "אפריל",
                                        "5": "מאי",
                                        "6": "יוני",
                                        "7": "יולי",
                                        "8": "אוגוסט",
                                        "9": "ספטמבר",
                                        "10": "אוקטובר",
                                        "11": "נובמבר",
                                        "12": "דצמבר"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "יום א׳",
                                        "mon": "יום ב׳",
                                        "tue": "יום ג׳",
                                        "wed": "יום ד׳",
                                        "thu": "יום ה׳",
                                        "fri": "יום ו׳",
                                        "sat": "שבת"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "א׳",
                                        "mon": "ב׳",
                                        "tue": "ג׳",
                                        "wed": "ד׳",
                                        "thu": "ה׳",
                                        "fri": "ו׳",
                                        "sat": "ש׳"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "א׳",
                                        "mon": "ב׳",
                                        "tue": "ג׳",
                                        "wed": "ד׳",
                                        "thu": "ה׳",
                                        "fri": "ו׳",
                                        "sat": "ש׳"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "יום ראשון",
                                        "mon": "יום שני",
                                        "tue": "יום שלישי",
                                        "wed": "יום רביעי",
                                        "thu": "יום חמישי",
                                        "fri": "יום שישי",
                                        "sat": "יום שבת"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "יום א׳",
                                        "mon": "יום ב׳",
                                        "tue": "יום ג׳",
                                        "wed": "יום ד׳",
                                        "thu": "יום ה׳",
                                        "fri": "יום ו׳",
                                        "sat": "שבת"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "א׳",
                                        "mon": "ב׳",
                                        "tue": "ג׳",
                                        "wed": "ד׳",
                                        "thu": "ה׳",
                                        "fri": "ו׳",
                                        "sat": "ש׳"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "א׳",
                                        "mon": "ב׳",
                                        "tue": "ג׳",
                                        "wed": "ד׳",
                                        "thu": "ה׳",
                                        "fri": "ו׳",
                                        "sat": "ש׳"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "יום ראשון",
                                        "mon": "יום שני",
                                        "tue": "יום שלישי",
                                        "wed": "יום רביעי",
                                        "thu": "יום חמישי",
                                        "fri": "יום שישי",
                                        "sat": "יום שבת"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "רבעון 1",
                                        "2": "רבעון 2",
                                        "3": "רבעון 3",
                                        "4": "רבעון 4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "רבעון 1",
                                        "2": "רבעון 2",
                                        "3": "רבעון 3",
                                        "4": "רבעון 4"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "רבעון 1",
                                        "2": "רבעון 2",
                                        "3": "רבעון 3",
                                        "4": "רבעון 4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "ר1",
                                        "2": "ר2",
                                        "3": "ר3",
                                        "4": "ר4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "רבעון 1",
                                        "2": "רבעון 2",
                                        "3": "רבעון 3",
                                        "4": "רבעון 4"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "לפנה״צ",
                                        "pm": "אחה״צ"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "לפנה״צ",
                                        "pm": "אחה״צ"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "לפנה״צ",
                                        "pm": "אחה״צ"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "לפנה״צ",
                                        "pm": "אחה״צ"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "לפנה״צ",
                                        "pm": "אחה״צ"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "לפנה״צ",
                                        "pm": "אחה״צ"
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "לפני הספירה",
                                    "1": "לספירה",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "לפנה״ס",
                                    "1": "לסה״נ",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "לפנה״ס",
                                    "1": "לסה״נ",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, d בMMMM y",
                                "long": "d בMMMM y",
                                "medium": "d בMMM y",
                                "short": "dd/MM/yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} בשעה {0}",
                                "long": "{1} בשעה {0}",
                                "medium": "{1}, {0}",
                                "short": "{1}, {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E ה-d",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E H:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E H:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d בMMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d בMMM y G",
                                    "h": "‏h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "d/M",
                                    "MEd": "E, d/M",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d בMMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E, d בMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "M.y",
                                    "yMd": "d.M.y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, d/M/y",
                                    "yMM": "MM/y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d בMMM y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d בMMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
                                    "yQQQ": "y QQQ",
                                    "yQQQQ": "y QQQQ"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d–d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a",
                                        "h": "h–h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "H–H"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "H:mm–H:mm",
                                        "m": "H:mm–H:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "H:mm–H:mm v",
                                        "m": "H:mm–H:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a v",
                                        "h": "h–h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "H–H v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M–M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "d.M–d.M",
                                        "M": "d.M–d.M"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "EEEE d.M–EEEE d.M",
                                        "M": "EEEE d.M – EEEE d.M"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d–d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM–d MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "EEEE d MMM – EEEE d MMM",
                                        "M": "EEEE d MMM – EEEE d MMM"
                                    "MMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLLL–LLLL"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y–y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "M.y–M.y",
                                        "y": "M.y‏-M.y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "dd.M.y – dd.M.y",
                                        "M": "d.M.y – d.M.y",
                                        "y": "d.M.y – d.M.y"
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                                        "d": "EEEE d.M.y – EEEE d.M.y",
                                        "M": "EEEE d.M.y – EEEE d.M.y",
                                        "y": "EEEE d.M.y – EEEE d.M.y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y – MMM y"
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                                        "d": "d–d MMM y",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
                                        "y": "d MMM y – d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "EEEE d MMM – EEEE d MMM y",
                                        "M": "EEEE d MMM – EEEE d MMM y",
                                        "y": "EEEE d MMM y – EEEE d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM–MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y–MMMM y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
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                        "regionFormat": "שעון {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "שעון {0} (קיץ)",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "שעון {0} (חורף)",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "hi": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "जन",
                                        "2": "फ़र",
                                        "3": "मार्च",
                                        "4": "अप्रै",
                                        "5": "मई",
                                        "6": "जून",
                                        "7": "जुला",
                                        "8": "अग",
                                        "9": "सितं",
                                        "10": "अक्टू",
                                        "11": "नवं",
                                        "12": "दिसं"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "ज",
                                        "2": "फ़",
                                        "3": "मा",
                                        "4": "अ",
                                        "5": "म",
                                        "6": "जू",
                                        "7": "जु",
                                        "8": "अ",
                                        "9": "सि",
                                        "10": "अ",
                                        "11": "न",
                                        "12": "दि"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "जनवरी",
                                        "2": "फ़रवरी",
                                        "3": "मार्च",
                                        "4": "अप्रैल",
                                        "5": "मई",
                                        "6": "जून",
                                        "7": "जुलाई",
                                        "8": "अगस्त",
                                        "9": "सितंबर",
                                        "10": "अक्टूबर",
                                        "11": "नवंबर",
                                        "12": "दिसंबर"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "जन",
                                        "2": "फ़र",
                                        "3": "मार्च",
                                        "4": "अप्रै",
                                        "5": "मई",
                                        "6": "जून",
                                        "7": "जुला",
                                        "8": "अग",
                                        "9": "सितं",
                                        "10": "अक्टू",
                                        "11": "नवं",
                                        "12": "दिसं"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "ज",
                                        "2": "फ़",
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                                        "5": "म",
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                                        "7": "जु",
                                        "8": "अ",
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                                        "10": "अ",
                                        "11": "न",
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                                        "2": "फ़रवरी",
                                        "3": "मार्च",
                                        "4": "अप्रैल",
                                        "5": "मई",
                                        "6": "जून",
                                        "7": "जुलाई",
                                        "8": "अगस्त",
                                        "9": "सितंबर",
                                        "10": "अक्टूबर",
                                        "11": "नवंबर",
                                        "12": "दिसंबर"
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                                        "mon": "सोम",
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                                        "wed": "बुध",
                                        "thu": "गुरु",
                                        "fri": "शुक्र",
                                        "sat": "शनि"
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                                        "sun": "र",
                                        "mon": "सो",
                                        "tue": "मं",
                                        "wed": "बु",
                                        "thu": "गु",
                                        "fri": "शु",
                                        "sat": "श"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "र",
                                        "mon": "सो",
                                        "tue": "मं",
                                        "wed": "बु",
                                        "thu": "गु",
                                        "fri": "शु",
                                        "sat": "श"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "रविवार",
                                        "mon": "सोमवार",
                                        "tue": "मंगलवार",
                                        "wed": "बुधवार",
                                        "thu": "गुरुवार",
                                        "fri": "शुक्रवार",
                                        "sat": "शनिवार"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "रवि",
                                        "mon": "सोम",
                                        "tue": "मंगल",
                                        "wed": "बुध",
                                        "thu": "गुरु",
                                        "fri": "शुक्र",
                                        "sat": "शनि"
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                                        "mon": "सो",
                                        "tue": "मं",
                                        "wed": "बु",
                                        "thu": "गु",
                                        "fri": "शु",
                                        "sat": "श"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "र",
                                        "mon": "सो",
                                        "tue": "मं",
                                        "wed": "बु",
                                        "thu": "गु",
                                        "fri": "शु",
                                        "sat": "श"
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                                        "sun": "रविवार",
                                        "mon": "सोमवार",
                                        "tue": "मंगलवार",
                                        "wed": "बुधवार",
                                        "thu": "गुरुवार",
                                        "fri": "शुक्रवार",
                                        "sat": "शनिवार"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "ति1",
                                        "2": "ति2",
                                        "3": "ति3",
                                        "4": "ति4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
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                                        "1": "पहली तिमाही",
                                        "2": "दूसरी तिमाही",
                                        "3": "तीसरी तिमाही",
                                        "4": "चौथी तिमाही"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "ति1",
                                        "2": "ति2",
                                        "3": "ति3",
                                        "4": "ति4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "पहली तिमाही",
                                        "2": "दूसरी तिमाही",
                                        "3": "तीसरी तिमाही",
                                        "4": "चौथी तिमाही"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "पूर्व",
                                        "pm": "अपर"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "पू",
                                        "pm": "अ"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "पूर्वाह्न",
                                        "pm": "अपराह्न"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "पूर्व",
                                        "pm": "अपर"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "पू",
                                        "pm": "अ"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "पूर्वाह्न",
                                        "pm": "अपराह्न"
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                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "ईसा-पूर्व",
                                    "1": "ईस्वी",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "ईसा-पूर्व",
                                    "1": "ईस्वी",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "ईसा-पूर्व",
                                    "1": "ईस्वी",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, d MMMM y",
                                "long": "d MMMM y",
                                "medium": "dd-MM-y",
                                "short": "d-M-yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "h:mm:ss a zzzz",
                                "long": "h:mm:ss a z",
                                "medium": "h:mm:ss a",
                                "short": "h:mm a"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} को {0}",
                                "long": "{1} को {0}",
                                "medium": "{1}, {0}",
                                "short": "{1}, {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E d",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM G y",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM, G y",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d MMM, G y",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "d/M",
                                    "MEd": "E, d/M",
                                    "MMdd": "dd-MM",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d MMM",
                                    "MMMdd": "dd MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E, d MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d MMMM",
                                    "MMMMEd": "E, d MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "M/y",
                                    "yMd": "d/M/y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, d/M/y",
                                    "yMM": "MM-y",
                                    "yMMdd": "dd-MM-y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d MMM, y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
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                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
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                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
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                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d–d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a",
                                        "h": "h–h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a v",
                                        "h": "h–h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M–M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "d/M – d/M",
                                        "M": "d/M – d/M"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d/M – E, d/M",
                                        "M": "E, d/M – E, d/M"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d MMM–d",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d MMM – E, d MMM",
                                        "M": "E, d MMM – E, d MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y–y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "M/y – M/y",
                                        "y": "M/y – M/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "d/M/y – d/M/y",
                                        "M": "d/M/y – d/M/y",
                                        "y": "d/M/y – d/M/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y",
                                        "M": "E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y",
                                        "y": "E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y – MMM y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d MMM–d, y",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM, y",
                                        "y": "d MMM, y – d MMM, y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d MMM – E, d MMM, y",
                                        "M": "E, d MMM – E, d MMM, y",
                                        "y": "E, d MMM, y – E, d MMM, y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM – MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0} समय",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} डेलाइट समय",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} मानक समय",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "hr": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "sij",
                                        "2": "velj",
                                        "3": "ožu",
                                        "4": "tra",
                                        "5": "svi",
                                        "6": "lip",
                                        "7": "srp",
                                        "8": "kol",
                                        "9": "ruj",
                                        "10": "lis",
                                        "11": "stu",
                                        "12": "pro"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1.",
                                        "2": "2.",
                                        "3": "3.",
                                        "4": "4.",
                                        "5": "5.",
                                        "6": "6.",
                                        "7": "7.",
                                        "8": "8.",
                                        "9": "9.",
                                        "10": "10.",
                                        "11": "11.",
                                        "12": "12."
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                                        "2": "veljače",
                                        "3": "ožujka",
                                        "4": "travnja",
                                        "5": "svibnja",
                                        "6": "lipnja",
                                        "7": "srpnja",
                                        "8": "kolovoza",
                                        "9": "rujna",
                                        "10": "listopada",
                                        "11": "studenoga",
                                        "12": "prosinca"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "sij",
                                        "2": "velj",
                                        "3": "ožu",
                                        "4": "tra",
                                        "5": "svi",
                                        "6": "lip",
                                        "7": "srp",
                                        "8": "kol",
                                        "9": "ruj",
                                        "10": "lis",
                                        "11": "stu",
                                        "12": "pro"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1.",
                                        "2": "2.",
                                        "3": "3.",
                                        "4": "4.",
                                        "5": "5.",
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                                        "8": "8.",
                                        "9": "9.",
                                        "10": "10.",
                                        "11": "11.",
                                        "12": "12."
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                                        "1": "siječanj",
                                        "2": "veljača",
                                        "3": "ožujak",
                                        "4": "travanj",
                                        "5": "svibanj",
                                        "6": "lipanj",
                                        "7": "srpanj",
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "ned",
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                                        "thu": "čet",
                                        "fri": "pet",
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                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "N",
                                        "mon": "P",
                                        "tue": "U",
                                        "wed": "S",
                                        "thu": "Č",
                                        "fri": "P",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
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                                        "mon": "pon",
                                        "tue": "uto",
                                        "wed": "sri",
                                        "thu": "čet",
                                        "fri": "pet",
                                        "sat": "sub"
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                                        "sun": "nedjelja",
                                        "mon": "ponedjeljak",
                                        "tue": "utorak",
                                        "wed": "srijeda",
                                        "thu": "četvrtak",
                                        "fri": "petak",
                                        "sat": "subota"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "ned",
                                        "mon": "pon",
                                        "tue": "uto",
                                        "wed": "sri",
                                        "thu": "čet",
                                        "fri": "pet",
                                        "sat": "sub"
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                                        "sun": "n",
                                        "mon": "p",
                                        "tue": "u",
                                        "wed": "s",
                                        "thu": "č",
                                        "fri": "p",
                                        "sat": "s"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "ned",
                                        "mon": "pon",
                                        "tue": "uto",
                                        "wed": "sri",
                                        "thu": "čet",
                                        "fri": "pet",
                                        "sat": "sub"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "nedjelja",
                                        "mon": "ponedjeljak",
                                        "tue": "utorak",
                                        "wed": "srijeda",
                                        "thu": "četvrtak",
                                        "fri": "petak",
                                        "sat": "subota"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "1kv",
                                        "2": "2kv",
                                        "3": "3kv",
                                        "4": "4kv"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1.",
                                        "2": "2.",
                                        "3": "3.",
                                        "4": "4."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1. kvartal",
                                        "2": "2. kvartal",
                                        "3": "3. kvartal",
                                        "4": "4. kvartal"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "1kv",
                                        "2": "2kv",
                                        "3": "3kv",
                                        "4": "4kv"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1.",
                                        "2": "2.",
                                        "3": "3.",
                                        "4": "4."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1. kvartal",
                                        "2": "2. kvartal",
                                        "3": "3. kvartal",
                                        "4": "4. kvartal"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "popodne",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "earlyMorning": "ujutro",
                                        "evening": "navečer",
                                        "morning": "prijepodne",
                                        "night": "noću",
                                        "noon": "podne",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "popodne",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "earlyMorning": "ujutro",
                                        "evening": "navečer",
                                        "morning": "prijepodne",
                                        "night": "noću",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "noon": "podne",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "popodne",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "earlyMorning": "ujutro",
                                        "evening": "navečer",
                                        "morning": "prijepodne",
                                        "night": "noću",
                                        "noon": "podne",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "popodne",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "earlyMorning": "ujutro",
                                        "evening": "navečer",
                                        "morning": "prijepodne",
                                        "night": "noću",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "noon": "podne",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "Prije Krista",
                                    "1": "Poslije Krista",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "pr. n. e.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "n.e."
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "pr. Kr.",
                                    "1": "p. Kr.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "pr. n. e.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "n.e."
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "pr.n.e.",
                                    "1": "AD",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "pr. n. e.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "n.e."
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, d. MMMM y.",
                                "long": "d. MMMM y.",
                                "medium": "d. MMM y.",
                                "short": "d.M.yy."
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} 'u' {0}",
                                "long": "{1} 'u' {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d.",
                                    "Ed": "E, d.",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y. G",
                                    "GyMMM": "LLL y. G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d. MMM y. G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d. MMM y. G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "hh:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "hh:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L.",
                                    "Md": "d. M.",
                                    "MEd": "E, d. M.",
                                    "MMdd": "dd. MM.",
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                                    "MMMd": "d. MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E, d. MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d. MMMM",
                                    "MMMMdd": "dd. MMMM",
                                    "MMMMEd": "E, d. MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y.",
                                    "yM": "M. y.",
                                    "yMd": "d. M. y.",
                                    "yMEd": "E, d. M. y.",
                                    "yMM": "MM. y.",
                                    "yMMM": "LLL y.",
                                    "yMMMd": "d. MMM y.",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d. MMM y.",
                                    "yMMMM": "LLLL y.",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y.",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y."
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
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                                        "d": "dd. - dd."
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                                        "a": "h a - h a",
                                        "h": "h - h'h' a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH-HH'h'"
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                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm-HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm-HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm-HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm-HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a v",
                                        "h": "h - h 'h' a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH - HH 'h' v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "MM. - MM."
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd.MM. - dd.MM.",
                                        "M": "dd.MM. - dd.MM."
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd.MM. - E, dd.MM.",
                                        "M": "E, dd.MM. - E, dd.MM."
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL-LLL"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "dd. - dd. MMM",
                                        "M": "dd. MMM - dd. MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd. - E, dd. MMM",
                                        "M": "E, dd. MMM - E, dd. MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y. - y."
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM.y. - MM.y.",
                                        "y": "MM.y. - MM.y."
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "dd.MM.y. - dd.MM.y.",
                                        "M": "dd.MM.y. - dd.MM.y.",
                                        "y": "dd.MM.y. - dd.MM.y."
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd.MM.y. - E, dd.MM.y.",
                                        "M": "E, dd.MM.y. - E, dd.MM.y.",
                                        "y": "E, dd.MM.y. - E, dd.MM.y."
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL-LLL y.",
                                        "y": "LLL y. - LLL y."
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "dd. - dd. MMM y.",
                                        "M": "dd. MMM - dd. MMM y.",
                                        "y": "dd. MMM y. - dd. MMM y."
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd. - E, dd. MMM y.",
                                        "M": "E, dd. MMM - E, dd. MMM y.",
                                        "y": "E, dd. MMM y. - E, dd. MMM y."
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLLL – LLLL y.",
                                        "y": "LLLL y. - LLLL y."
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm; -HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0}, ljetno vrijeme",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0}, standardno vrijeme",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
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                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "jan.",
                                        "2": "febr.",
                                        "3": "márc.",
                                        "4": "ápr.",
                                        "5": "máj.",
                                        "6": "jún.",
                                        "7": "júl.",
                                        "8": "aug.",
                                        "9": "szept.",
                                        "10": "okt.",
                                        "11": "nov.",
                                        "12": "dec."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "Á",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "Sz",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "január",
                                        "2": "február",
                                        "3": "március",
                                        "4": "április",
                                        "5": "május",
                                        "6": "június",
                                        "7": "július",
                                        "8": "augusztus",
                                        "9": "szeptember",
                                        "10": "október",
                                        "11": "november",
                                        "12": "december"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "jan.",
                                        "2": "febr.",
                                        "3": "márc.",
                                        "4": "ápr.",
                                        "5": "máj.",
                                        "6": "jún.",
                                        "7": "júl.",
                                        "8": "aug.",
                                        "9": "szept.",
                                        "10": "okt.",
                                        "11": "nov.",
                                        "12": "dec."
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                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "Á",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "Sz",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
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                                        "2": "február",
                                        "3": "március",
                                        "4": "április",
                                        "5": "május",
                                        "6": "június",
                                        "7": "július",
                                        "8": "augusztus",
                                        "9": "szeptember",
                                        "10": "október",
                                        "11": "november",
                                        "12": "december"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "V",
                                        "mon": "H",
                                        "tue": "K",
                                        "wed": "Sze",
                                        "thu": "Cs",
                                        "fri": "P",
                                        "sat": "Szo"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "V",
                                        "mon": "H",
                                        "tue": "K",
                                        "wed": "Sz",
                                        "thu": "Cs",
                                        "fri": "P",
                                        "sat": "Sz"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "V",
                                        "mon": "H",
                                        "tue": "K",
                                        "wed": "Sze",
                                        "thu": "Cs",
                                        "fri": "P",
                                        "sat": "Szo"
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                                        "mon": "hétfő",
                                        "tue": "kedd",
                                        "wed": "szerda",
                                        "thu": "csütörtök",
                                        "fri": "péntek",
                                        "sat": "szombat"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "V",
                                        "mon": "H",
                                        "tue": "K",
                                        "wed": "Sze",
                                        "thu": "Cs",
                                        "fri": "P",
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                                        "mon": "H",
                                        "tue": "K",
                                        "wed": "Sz",
                                        "thu": "Cs",
                                        "fri": "P",
                                        "sat": "Sz"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "V",
                                        "mon": "H",
                                        "tue": "K",
                                        "wed": "Sze",
                                        "thu": "Cs",
                                        "fri": "P",
                                        "sat": "Szo"
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                                        "mon": "hétfő",
                                        "tue": "kedd",
                                        "wed": "szerda",
                                        "thu": "csütörtök",
                                        "fri": "péntek",
                                        "sat": "szombat"
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                                "format": {
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                                        "1": "N1",
                                        "2": "N2",
                                        "3": "N3",
                                        "4": "N4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1.",
                                        "2": "2.",
                                        "3": "3.",
                                        "4": "4."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "I. negyedév",
                                        "2": "II. negyedév",
                                        "3": "III. negyedév",
                                        "4": "IV. negyedév"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "N1",
                                        "2": "N2",
                                        "3": "N3",
                                        "4": "N4"
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                                        "1": "1.",
                                        "2": "2.",
                                        "3": "3.",
                                        "4": "4."
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                                        "1": "1. negyedév",
                                        "2": "2. negyedév",
                                        "3": "3. negyedév",
                                        "4": "4. negyedév"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "de.",
                                        "pm": "du."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "de.",
                                        "pm": "du."
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                                        "am": "de.",
                                        "pm": "du."
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "de.",
                                        "pm": "du."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "de.",
                                        "pm": "du."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "de.",
                                        "pm": "du."
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                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "időszámításunk előtt",
                                    "1": "időszámításunk szerint",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "Kr. e.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "Kr. u."
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "i. e.",
                                    "1": "i. sz.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "Kr. e.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "Kr. u."
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "ie.",
                                    "1": "isz.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "Kr. e.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "Kr. u."
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                                "long": "y. MMMM d.",
                                "medium": "y MMM d",
                                "short": "y. MM. dd."
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "H:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "H:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "H:mm:ss",
                                "short": "H:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
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                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "d., E",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "G y.",
                                    "GyMMM": "G y. MMM",
                                    "GyMMMd": "G y. MMM d.",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "G y. MMM d., E",
                                    "h": "a h",
                                    "H": "H",
                                    "hm": "a h:mm",
                                    "Hm": "H:mm",
                                    "hms": "a h:mm:ss",
                                    "Hms": "H:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "M. d.",
                                    "MEd": "M. d., E",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "MMM d.",
                                    "MMMEd": "MMM d., E",
                                    "MMMMd": "MMMM d.",
                                    "mmss": "mm:ss",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y.",
                                    "yM": "y. M.",
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                                    "yMEd": "y. MM. dd., E",
                                    "yMMM": "y. MMM",
                                    "yMMMd": "y. MMM d.",
                                    "yMMMEd": "y. MMM d., E",
                                    "yMMMM": "y. MMMM",
                                    "yQQQ": "y. QQQ",
                                    "yQQQQ": "y. QQQQ"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d–d."
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "a h – a h",
                                        "h": "a h–h"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "H-H"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "a h:mm – a h:mm",
                                        "h": "a h:mm–h:mm",
                                        "m": "a h:mm–h:mm"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "H:mm–H:mm",
                                        "m": "H:mm–H:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "a h:mm – a h:mm v",
                                        "h": "a h:mm–h:mm v",
                                        "m": "a h:mm–h:mm v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "H:mm–H:mm v",
                                        "m": "H:mm–H:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "a h – a h v",
                                        "h": "a h–h v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "H–H v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M–M."
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "M. d–d.",
                                        "M": "M. d. – M. d."
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "M. dd., E – M. d., E",
                                        "M": "M. d., E – M. d., E"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "MMM d–d.",
                                        "M": "MMM d. – MMM d."
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "MMM d., E – d., E",
                                        "M": "MMM d., E – MMM d., E"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y–y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "y. MM–MM.",
                                        "y": "y. MM. – y. MM."
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "y. MM. dd–dd.",
                                        "M": "y. MM. dd. – MM. dd.",
                                        "y": "y. MM. dd. – y. MM. dd."
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "y. MM. dd., E – dd., E",
                                        "M": "y. MM. dd., E – MM. dd., E",
                                        "y": "y. MM. dd., E – y. MM. dd., E"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "y. MMM–MMM",
                                        "y": "y. MMM – y. MMM"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "y. MMM d–d.",
                                        "M": "y. MMM d. – MMM d.",
                                        "y": "y. MMM d. – y. MMM d."
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "y. MMM d., E – d., E",
                                        "M": "y. MMM d., E – MMM d., E",
                                        "y": "y. MMM d., E – y. MMM d., E"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "y. MMMM–MMMM",
                                        "y": "y. MMMM – y. MMMM"
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                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0} idő",
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                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "gen",
                                        "2": "feb",
                                        "3": "mar",
                                        "4": "apr",
                                        "5": "mag",
                                        "6": "giu",
                                        "7": "lug",
                                        "8": "ago",
                                        "9": "set",
                                        "10": "ott",
                                        "11": "nov",
                                        "12": "dic"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "G",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "G",
                                        "7": "L",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "gennaio",
                                        "2": "febbraio",
                                        "3": "marzo",
                                        "4": "aprile",
                                        "5": "maggio",
                                        "6": "giugno",
                                        "7": "luglio",
                                        "8": "agosto",
                                        "9": "settembre",
                                        "10": "ottobre",
                                        "11": "novembre",
                                        "12": "dicembre"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "gen",
                                        "2": "feb",
                                        "3": "mar",
                                        "4": "apr",
                                        "5": "mag",
                                        "6": "giu",
                                        "7": "lug",
                                        "8": "ago",
                                        "9": "set",
                                        "10": "ott",
                                        "11": "nov",
                                        "12": "dic"
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                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "G",
                                        "7": "L",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
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                                        "2": "Febbraio",
                                        "3": "Marzo",
                                        "4": "Aprile",
                                        "5": "Maggio",
                                        "6": "Giugno",
                                        "7": "Luglio",
                                        "8": "Agosto",
                                        "9": "Settembre",
                                        "10": "Ottobre",
                                        "11": "Novembre",
                                        "12": "Dicembre"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "mon": "lun",
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                                        "fri": "ven",
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                                        "mon": "L",
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                                        "thu": "G",
                                        "fri": "V",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
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                                        "mon": "lun",
                                        "tue": "mar",
                                        "wed": "mer",
                                        "thu": "gio",
                                        "fri": "ven",
                                        "sat": "sab"
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                                        "mon": "lunedì",
                                        "tue": "martedì",
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                                        "mon": "lun",
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                                        "mon": "L",
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                                        "mon": "lun",
                                        "tue": "mar",
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                                        "thu": "gio",
                                        "fri": "ven",
                                        "sat": "sab"
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                                        "sun": "Domenica",
                                        "mon": "Lunedì",
                                        "tue": "Martedì",
                                        "wed": "Mercoledì",
                                        "thu": "Giovedì",
                                        "fri": "Venerdì",
                                        "sat": "Sabato"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "T1",
                                        "2": "T2",
                                        "3": "T3",
                                        "4": "T4"
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                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1º trimestre",
                                        "2": "2º trimestre",
                                        "3": "3º trimestre",
                                        "4": "4º trimestre"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "T1",
                                        "2": "T2",
                                        "3": "T3",
                                        "4": "T4"
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                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
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                                        "2": "Secondo trimestre",
                                        "3": "Terzo trimestre",
                                        "4": "Quarto trimestre"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "m.",
                                        "pm": "p."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "m.",
                                        "pm": "p."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "pm": "PM"
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                                    "0": "a.C.",
                                    "1": "d.C.",
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                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
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                                "medium": "dd/MMM/y",
                                "short": "dd/MM/yy"
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                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
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                                    "EHm": "E",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
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                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E d MMM y G",
                                    "h": "hh a",
                                    "H": "HH",
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                                        "fri": "금요일",
                                        "sat": "토요일"
                            "quarters": {
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "1분기",
                                        "2": "2분기",
                                        "3": "3분기",
                                        "4": "4분기"
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                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
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                                        "1": "제 1/4분기",
                                        "2": "제 2/4분기",
                                        "3": "제 3/4분기",
                                        "4": "제 4/4분기"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "1분기",
                                        "2": "2분기",
                                        "3": "3분기",
                                        "4": "4분기"
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                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
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                                        "1": "제 1/4분기",
                                        "2": "제 2/4분기",
                                        "3": "제 3/4분기",
                                        "4": "제 4/4분기"
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                                        "am": "오전",
                                        "pm": "오후"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "오전",
                                        "pm": "오후"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "오전",
                                        "pm": "오후"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "오전",
                                        "pm": "오후"
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                                        "am": "오전",
                                        "pm": "오후"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "오전",
                                        "pm": "오후"
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                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "서력기원전",
                                    "1": "서력기원",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "기원전",
                                    "1": "서기",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
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                                    "0": "기원전",
                                    "1": "서기",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
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                                "long": "y년 M월 d일",
                                "medium": "y. M. d.",
                                "short": "yy. M. d."
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                                "long": "a h시 m분 s초 z",
                                "medium": "a h:mm:ss",
                                "short": "a h:mm"
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                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
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                                    "Ed": "d일 (E)",
                                    "EEEEd": "d일 EEEE",
                                    "Ehm": "(E) a h:mm",
                                    "EHm": "(E) HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "(E) a h:mm:ss",
                                    "EHms": "(E) HH:mm:ss",
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                                    "GyMMM": "G y년 MMM",
                                    "GyMMMd": "G y년 MMM d일",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "G y년 MMM d일 (E)",
                                    "GyMMMEEEEd": "G y년 MMM d일 EEEE",
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                                    "H": "H시",
                                    "HHmmss": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "hm": "a h:mm",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "a h:mm:ss",
                                    "Hms": "H시 m분 s초",
                                    "M": "M월",
                                    "Md": "M. d.",
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                                    "MEEEEd": "M. d. EEEE",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "MMM d일",
                                    "MMMEd": "MMM d일 (E)",
                                    "MMMEEEEd": "MMM d일 EEEE",
                                    "mmss": "mm:ss",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
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                                    "yMMMEd": "y년 MMM d일 (E)",
                                    "yMMMEEEEd": "y년 MMM d일 EEEE",
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                                    "yQQQQ": "y년 QQQQ"
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                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
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                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} ~ {1}",
                                    "d": {
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                                        "a": "a h시 ~ a h시",
                                        "h": "a h시 ~ h시"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH ~ HH시"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "a h:mm ~ a h:mm",
                                        "h": "a h:mm~h:mm",
                                        "m": "a h:mm~h:mm"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm ~ HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm ~ HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "a h:mm ~ a h:mm v",
                                        "h": "a h:mm~h:mm v",
                                        "m": "a h:mm~h:mm v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm ~ HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm ~ HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "a h시 ~ a h시(v)",
                                        "h": "a h시 ~ h시(v)"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH ~ HH시 v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M월 ~ M월"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "M. d ~ M. d",
                                        "M": "M. d ~ M. d"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "M. d (E) ~ M. d (E)",
                                        "M": "M. d (E) ~ M. d (E)"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM ~ MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "M월 d일 ~ d일",
                                        "M": "M월 d일 ~ M월 d일"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "M월 d일 (E) ~ d일 (E)",
                                        "M": "M월 d일 (E) ~ M월 d일 (E)"
                                    "MMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLLL-LLLL"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y년 ~ y년"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "y. M ~ y. M",
                                        "y": "y. M ~ y. M"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "y. M. d. ~ y. M. d.",
                                        "M": "y. M. d. ~ y. M. d.",
                                        "y": "y. M. d. ~ y. M. d."
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "y. M. d. (E) ~ y. M. d. (E)",
                                        "M": "y. M. d. (E) ~ y. M. d. (E)",
                                        "y": "y. M. d. (E) ~ y. M. d. (E)"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "y년 M월~M월",
                                        "y": "y년 M월 ~ y년 M월"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "y년 M월 d일~d일",
                                        "M": "y년 M월 d일 ~ M월 d일",
                                        "y": "y년 M월 d일 ~ y년 M월 d일"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "y년 M월 d일 (E) ~ d일 (E)",
                                        "M": "y년 M월 d일 (E) ~ M월 d일 (E)",
                                        "y": "y년 M월 d일 (E) ~ y년 M월 d일 (E)"
                                    "yMMMEEEEd": {
                                        "d": "y년 M월 d일 EEEE ~ d일 EEEE",
                                        "M": "y년 M월 d일 EEEE ~ M월 d일 EEEE",
                                        "y": "y년 M월 d일 EEEE ~ y년 M월 d일 EEEE"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "y년 MM월 ~ MM월",
                                        "y": "y년 MM월 ~ y년 MM월"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
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                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0} 시간",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} 일광 절약 시간",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} 표준시",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "nb": {
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                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "jan.",
                                        "2": "feb.",
                                        "3": "mar.",
                                        "4": "apr.",
                                        "5": "mai",
                                        "6": "jun.",
                                        "7": "jul.",
                                        "8": "aug.",
                                        "9": "sep.",
                                        "10": "okt.",
                                        "11": "nov.",
                                        "12": "des."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "januar",
                                        "2": "februar",
                                        "3": "mars",
                                        "4": "april",
                                        "5": "mai",
                                        "6": "juni",
                                        "7": "juli",
                                        "8": "august",
                                        "9": "september",
                                        "10": "oktober",
                                        "11": "november",
                                        "12": "desember"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "jan",
                                        "2": "feb",
                                        "3": "mar",
                                        "4": "apr",
                                        "5": "mai",
                                        "6": "jun",
                                        "7": "jul",
                                        "8": "aug",
                                        "9": "sep",
                                        "10": "okt",
                                        "11": "nov",
                                        "12": "des"
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                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
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                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
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                                        "11": "N",
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                                        "3": "mars",
                                        "4": "april",
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                                        "7": "juli",
                                        "8": "august",
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                                        "11": "november",
                                        "12": "desember"
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                                        "mon": "man.",
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                                        "thu": "tor.",
                                        "fri": "fre.",
                                        "sat": "lør."
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                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "O",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "L"
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                                        "mon": "ma.",
                                        "tue": "ti.",
                                        "wed": "on.",
                                        "thu": "to.",
                                        "fri": "fr.",
                                        "sat": "lø."
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                                        "tue": "tirsdag",
                                        "wed": "onsdag",
                                        "thu": "torsdag",
                                        "fri": "fredag",
                                        "sat": "lørdag"
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                                        "mon": "ma.",
                                        "tue": "ti.",
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                                        "thu": "to.",
                                        "fri": "fr.",
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                                        "mon": "ma.",
                                        "tue": "ti.",
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                                        "thu": "to.",
                                        "fri": "fr.",
                                        "sat": "lø."
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                                        "wed": "onsdag",
                                        "thu": "torsdag",
                                        "fri": "fredag",
                                        "sat": "lørdag"
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                                        "pm": "p.m."
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                                    "1": "e.Kr.",
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                                    "1-alt-variant": "vår tidsregning"
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                                    "1": "e.Kr.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "fvt.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "vt."
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                                    "1": "e.Kr.",
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                                "full": " zzzz",
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                                "medium": "{1}, {0}",
                                "short": "{1}, {0}",
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                                    "Ehms": "E a",
                                    "EHms": "E",
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                                    "Hm": "",
                                    "hms": " a",
                                    "Hms": "",
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                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
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                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "–",
                                        "h": "–",
                                        "m": "–"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "–",
                                        "m": "–"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "– v",
                                        "h": "– v",
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                                        "H": "– v",
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                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "H–H v",
                                        "h": "H–H v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M.–M."
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                                        "d": "dd.MM.–dd.MM.",
                                        "M": "dd.MM.–dd.MM."
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                                        "M": "E dd.MM.–E dd.MM."
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                                        "M": "MMM–MMM"
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                                        "d": "d.–d. MMM",
                                        "M": "d. MMM–d. MMM"
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                                        "M": "E d. MMM–E d. MMM"
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                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y–MMM y"
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                                        "d": "d.–d. MMM y",
                                        "M": "d. MMM–d. MMM y",
                                        "y": "d. MMM y–d. MMM y"
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                                        "d": "E d.–E d. MMM y",
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                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM–MMMM y",
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                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "tidssone for {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "sommertid – {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "normaltid – {0}",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "nl": {
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                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "jan.",
                                        "2": "feb.",
                                        "3": "mrt.",
                                        "4": "apr.",
                                        "5": "mei",
                                        "6": "jun.",
                                        "7": "jul.",
                                        "8": "aug.",
                                        "9": "sep.",
                                        "10": "okt.",
                                        "11": "nov.",
                                        "12": "dec."
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                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
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                                        "2": "februari",
                                        "3": "maart",
                                        "4": "april",
                                        "5": "mei",
                                        "6": "juni",
                                        "7": "juli",
                                        "8": "augustus",
                                        "9": "september",
                                        "10": "oktober",
                                        "11": "november",
                                        "12": "december"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "jan",
                                        "2": "feb",
                                        "3": "mrt",
                                        "4": "apr",
                                        "5": "mei",
                                        "6": "jun",
                                        "7": "jul",
                                        "8": "aug",
                                        "9": "sep",
                                        "10": "okt",
                                        "11": "nov",
                                        "12": "dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "januari",
                                        "2": "februari",
                                        "3": "maart",
                                        "4": "april",
                                        "5": "mei",
                                        "6": "juni",
                                        "7": "juli",
                                        "8": "augustus",
                                        "9": "september",
                                        "10": "oktober",
                                        "11": "november",
                                        "12": "december"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "zo",
                                        "mon": "ma",
                                        "tue": "di",
                                        "wed": "wo",
                                        "thu": "do",
                                        "fri": "vr",
                                        "sat": "za"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "Z",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "D",
                                        "wed": "W",
                                        "thu": "D",
                                        "fri": "V",
                                        "sat": "Z"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "zo",
                                        "mon": "ma",
                                        "tue": "di",
                                        "wed": "wo",
                                        "thu": "do",
                                        "fri": "vr",
                                        "sat": "za"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "zondag",
                                        "mon": "maandag",
                                        "tue": "dinsdag",
                                        "wed": "woensdag",
                                        "thu": "donderdag",
                                        "fri": "vrijdag",
                                        "sat": "zaterdag"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "zo",
                                        "mon": "ma",
                                        "tue": "di",
                                        "wed": "wo",
                                        "thu": "do",
                                        "fri": "vr",
                                        "sat": "za"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "Z",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "D",
                                        "wed": "W",
                                        "thu": "D",
                                        "fri": "V",
                                        "sat": "Z"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "zo",
                                        "mon": "ma",
                                        "tue": "di",
                                        "wed": "wo",
                                        "thu": "do",
                                        "fri": "vr",
                                        "sat": "za"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "zondag",
                                        "mon": "maandag",
                                        "tue": "dinsdag",
                                        "wed": "woensdag",
                                        "thu": "donderdag",
                                        "fri": "vrijdag",
                                        "sat": "zaterdag"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "K1",
                                        "2": "K2",
                                        "3": "K3",
                                        "4": "K4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1e kwartaal",
                                        "2": "2e kwartaal",
                                        "3": "3e kwartaal",
                                        "4": "4e kwartaal"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "K1",
                                        "2": "K2",
                                        "3": "K3",
                                        "4": "K4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1e kwartaal",
                                        "2": "2e kwartaal",
                                        "3": "3e kwartaal",
                                        "4": "4e kwartaal"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "noon": "12 uur 's middags",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "noon": "12 uur 's middags",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "noon": "12 uur 's middags",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "noon": "n",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "voormiddag",
                                        "noon": "12 uur 's middags",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "Voor Christus",
                                    "1": "na Christus",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "vóór gewone jaartelling",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "gewone jaartelling"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "v.Chr.",
                                    "1": "n.Chr.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "v.g.j.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "g.j."
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "v.C.",
                                    "1": "n.C.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "vgj",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "gj"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE d MMMM y",
                                "long": "d MMMM y",
                                "medium": "d MMM y",
                                "short": "dd-MM-yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E d",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E d MMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "d-M",
                                    "MEd": "E d-M",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E d MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "M-y",
                                    "yMd": "d-M-y",
                                    "yMEd": "E d-M-y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} - {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d-d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a",
                                        "h": "h-h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH-HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm-HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm-HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm-HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm-HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a v",
                                        "h": "h-h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH-HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M-M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd-MM - dd-MM",
                                        "M": "dd-MM - dd-MM"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E dd-MM - E dd-MM",
                                        "M": "E dd-MM - E dd-MM"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM-MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d-d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM - d MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E d - E d MMM",
                                        "M": "E d MMM - E d MMM"
                                    "MMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM–MMMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y-y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM-y - MM-y",
                                        "y": "MM-y - MM-y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "dd-MM-y - dd-MM-y",
                                        "M": "dd-MM-y - dd-MM-y",
                                        "y": "dd-MM-y - dd-MM-y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E dd-MM-y - E dd-MM-y",
                                        "M": "E dd-MM-y - E dd-MM-y",
                                        "y": "E dd-MM-y - E dd-MM-y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM-MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y - MMM y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d-d MMM y",
                                        "M": "d MMM - d MMM y",
                                        "y": "d MMM y - d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E d - E d MMM y",
                                        "M": "E d MMM - E d MMM y",
                                        "y": "E d MMM y - E d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM-MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y - MMMM y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0}-tijd",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "Zomertijd {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "Standaardtijd {0}",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "pl": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "sty",
                                        "2": "lut",
                                        "3": "mar",
                                        "4": "kwi",
                                        "5": "maj",
                                        "6": "cze",
                                        "7": "lip",
                                        "8": "sie",
                                        "9": "wrz",
                                        "10": "paź",
                                        "11": "lis",
                                        "12": "gru"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "s",
                                        "2": "l",
                                        "3": "m",
                                        "4": "k",
                                        "5": "m",
                                        "6": "c",
                                        "7": "l",
                                        "8": "s",
                                        "9": "w",
                                        "10": "p",
                                        "11": "l",
                                        "12": "g"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "stycznia",
                                        "2": "lutego",
                                        "3": "marca",
                                        "4": "kwietnia",
                                        "5": "maja",
                                        "6": "czerwca",
                                        "7": "lipca",
                                        "8": "sierpnia",
                                        "9": "września",
                                        "10": "października",
                                        "11": "listopada",
                                        "12": "grudnia"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "sty",
                                        "2": "lut",
                                        "3": "mar",
                                        "4": "kwi",
                                        "5": "maj",
                                        "6": "cze",
                                        "7": "lip",
                                        "8": "sie",
                                        "9": "wrz",
                                        "10": "paź",
                                        "11": "lis",
                                        "12": "gru"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "s",
                                        "2": "l",
                                        "3": "m",
                                        "4": "k",
                                        "5": "m",
                                        "6": "c",
                                        "7": "l",
                                        "8": "s",
                                        "9": "w",
                                        "10": "p",
                                        "11": "l",
                                        "12": "g"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "styczeń",
                                        "2": "luty",
                                        "3": "marzec",
                                        "4": "kwiecień",
                                        "5": "maj",
                                        "6": "czerwiec",
                                        "7": "lipiec",
                                        "8": "sierpień",
                                        "9": "wrzesień",
                                        "10": "październik",
                                        "11": "listopad",
                                        "12": "grudzień"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "niedz.",
                                        "mon": "pon.",
                                        "tue": "wt.",
                                        "wed": "śr.",
                                        "thu": "czw.",
                                        "fri": "pt.",
                                        "sat": "sob."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "N",
                                        "mon": "P",
                                        "tue": "W",
                                        "wed": "Ś",
                                        "thu": "C",
                                        "fri": "P",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "niedz.",
                                        "mon": "pon.",
                                        "tue": "wt.",
                                        "wed": "śr.",
                                        "thu": "czw.",
                                        "fri": "pt.",
                                        "sat": "sob."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "niedziela",
                                        "mon": "poniedziałek",
                                        "tue": "wtorek",
                                        "wed": "środa",
                                        "thu": "czwartek",
                                        "fri": "piątek",
                                        "sat": "sobota"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "niedz.",
                                        "mon": "pon.",
                                        "tue": "wt.",
                                        "wed": "śr.",
                                        "thu": "czw.",
                                        "fri": "pt.",
                                        "sat": "sob."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "N",
                                        "mon": "P",
                                        "tue": "W",
                                        "wed": "Ś",
                                        "thu": "C",
                                        "fri": "P",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "niedz.",
                                        "mon": "pon.",
                                        "tue": "wt.",
                                        "wed": "śr.",
                                        "thu": "czw.",
                                        "fri": "pt.",
                                        "sat": "sob."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "niedziela",
                                        "mon": "poniedziałek",
                                        "tue": "wtorek",
                                        "wed": "środa",
                                        "thu": "czwartek",
                                        "fri": "piątek",
                                        "sat": "sobota"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "K1",
                                        "2": "K2",
                                        "3": "K3",
                                        "4": "K4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "I kwartał",
                                        "2": "II kwartał",
                                        "3": "III kwartał",
                                        "4": "IV kwartał"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "1 kw.",
                                        "2": "2 kw.",
                                        "3": "3 kw.",
                                        "4": "4 kw."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "I kwartał",
                                        "2": "II kwartał",
                                        "3": "III kwartał",
                                        "4": "IV kwartał"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "po południu",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "earlyMorning": "nad ranem",
                                        "evening": "wieczorem",
                                        "lateMorning": "przed południem",
                                        "morning": "rano",
                                        "night": "w nocy",
                                        "noon": "w południe",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "po południu",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "earlyMorning": "nad ranem",
                                        "evening": "wieczorem",
                                        "lateMorning": "przed południem",
                                        "morning": "rano",
                                        "night": "w nocy",
                                        "noon": "w południe",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "afternoon": "po południu",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "earlyMorning": "nad ranem",
                                        "evening": "wieczorem",
                                        "lateMorning": "przed południem",
                                        "morning": "rano",
                                        "night": "w nocy",
                                        "noon": "w południe",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "po południu",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "earlyMorning": "nad ranem",
                                        "evening": "wieczorem",
                                        "lateMorning": "przed południem",
                                        "morning": "rano",
                                        "night": "w nocy",
                                        "noon": "w południe",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "po południu",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "earlyMorning": "nad ranem",
                                        "evening": "wieczorem",
                                        "lateMorning": "przed południem",
                                        "morning": "rano",
                                        "night": "w nocy",
                                        "noon": "w południe",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "afternoon": "po południu",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "earlyMorning": "nad ranem",
                                        "evening": "wieczorem",
                                        "lateMorning": "przed południem",
                                        "morning": "rano",
                                        "night": "w nocy",
                                        "noon": "w południe",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "p.n.e.",
                                    "1": "n.e.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "p.n.e.",
                                    "1": "n.e.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "p.n.e.",
                                    "1": "n.e.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, d MMMM y",
                                "long": "d MMMM y",
                                "medium": "d MMM y",
                                "short": "dd.MM.y"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1}, {0}",
                                "short": "{1}, {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E, d",
                                    "Ehm": "E, h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E, HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E, h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E, HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d MMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "d.MM",
                                    "MEd": "E, d.MM",
                                    "MMdd": "d.MM",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E, d MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "MM.y",
                                    "yMd": "d.MM.y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, d.MM.y",
                                    "yMM": "MM.y",
                                    "yMMM": "LLL y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "LLLL y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d–d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a",
                                        "h": "h–h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a v",
                                        "h": "h–h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "MM-MM"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd.MM–dd.MM",
                                        "M": "dd.MM–dd.MM"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd.MM – E, dd.MM",
                                        "M": "E, dd.MM – E, dd.MM"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL–LLL"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d-d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM - d MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d MMM – E, d MMM",
                                        "M": "E, d MMM - E, d MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y–y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM.y - MM.y",
                                        "y": "MM.y - MM.y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "dd-dd.MM.y",
                                        "M": "dd.MM-dd.MM.y",
                                        "y": "dd.MM.y-dd.MM.y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd.MM.y - E, dd.MM.y",
                                        "M": "E, dd.MM.y - E, dd.MM.y",
                                        "y": "E, dd.MM.y - E, dd.MM.y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL-LLL y",
                                        "y": "LLL y - LLL y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d-d MMM y",
                                        "M": "d MMM - d MMM y",
                                        "y": "d MMM y - d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d - E, d MMM y",
                                        "M": "E, d MMM - E, d MMM y",
                                        "y": "E, d MMM y - E, d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLLL-LLLL y",
                                        "y": "LLLL y - LLLL y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "Czas: {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} (czas letni)",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} (czas standardowy)",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "pt": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "jan",
                                        "2": "fev",
                                        "3": "mar",
                                        "4": "abr",
                                        "5": "mai",
                                        "6": "jun",
                                        "7": "jul",
                                        "8": "ago",
                                        "9": "set",
                                        "10": "out",
                                        "11": "nov",
                                        "12": "dez"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "janeiro",
                                        "2": "fevereiro",
                                        "3": "março",
                                        "4": "abril",
                                        "5": "maio",
                                        "6": "junho",
                                        "7": "julho",
                                        "8": "agosto",
                                        "9": "setembro",
                                        "10": "outubro",
                                        "11": "novembro",
                                        "12": "dezembro"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "jan",
                                        "2": "fev",
                                        "3": "mar",
                                        "4": "abr",
                                        "5": "mai",
                                        "6": "jun",
                                        "7": "jul",
                                        "8": "ago",
                                        "9": "set",
                                        "10": "out",
                                        "11": "nov",
                                        "12": "dez"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "janeiro",
                                        "2": "fevereiro",
                                        "3": "março",
                                        "4": "abril",
                                        "5": "maio",
                                        "6": "junho",
                                        "7": "julho",
                                        "8": "agosto",
                                        "9": "setembro",
                                        "10": "outubro",
                                        "11": "novembro",
                                        "12": "dezembro"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "dom",
                                        "mon": "seg",
                                        "tue": "ter",
                                        "wed": "qua",
                                        "thu": "qui",
                                        "fri": "sex",
                                        "sat": "sáb"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "D",
                                        "mon": "S",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "Q",
                                        "thu": "Q",
                                        "fri": "S",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "dom",
                                        "mon": "seg",
                                        "tue": "ter",
                                        "wed": "qua",
                                        "thu": "qui",
                                        "fri": "sex",
                                        "sat": "sáb"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "domingo",
                                        "mon": "segunda-feira",
                                        "tue": "terça-feira",
                                        "wed": "quarta-feira",
                                        "thu": "quinta-feira",
                                        "fri": "sexta-feira",
                                        "sat": "sábado"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "dom",
                                        "mon": "seg",
                                        "tue": "ter",
                                        "wed": "qua",
                                        "thu": "qui",
                                        "fri": "sex",
                                        "sat": "sáb"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "D",
                                        "mon": "S",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "Q",
                                        "thu": "Q",
                                        "fri": "S",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "dom",
                                        "mon": "seg",
                                        "tue": "ter",
                                        "wed": "qua",
                                        "thu": "qui",
                                        "fri": "sex",
                                        "sat": "sáb"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "domingo",
                                        "mon": "segunda-feira",
                                        "tue": "terça-feira",
                                        "wed": "quarta-feira",
                                        "thu": "quinta-feira",
                                        "fri": "sexta-feira",
                                        "sat": "sábado"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "T1",
                                        "2": "T2",
                                        "3": "T3",
                                        "4": "T4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1º trimestre",
                                        "2": "2º trimestre",
                                        "3": "3º trimestre",
                                        "4": "4º trimestre"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "T1",
                                        "2": "T2",
                                        "3": "T3",
                                        "4": "T4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1º trimestre",
                                        "2": "2º trimestre",
                                        "3": "3º trimestre",
                                        "4": "4º trimestre"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "tarde",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "morning": "manhã",
                                        "night": "noite",
                                        "noon": "meio-dia",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "tarde",
                                        "am": "a",
                                        "morning": "manhã",
                                        "night": "noite",
                                        "noon": "meio-dia",
                                        "pm": "p"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "afternoon": "tarde",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "morning": "manhã",
                                        "night": "noite",
                                        "noon": "meio-dia",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "tarde",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "morning": "manhã",
                                        "night": "noite",
                                        "noon": "meia-noite",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "tarde",
                                        "am": "a",
                                        "morning": "manhã",
                                        "night": "noite",
                                        "noon": "meio-dia",
                                        "pm": "p"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "afternoon": "tarde",
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "morning": "manhã",
                                        "night": "noite",
                                        "noon": "meio-dia",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "Antes de Cristo",
                                    "1": "Ano do Senhor",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "a.C.",
                                    "1": "d.C.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "a.C.",
                                    "1": "d.C.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
                                "long": "d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
                                "medium": "dd/MM/y",
                                "short": "dd/MM/yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E, d",
                                    "Ehm": "E, h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E, HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E, h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E, HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM 'de' y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d 'de' MMM 'de' y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d 'de' MMM 'de' y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "HHmm": "HH:mm",
                                    "HHmmss": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "d/M",
                                    "MEd": "E, dd/MM",
                                    "MMdd": "dd/MM",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d 'de' MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E, d 'de' MMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "MM/y",
                                    "yMd": "dd/MM/y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, dd/MM/y",
                                    "yMM": "MM/y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM 'de' y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
                                    "yQQQ": "y QQQ",
                                    "yQQQQ": "y QQQQ"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} - {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d-d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h'h' a - h'h' a",
                                        "h": "h'h' - h'h' a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH'h' - HH'h'"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a v",
                                        "h": "h - h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH - HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M-M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM - dd/MM",
                                        "M": "dd/MM - dd/MM"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd/MM - E, dd/MM",
                                        "M": "E, dd/MM - E, dd/MM"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM - MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d-d 'de' MMM",
                                        "M": "d 'de' MMM - d 'de' MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d - E, d 'de' MMM",
                                        "M": "E, d 'de' MMM - E, d 'de' MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y - y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM/y - MM/y",
                                        "y": "MM/y - MM/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd/MM/y - E, dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "E, dd/MM/y - E, dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "E, dd/MM/y - E, dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM-MMM 'de' y",
                                        "y": "MMM 'de' y - MMM 'de' y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d-d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
                                        "M": "d 'de' MMM - d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
                                        "y": "d 'de' MMM 'de' y - d 'de' MMM 'de' y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d - E, d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
                                        "M": "E, d 'de' MMM - E, d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
                                        "y": "E, d 'de' MMM 'de' y - E, d 'de' MMM 'de' y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM - MMMM 'de' y",
                                        "y": "MMMM 'de' y - MMMM 'de' y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "Horário {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} (+1)",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} (+0)",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "pt-PT": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Fev",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Abr",
                                        "5": "Mai",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Ago",
                                        "9": "Set",
                                        "10": "Out",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dez"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "Janeiro",
                                        "2": "Fevereiro",
                                        "3": "Março",
                                        "4": "Abril",
                                        "5": "Maio",
                                        "6": "Junho",
                                        "7": "Julho",
                                        "8": "Agosto",
                                        "9": "Setembro",
                                        "10": "Outubro",
                                        "11": "Novembro",
                                        "12": "Dezembro"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Fev",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Abr",
                                        "5": "Mai",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Ago",
                                        "9": "Set",
                                        "10": "Out",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dez"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "Janeiro",
                                        "2": "Fevereiro",
                                        "3": "Março",
                                        "4": "Abril",
                                        "5": "Maio",
                                        "6": "Junho",
                                        "7": "Julho",
                                        "8": "Agosto",
                                        "9": "Setembro",
                                        "10": "Outubro",
                                        "11": "Novembro",
                                        "12": "Dezembro"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "dom",
                                        "mon": "seg",
                                        "tue": "ter",
                                        "wed": "qua",
                                        "thu": "qui",
                                        "fri": "sex",
                                        "sat": "sáb"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "D",
                                        "mon": "S",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "Q",
                                        "thu": "Q",
                                        "fri": "S",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "do",
                                        "mon": "sg",
                                        "tue": "te",
                                        "wed": "qu",
                                        "thu": "qi",
                                        "fri": "sx",
                                        "sat": "sb"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "domingo",
                                        "mon": "segunda-feira",
                                        "tue": "terça-feira",
                                        "wed": "quarta-feira",
                                        "thu": "quinta-feira",
                                        "fri": "sexta-feira",
                                        "sat": "sábado"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "dom",
                                        "mon": "seg",
                                        "tue": "ter",
                                        "wed": "qua",
                                        "thu": "qui",
                                        "fri": "sex",
                                        "sat": "sáb"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "D",
                                        "mon": "S",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "Q",
                                        "thu": "Q",
                                        "fri": "S",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "do",
                                        "mon": "sg",
                                        "tue": "te",
                                        "wed": "qu",
                                        "thu": "qi",
                                        "fri": "sx",
                                        "sat": "sb"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "domingo",
                                        "mon": "segunda-feira",
                                        "tue": "terça-feira",
                                        "wed": "quarta-feira",
                                        "thu": "quinta-feira",
                                        "fri": "sexta-feira",
                                        "sat": "sábado"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "T1",
                                        "2": "T2",
                                        "3": "T3",
                                        "4": "T4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1.º trimestre",
                                        "2": "2.º trimestre",
                                        "3": "3.º trimestre",
                                        "4": "4.º trimestre"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "T1",
                                        "2": "T2",
                                        "3": "T3",
                                        "4": "T4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1.º trimestre",
                                        "2": "2.º trimestre",
                                        "3": "3.º trimestre",
                                        "4": "4.º trimestre"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "tarde",
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "morning": "manhã",
                                        "night": "noite",
                                        "noon": "meio-dia",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "tarde",
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "morning": "manhã",
                                        "night": "noite",
                                        "noon": "meio-dia",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "afternoon": "tarde",
                                        "am": "da manhã",
                                        "morning": "manhã",
                                        "night": "noite",
                                        "noon": "meio-dia",
                                        "pm": "da tarde"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "tarde",
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "morning": "manhã",
                                        "night": "noite",
                                        "noon": "meia-noite",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "tarde",
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "morning": "manhã",
                                        "night": "noite",
                                        "noon": "meio-dia",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "afternoon": "tarde",
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "morning": "manhã",
                                        "night": "noite",
                                        "noon": "meio-dia",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "Antes de Cristo",
                                    "1": "Ano do Senhor",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "a.E.C.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "E.C."
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "a.C.",
                                    "1": "d.C.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "a.E.C.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "E.C."
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "a.C.",
                                    "1": "d.C.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "a.E.C.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "E.C."
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                                "full": "EEEE, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
                                "long": "d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
                                "medium": "dd/MM/y",
                                "short": "dd/MM/yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} 'às' {0}",
                                "long": "{1} 'às' {0}",
                                "medium": "{1}, {0}",
                                "short": "{1}, {0}",
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                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E, d",
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                                    "EHm": "E, HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E, h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E, HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM 'de' y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d 'de' MMM 'de' y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d 'de' MMM 'de' y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "HHmm": "HH:mm",
                                    "HHmmss": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "d/M",
                                    "MEd": "E, dd/MM",
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                                    "MMM": "LLL",
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                                    "MMMEd": "E, d/MM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d 'de' MMMM",
                                    "MMMMEd": "E, d 'de' MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
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                                    "yMEd": "E, dd/MM/y",
                                    "yMM": "MM/y",
                                    "yMMM": "MM/y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d/MM/y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d/MM/y",
                                    "yMMMEEEEd": "EEEE, d/MM/y",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM 'de' y",
                                    "yMMMMd": "d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
                                    "yMMMMEd": "E, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
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                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ 'de' y"
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                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
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                                    "d": {
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                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm - h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm - h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm - HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm - HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm - h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm - h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm - HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm - HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a v",
                                        "h": "h - h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH - HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M-M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM - dd/MM",
                                        "M": "dd/MM - dd/MM"
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                                        "d": "E, dd/MM - E, dd/MM",
                                        "M": "E, dd/MM - E, dd/MM"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM-MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d-d 'de' MMM",
                                        "M": "d 'de' MMM - d 'de' MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d 'de' MMM - E, d 'de' MMM",
                                        "M": "E, d 'de' MMM - E, d 'de' MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y-y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM/y - MM/y",
                                        "y": "MM/y - MM/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd/MM/y - E, dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "E, dd/MM/y - E, dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "E, dd/MM/y - E, dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM-MMM 'de' y",
                                        "y": "MMM 'de' y - MMM 'de' y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d-d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
                                        "M": "d 'de' MMM - d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
                                        "y": "d 'de' MMM 'de' y - d 'de' MMM 'de' y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d 'de' MMM - E, d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
                                        "M": "E, d 'de' MMM - E, d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
                                        "y": "E, d 'de' MMM 'de' y - E, d 'de' MMM 'de' y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM - MMMM 'de' y",
                                        "y": "MMMM 'de' y - MMMM 'de' y"
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                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "Hora de {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "Hora de Verão de {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "Hora Padrão de {0}",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
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                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "ian.",
                                        "2": "feb.",
                                        "3": "mar.",
                                        "4": "apr.",
                                        "5": "mai",
                                        "6": "iun.",
                                        "7": "iul.",
                                        "8": "aug.",
                                        "9": "sept.",
                                        "10": "oct.",
                                        "11": "nov.",
                                        "12": "dec."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "I",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "I",
                                        "7": "I",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "ianuarie",
                                        "2": "februarie",
                                        "3": "martie",
                                        "4": "aprilie",
                                        "5": "mai",
                                        "6": "iunie",
                                        "7": "iulie",
                                        "8": "august",
                                        "9": "septembrie",
                                        "10": "octombrie",
                                        "11": "noiembrie",
                                        "12": "decembrie"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "ian.",
                                        "2": "feb.",
                                        "3": "mar.",
                                        "4": "apr.",
                                        "5": "mai",
                                        "6": "iun.",
                                        "7": "iul.",
                                        "8": "aug.",
                                        "9": "sept.",
                                        "10": "oct.",
                                        "11": "nov.",
                                        "12": "dec."
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                                        "1": "I",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "I",
                                        "7": "I",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
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                                        "1": "ianuarie",
                                        "2": "februarie",
                                        "3": "martie",
                                        "4": "aprilie",
                                        "5": "mai",
                                        "6": "iunie",
                                        "7": "iulie",
                                        "8": "august",
                                        "9": "septembrie",
                                        "10": "octombrie",
                                        "11": "noiembrie",
                                        "12": "decembrie"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Dum",
                                        "mon": "Lun",
                                        "tue": "Mar",
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                                        "thu": "Joi",
                                        "fri": "Vin",
                                        "sat": "Sâm"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "D",
                                        "mon": "L",
                                        "tue": "M",
                                        "wed": "M",
                                        "thu": "J",
                                        "fri": "V",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Du",
                                        "mon": "Lu",
                                        "tue": "Ma",
                                        "wed": "Mi",
                                        "thu": "Jo",
                                        "fri": "Vi",
                                        "sat": "Sâ"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "duminică",
                                        "mon": "luni",
                                        "tue": "marți",
                                        "wed": "miercuri",
                                        "thu": "joi",
                                        "fri": "vineri",
                                        "sat": "sâmbătă"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Dum",
                                        "mon": "Lun",
                                        "tue": "Mar",
                                        "wed": "Mie",
                                        "thu": "Joi",
                                        "fri": "Vin",
                                        "sat": "Sâm"
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                                        "sun": "D",
                                        "mon": "L",
                                        "tue": "M",
                                        "wed": "M",
                                        "thu": "J",
                                        "fri": "V",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Du",
                                        "mon": "Lu",
                                        "tue": "Ma",
                                        "wed": "Mi",
                                        "thu": "Jo",
                                        "fri": "Vi",
                                        "sat": "Sâ"
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                                        "sun": "duminică",
                                        "mon": "luni",
                                        "tue": "marți",
                                        "wed": "miercuri",
                                        "thu": "joi",
                                        "fri": "vineri",
                                        "sat": "sâmbătă"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "2": "trim. II",
                                        "3": "trim. III",
                                        "4": "trim. IV"
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                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "trimestrul I",
                                        "2": "trimestrul al II-lea",
                                        "3": "trimestrul al III-lea",
                                        "4": "trimestrul al IV-lea"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "T1",
                                        "2": "T2",
                                        "3": "T3",
                                        "4": "T4"
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                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
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                                        "2": "trimestrul al II-lea",
                                        "3": "trimestrul al III-lea",
                                        "4": "trimestrul al IV-lea"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "a.m.",
                                        "pm": "p.m."
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "înainte de Hristos",
                                    "1": "după Hristos",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "î.e.n",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "e.n."
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "î.Hr.",
                                    "1": "d.Hr.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "î.e.n",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "e.n."
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "î.Hr.",
                                    "1": "d.Hr.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "î.e.n",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "e.n."
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                                "full": "EEEE, d MMMM y",
                                "long": "d MMMM y",
                                "medium": "d MMM y",
                                "short": "dd.MM.y"
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                                "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1}, {0}",
                                "long": "{1}, {0}",
                                "medium": "{1}, {0}",
                                "short": "{1}, {0}",
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                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d MMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "dd.MM",
                                    "MEd": "E, dd.MM",
                                    "MMdd": "dd.MM",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E, d MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d MMMM",
                                    "MMMMEd": "E, d MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
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                                    "yMd": "dd.MM.y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, dd.MM.y",
                                    "yMM": "MM.y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
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                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
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                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
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                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
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                                        "d": "d-d"
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                                        "h": "h-h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH-HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm-HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm-HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm-HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm-HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a v",
                                        "h": "h-h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH-HH v"
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                                        "M": "M-M"
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                                        "d": "dd.MM - dd.MM",
                                        "M": "dd.MM - dd.MM"
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                                        "d": "E, dd.MM - E, dd.MM",
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                                        "M": "MMM-MMM"
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                                        "d": "d-d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM - d MMM"
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                                        "d": "E, d MMM - E, d MMM",
                                        "M": "E, d MMM - E, d MMM"
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                                        "y": "y-y"
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                                        "M": "MM.y - MM.y",
                                        "y": "MM.y - MM.y"
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                                        "d": "dd.MM.y - dd.MM.y",
                                        "M": "dd.MM.y - dd.MM.y",
                                        "y": "dd.MM.y - dd.MM.y"
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                                        "d": "E, dd.MM.y - E, dd.MM.y",
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                                        "y": "E, dd.MM.y - E, dd.MM.y"
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                                        "d": "d-d MMM y",
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                                        "y": "E, d MMM y - E, d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM - MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
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                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
                                        "wed": "Wed",
                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "W",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Sun",
                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
                                        "wed": "Wed",
                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Sun",
                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
                                        "wed": "Wed",
                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Sun",
                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
                                        "wed": "Wed",
                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
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                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "W",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Sun",
                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
                                        "wed": "Wed",
                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Sun",
                                        "mon": "Mon",
                                        "tue": "Tue",
                                        "wed": "Wed",
                                        "thu": "Thu",
                                        "fri": "Fri",
                                        "sat": "Sat"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
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                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "pm": "PM"
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                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "BCE",
                                    "1": "CE",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "BCE",
                                    "1": "CE",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "BCE",
                                    "1": "CE",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
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                                "full": "y MMMM d, EEEE",
                                "long": "y MMMM d",
                                "medium": "y MMM d",
                                "short": "y-MM-dd"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
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                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "d, E",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "G y",
                                    "GyMMM": "G y MMM",
                                    "GyMMMd": "G y MMM d",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "G y MMM d, E",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "MM-dd",
                                    "MEd": "MM-dd, E",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "MMM d",
                                    "MMMEd": "MMM d, E",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "y-MM",
                                    "yMd": "y-MM-dd",
                                    "yMEd": "y-MM-dd, E",
                                    "yMMM": "y MMM",
                                    "yMMMd": "y MMM d",
                                    "yMMMEd": "y MMM d, E",
                                    "yQQQ": "y QQQ",
                                    "yQQQQ": "y QQQQ"
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                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d–d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a",
                                        "h": "h–h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a v",
                                        "h": "h–h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "MM–MM"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "MM-dd – MM-dd",
                                        "M": "MM-dd – MM-dd"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E",
                                        "M": "MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL–LLL"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "MMM d–d",
                                        "M": "MMM d – MMM d"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "MMM d, E – MMM d, E",
                                        "M": "MMM d, E – MMM d, E"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y–y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "y-MM – y-MM",
                                        "y": "y-MM – y-MM"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd",
                                        "M": "y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd",
                                        "y": "y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd"
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                                        "d": "y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E",
                                        "M": "y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E",
                                        "y": "y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "y MMM–MMM",
                                        "y": "y MMM – y MMM"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "y MMM d–d",
                                        "M": "y MMM d – MMM d",
                                        "y": "y MMM d – y MMM d"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "y MMM d, E – MMM d, E",
                                        "M": "y MMM d, E – MMM d, E",
                                        "y": "y MMM d, E – y MMM d, E"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "y MMMM–MMMM",
                                        "y": "y MMMM – y MMMM"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} (+1)",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} (+0)",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "ru": {
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                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "янв.",
                                        "2": "февр.",
                                        "3": "марта",
                                        "4": "апр.",
                                        "5": "мая",
                                        "6": "июня",
                                        "7": "июля",
                                        "8": "авг.",
                                        "9": "сент.",
                                        "10": "окт.",
                                        "11": "нояб.",
                                        "12": "дек."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "Я",
                                        "2": "Ф",
                                        "3": "М",
                                        "4": "А",
                                        "5": "М",
                                        "6": "И",
                                        "7": "И",
                                        "8": "А",
                                        "9": "С",
                                        "10": "О",
                                        "11": "Н",
                                        "12": "Д"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "января",
                                        "2": "февраля",
                                        "3": "марта",
                                        "4": "апреля",
                                        "5": "мая",
                                        "6": "июня",
                                        "7": "июля",
                                        "8": "августа",
                                        "9": "сентября",
                                        "10": "октября",
                                        "11": "ноября",
                                        "12": "декабря"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Янв.",
                                        "2": "Февр.",
                                        "3": "Март",
                                        "4": "Апр.",
                                        "5": "Май",
                                        "6": "Июнь",
                                        "7": "Июль",
                                        "8": "Авг.",
                                        "9": "Сент.",
                                        "10": "Окт.",
                                        "11": "Нояб.",
                                        "12": "Дек."
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                                        "2": "Ф",
                                        "3": "М",
                                        "4": "А",
                                        "5": "М",
                                        "6": "И",
                                        "7": "И",
                                        "8": "А",
                                        "9": "С",
                                        "10": "О",
                                        "11": "Н",
                                        "12": "Д"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "Январь",
                                        "2": "Февраль",
                                        "3": "Март",
                                        "4": "Апрель",
                                        "5": "Май",
                                        "6": "Июнь",
                                        "7": "Июль",
                                        "8": "Август",
                                        "9": "Сентябрь",
                                        "10": "Октябрь",
                                        "11": "Ноябрь",
                                        "12": "Декабрь"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "mon": "пн",
                                        "tue": "вт",
                                        "wed": "ср",
                                        "thu": "чт",
                                        "fri": "пт",
                                        "sat": "сб"
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                                        "mon": "пн",
                                        "tue": "вт",
                                        "wed": "ср",
                                        "thu": "чт",
                                        "fri": "пт",
                                        "sat": "сб"
                                    "short": {
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                                        "mon": "пн",
                                        "tue": "вт",
                                        "wed": "ср",
                                        "thu": "чт",
                                        "fri": "пт",
                                        "sat": "сб"
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                                        "sun": "воскресенье",
                                        "mon": "понедельник",
                                        "tue": "вторник",
                                        "wed": "среда",
                                        "thu": "четверг",
                                        "fri": "пятница",
                                        "sat": "суббота"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "Вс",
                                        "mon": "Пн",
                                        "tue": "Вт",
                                        "wed": "Ср",
                                        "thu": "Чт",
                                        "fri": "Пт",
                                        "sat": "Сб"
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                                        "mon": "П",
                                        "tue": "В",
                                        "wed": "С",
                                        "thu": "Ч",
                                        "fri": "П",
                                        "sat": "С"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "вс",
                                        "mon": "пн",
                                        "tue": "вт",
                                        "wed": "ср",
                                        "thu": "чт",
                                        "fri": "пт",
                                        "sat": "сб"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Воскресенье",
                                        "mon": "Понедельник",
                                        "tue": "Вторник",
                                        "wed": "Среда",
                                        "thu": "Четверг",
                                        "fri": "Пятница",
                                        "sat": "Суббота"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "1-й кв.",
                                        "2": "2-й кв.",
                                        "3": "3-й кв.",
                                        "4": "4-й кв."
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                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1-й квартал",
                                        "2": "2-й квартал",
                                        "3": "3-й квартал",
                                        "4": "4-й квартал"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "2": "2-й кв.",
                                        "3": "3-й кв.",
                                        "4": "4-й кв."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1-й квартал",
                                        "2": "2-й квартал",
                                        "3": "3-й квартал",
                                        "4": "4-й квартал"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "до полудня",
                                        "pm": "после полудня"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "дп",
                                        "pm": "пп"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "до полудня",
                                        "pm": "после полудня"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "до полудня",
                                        "pm": "после полудня"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "дп",
                                        "pm": "пп"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "до полудня",
                                        "pm": "после полудня"
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "до н.э.",
                                    "1": "н.э.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "н.э."
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "до н. э.",
                                    "1": "н. э.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "н.э."
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "до н.э.",
                                    "1": "н.э.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "н.э."
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, d MMMM y 'г'.",
                                "long": "d MMMM y 'г'.",
                                "medium": "dd MMM y 'г'.",
                                "short": "dd.MM.yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "H:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "H:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "H:mm:ss",
                                "short": "H:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1}, {0}",
                                "long": "{1}, {0}",
                                "medium": "{1}, {0}",
                                "short": "{1}, {0}",
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                                    "d": "d",
                                    "E": "ccc",
                                    "Ed": "ccc, d",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "LLL y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM y 'г'. G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d MMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "H",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "H:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "H:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "dd.MM",
                                    "MEd": "E, dd.MM",
                                    "MMdd": "dd.MM",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "ccc, d MMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yLLLL": "LLLL y",
                                    "yM": "MM.y",
                                    "yMd": "dd.MM.y",
                                    "yMEd": "ccc, d.MM.y 'г'.",
                                    "yMM": "MM.y",
                                    "yMMM": "LLL y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d MMM y 'г'.",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "LLLL y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y 'г'.",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y 'г'."
                                "appendItems": {
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                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
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                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
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                                        "h": "h-h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "H-H"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "H:mm-H:mm",
                                        "m": "H:mm-H:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "H:mm-H:mm v",
                                        "m": "H:mm-H:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a v",
                                        "h": "h-h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "H-H v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M-M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd.MM - dd.MM",
                                        "M": "dd.MM - dd.MM"
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                                        "d": "E, dd.MM - E, dd.MM",
                                        "M": "E, dd.MM - E, dd.MM"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL-MMM"
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                                        "d": "d-d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM - d MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "ccc, d - E, d MMM",
                                        "M": "ccc, d MMM - ccc, d MMM"
                                    "MMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLLL-LLLL"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y-y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM.y - MM.y",
                                        "y": "MM.y - MM.y"
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                                        "d": "dd.MM.y - dd.MM.y",
                                        "M": "dd.MM.y - dd.MM.y",
                                        "y": "dd.MM.y - dd.MM.y"
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                                        "d": "ccc, dd.MM.y - ccc, dd.MM.y",
                                        "M": "ccc, dd.MM.y - ccc, dd.MM.y",
                                        "y": "ccc, dd.MM.y - ccc, dd.MM.y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL-LLL y 'г'.",
                                        "y": "LLL y - LLL y 'г'."
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d-d MMM y 'г'.",
                                        "M": "d MMM - d MMM y 'г'.",
                                        "y": "d MMM y - d MMM y 'г'."
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "ccc, d - ccc, d MMM y 'г'.",
                                        "M": "ccc, d MMM - ccc, d MMM y 'г'.",
                                        "y": "ccc, d MMM y - ccc, d MMM y 'г'."
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLLL-LLLL y 'г'.",
                                        "y": "LLLL y - LLLL y 'г'."
                    "timeZoneNames": {
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                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0} время",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} (+1)",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} (+0)",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "sk": {
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                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "jan",
                                        "2": "feb",
                                        "3": "mar",
                                        "4": "apr",
                                        "5": "máj",
                                        "6": "jún",
                                        "7": "júl",
                                        "8": "aug",
                                        "9": "sep",
                                        "10": "okt",
                                        "11": "nov",
                                        "12": "dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "j",
                                        "2": "f",
                                        "3": "m",
                                        "4": "a",
                                        "5": "m",
                                        "6": "j",
                                        "7": "j",
                                        "8": "a",
                                        "9": "s",
                                        "10": "o",
                                        "11": "n",
                                        "12": "d"
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                                        "1": "januára",
                                        "2": "februára",
                                        "3": "marca",
                                        "4": "apríla",
                                        "5": "mája",
                                        "6": "júna",
                                        "7": "júla",
                                        "8": "augusta",
                                        "9": "septembra",
                                        "10": "októbra",
                                        "11": "novembra",
                                        "12": "decembra"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "jan",
                                        "2": "feb",
                                        "3": "mar",
                                        "4": "apr",
                                        "5": "máj",
                                        "6": "jún",
                                        "7": "júl",
                                        "8": "aug",
                                        "9": "sep",
                                        "10": "okt",
                                        "11": "nov",
                                        "12": "dec"
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                                        "1": "j",
                                        "2": "f",
                                        "3": "m",
                                        "4": "a",
                                        "5": "m",
                                        "6": "j",
                                        "7": "j",
                                        "8": "a",
                                        "9": "s",
                                        "10": "o",
                                        "11": "n",
                                        "12": "d"
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                                        "1": "január",
                                        "2": "február",
                                        "3": "marec",
                                        "4": "apríl",
                                        "5": "máj",
                                        "6": "jún",
                                        "7": "júl",
                                        "8": "august",
                                        "9": "september",
                                        "10": "október",
                                        "11": "november",
                                        "12": "december"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "ne",
                                        "mon": "po",
                                        "tue": "ut",
                                        "wed": "st",
                                        "thu": "št",
                                        "fri": "pi",
                                        "sat": "so"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "N",
                                        "mon": "P",
                                        "tue": "U",
                                        "wed": "S",
                                        "thu": "Š",
                                        "fri": "P",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Ne",
                                        "mon": "Po",
                                        "tue": "Ut",
                                        "wed": "St",
                                        "thu": "Št",
                                        "fri": "Pi",
                                        "sat": "So"
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                                        "sun": "nedeľa",
                                        "mon": "pondelok",
                                        "tue": "utorok",
                                        "wed": "streda",
                                        "thu": "štvrtok",
                                        "fri": "piatok",
                                        "sat": "sobota"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "ne",
                                        "mon": "po",
                                        "tue": "ut",
                                        "wed": "st",
                                        "thu": "št",
                                        "fri": "pi",
                                        "sat": "so"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "N",
                                        "mon": "P",
                                        "tue": "U",
                                        "wed": "S",
                                        "thu": "Š",
                                        "fri": "P",
                                        "sat": "S"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Ne",
                                        "mon": "Po",
                                        "tue": "Ut",
                                        "wed": "St",
                                        "thu": "Št",
                                        "fri": "Pi",
                                        "sat": "So"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "nedeľa",
                                        "mon": "pondelok",
                                        "tue": "utorok",
                                        "wed": "streda",
                                        "thu": "štvrtok",
                                        "fri": "piatok",
                                        "sat": "sobota"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1. štvrťrok",
                                        "2": "2. štvrťrok",
                                        "3": "3. štvrťrok",
                                        "4": "4. štvrťrok"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "1Q",
                                        "2": "2Q",
                                        "3": "3Q",
                                        "4": "4Q"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1. štvrťrok",
                                        "2": "2. štvrťrok",
                                        "3": "3. štvrťrok",
                                        "4": "4. štvrťrok"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "pm": "PM"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "AM",
                                        "pm": "PM"
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                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "pred n.l.",
                                    "1": "n.l.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "pred n.l.",
                                    "1": "n.l.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "pred n.l.",
                                    "1": "n.l.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, d. MMMM y",
                                "long": "d. MMMM y",
                                "medium": "d.M.y",
                                "short": "d.M.y"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "H:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "H:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "H:mm:ss",
                                "short": "H:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d.",
                                    "Ed": "E d.",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "LLL y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d.M.y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d. MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMMd": "d. MMMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "H",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "H:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "H:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L.",
                                    "Md": "d.M.",
                                    "MEd": "E, d.M.",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d. MMM.",
                                    "MMMEd": "E, d. MMM.",
                                    "MMMMd": "d. MMMM",
                                    "MMMMEd": "E, d. MMMM",
                                    "mmss": "mm:ss",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "M.y",
                                    "yMd": "d.M.y",
                                    "yMEd": "E d. M. y",
                                    "yMMM": "LLL y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d.M.y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d. MMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "LLLL y",
                                    "yMMMMd": "d. MMMM y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d. – d."
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a",
                                        "h": "h – h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH – HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm - h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm - h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "H:mm – H:mm",
                                        "m": "H:mm – H:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm - h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm - h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "H:mm – H:mm v",
                                        "m": "H:mm – H:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a v",
                                        "h": "h – h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH – HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M. – M."
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "d.M. - d.M.",
                                        "M": "d.M. - d.M."
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d.M. - E, d.M.",
                                        "M": "E, d.M. - E, d.M."
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL – LLL"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d. - d. MMM",
                                        "M": "d. MMM - d. MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d. - E, d. MMM",
                                        "M": "E, d. MMM - E, d. MMM"
                                    "MMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLLL-LLLL"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y - y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "M.y - M.y",
                                        "y": "M.y - M.y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "d.M.y - d.M.y",
                                        "M": "d.M.y - d.M.y",
                                        "y": "d.M.y - d.M.y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d.M.y - E, d.M.y",
                                        "M": "E, d.M.y - E, d.M.y",
                                        "y": "E, d.M.y - E, d.M.y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL - LLL y",
                                        "y": "LLL y - LLL y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d. - d. MMM y",
                                        "M": "d. MMM - d. MMM y",
                                        "y": "d. MMM y - d. MMM y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d. - E, d. MMM y",
                                        "M": "E, d. MMM - E, d. MMM y",
                                        "y": "E, d. MMM y - E, d. MMM y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLLL - LLLL y",
                                        "y": "LLLL y - LLLL y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "Časové pásmo {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} (+1)",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} (+0)",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "sl": {
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                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "jan.",
                                        "2": "feb.",
                                        "3": "mar.",
                                        "4": "apr.",
                                        "5": "maj",
                                        "6": "jun.",
                                        "7": "jul.",
                                        "8": "avg.",
                                        "9": "sep.",
                                        "10": "okt.",
                                        "11": "nov.",
                                        "12": "dec."
                                    "narrow": {
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                                        "2": "f",
                                        "3": "m",
                                        "4": "a",
                                        "5": "m",
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                                        "10": "o",
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                                        "3": "marec",
                                        "4": "april",
                                        "5": "maj",
                                        "6": "junij",
                                        "7": "julij",
                                        "8": "avgust",
                                        "9": "september",
                                        "10": "oktober",
                                        "11": "november",
                                        "12": "december"
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                                        "1": "jan",
                                        "2": "feb",
                                        "3": "mar",
                                        "4": "apr",
                                        "5": "maj",
                                        "6": "jun",
                                        "7": "jul",
                                        "8": "avg",
                                        "9": "sep",
                                        "10": "okt",
                                        "11": "nov",
                                        "12": "dec"
                                    "narrow": {
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                                        "2": "f",
                                        "3": "m",
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                                        "5": "m",
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                                        "8": "a",
                                        "9": "s",
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                                        "11": "n",
                                        "12": "d"
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                                        "2": "februar",
                                        "3": "marec",
                                        "4": "april",
                                        "5": "maj",
                                        "6": "junij",
                                        "7": "julij",
                                        "8": "avgust",
                                        "9": "september",
                                        "10": "oktober",
                                        "11": "november",
                                        "12": "december"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "ned.",
                                        "mon": "pon.",
                                        "tue": "tor.",
                                        "wed": "sre.",
                                        "thu": "čet.",
                                        "fri": "pet.",
                                        "sat": "sob."
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                                        "sun": "n",
                                        "mon": "p",
                                        "tue": "t",
                                        "wed": "s",
                                        "thu": "č",
                                        "fri": "p",
                                        "sat": "s"
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                                        "mon": "pon.",
                                        "tue": "tor.",
                                        "wed": "sre.",
                                        "thu": "čet.",
                                        "fri": "pet.",
                                        "sat": "sob."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "nedelja",
                                        "mon": "ponedeljek",
                                        "tue": "torek",
                                        "wed": "sreda",
                                        "thu": "četrtek",
                                        "fri": "petek",
                                        "sat": "sobota"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "mon": "pon",
                                        "tue": "tor",
                                        "wed": "sre",
                                        "thu": "čet",
                                        "fri": "pet",
                                        "sat": "sob"
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                                        "mon": "p",
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                                        "wed": "s",
                                        "thu": "č",
                                        "fri": "p",
                                        "sat": "s"
                                    "short": {
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                                        "mon": "pon.",
                                        "tue": "tor.",
                                        "wed": "sre.",
                                        "thu": "čet.",
                                        "fri": "pet.",
                                        "sat": "sob."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "nedelja",
                                        "mon": "ponedeljek",
                                        "tue": "torek",
                                        "wed": "sreda",
                                        "thu": "četrtek",
                                        "fri": "petek",
                                        "sat": "sobota"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1. četrtletje",
                                        "2": "2. četrtletje",
                                        "3": "3. četrtletje",
                                        "4": "4. četrtletje"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1. četrtletje",
                                        "2": "2. četrtletje",
                                        "3": "3. četrtletje",
                                        "4": "4. četrtletje"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "dop.",
                                        "pm": "pop."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "dop.",
                                        "pm": "pop."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "dop.",
                                        "pm": "pop."
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "dop.",
                                        "pm": "pop."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "dop.",
                                        "pm": "pop."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "dop.",
                                        "pm": "pop."
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                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "pred našim štetjem",
                                    "1": "naše štetje",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "po n. št."
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "pr. n. št.",
                                    "1": "po Kr.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "po n. št."
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "pr. n. št.",
                                    "1": "po Kr.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "po n. št."
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, dd. MMMM y",
                                "long": "dd. MMMM y",
                                "medium": "d. MMM y",
                                "short": "d. MM. yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E, d.",
                                    "Ehm": "E a",
                                    "EHm": "E",
                                    "Ehms": "E a",
                                    "EHms": "E",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyM": "M/y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d. MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d. MMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "d. M.",
                                    "MEd": "E, d. MM.",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d. MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E, d. MMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "M/y",
                                    "yMd": "d. M. y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, d. M. y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d. MMM y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d. MMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d.–d."
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a",
                                        "h": "h–h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "–",
                                        "m": "–"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "– v",
                                        "m": "– v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a v",
                                        "h": "h–h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M.–M."
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "d. – d. M.",
                                        "M": "d. M. – d. M."
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d. – E, d. M.",
                                        "M": "E, d. M. – E, d. M."
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d.–d. MMM",
                                        "M": "d. MMM – d. MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d. – E, d. MMM",
                                        "M": "E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y–y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "M.–M. y",
                                        "y": "M. y – M. y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "d. M. y – d. M. y",
                                        "M": "d. M. – d. M. y",
                                        "y": "d. M. y – d. M. y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d. – E, d. M. y",
                                        "M": "E, d. M. – E, d. M. y",
                                        "y": "E, d. M. y – E, d. M. y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM – MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y – MMM y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d.–d. MMM y",
                                        "M": "d. MMM – d. MMM y",
                                        "y": "d. MMM y – d. MMM y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM y",
                                        "M": "E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM y",
                                        "y": "E, d. MMM y – E, d. MMM y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM–MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
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                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0} čas",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} (+1)",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} (+0)",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
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                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "јан",
                                        "2": "феб",
                                        "3": "мар",
                                        "4": "апр",
                                        "5": "мај",
                                        "6": "јун",
                                        "7": "јул",
                                        "8": "авг",
                                        "9": "сеп",
                                        "10": "окт",
                                        "11": "нов",
                                        "12": "дец"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "ј",
                                        "2": "ф",
                                        "3": "м",
                                        "4": "а",
                                        "5": "м",
                                        "6": "ј",
                                        "7": "ј",
                                        "8": "а",
                                        "9": "с",
                                        "10": "о",
                                        "11": "н",
                                        "12": "д"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "јануар",
                                        "2": "фебруар",
                                        "3": "март",
                                        "4": "април",
                                        "5": "мај",
                                        "6": "јун",
                                        "7": "јул",
                                        "8": "август",
                                        "9": "септембар",
                                        "10": "октобар",
                                        "11": "новембар",
                                        "12": "децембар"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "2": "феб",
                                        "3": "мар",
                                        "4": "апр",
                                        "5": "мај",
                                        "6": "јун",
                                        "7": "јул",
                                        "8": "авг",
                                        "9": "сеп",
                                        "10": "окт",
                                        "11": "нов",
                                        "12": "дец"
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                                        "1": "ј",
                                        "2": "ф",
                                        "3": "м",
                                        "4": "а",
                                        "5": "м",
                                        "6": "ј",
                                        "7": "ј",
                                        "8": "а",
                                        "9": "с",
                                        "10": "о",
                                        "11": "н",
                                        "12": "д"
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                                        "2": "фебруар",
                                        "3": "март",
                                        "4": "април",
                                        "5": "мај",
                                        "6": "јун",
                                        "7": "јул",
                                        "8": "август",
                                        "9": "септембар",
                                        "10": "октобар",
                                        "11": "новембар",
                                        "12": "децембар"
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                                "format": {
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                                        "mon": "пон",
                                        "tue": "уто",
                                        "wed": "сре",
                                        "thu": "чет",
                                        "fri": "пет",
                                        "sat": "суб"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "н",
                                        "mon": "п",
                                        "tue": "у",
                                        "wed": "с",
                                        "thu": "ч",
                                        "fri": "п",
                                        "sat": "с"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "нед",
                                        "mon": "пон",
                                        "tue": "уто",
                                        "wed": "сре",
                                        "thu": "чет",
                                        "fri": "пет",
                                        "sat": "суб"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "недеља",
                                        "mon": "понедељак",
                                        "tue": "уторак",
                                        "wed": "среда",
                                        "thu": "четвртак",
                                        "fri": "петак",
                                        "sat": "субота"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "нед",
                                        "mon": "пон",
                                        "tue": "уто",
                                        "wed": "сре",
                                        "thu": "чет",
                                        "fri": "пет",
                                        "sat": "суб"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "н",
                                        "mon": "п",
                                        "tue": "у",
                                        "wed": "с",
                                        "thu": "ч",
                                        "fri": "п",
                                        "sat": "с"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "не",
                                        "mon": "по",
                                        "tue": "ут",
                                        "wed": "ср",
                                        "thu": "че",
                                        "fri": "пе",
                                        "sat": "су"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "недеља",
                                        "mon": "понедељак",
                                        "tue": "уторак",
                                        "wed": "среда",
                                        "thu": "четвртак",
                                        "fri": "петак",
                                        "sat": "субота"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "К1",
                                        "2": "К2",
                                        "3": "К3",
                                        "4": "К4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1.",
                                        "2": "2.",
                                        "3": "3.",
                                        "4": "4."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "Прво тромесечје",
                                        "2": "Друго тромесечје",
                                        "3": "Треће тромесечје",
                                        "4": "Четврто тромесечје"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "К1",
                                        "2": "К2",
                                        "3": "К3",
                                        "4": "К4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1.",
                                        "2": "2.",
                                        "3": "3.",
                                        "4": "4."
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "Прво тромесечје",
                                        "2": "Друго тромесечје",
                                        "3": "Треће тромесечје",
                                        "4": "Четврто тромесечје"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "пре подне",
                                        "pm": "поподне"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "пре подне",
                                        "pm": "поподне"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "пре подне",
                                        "pm": "поподне"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "пре подне",
                                        "pm": "поподне"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "пре подне",
                                        "pm": "поподне"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "пре подне",
                                        "pm": "поподне"
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "Пре нове ере",
                                    "1": "Нове ере",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "п. н. е.",
                                    "1": "н. е.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "п.н.е.",
                                    "1": "н.е.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, dd. MMMM y.",
                                "long": "dd. MMMM y.",
                                "medium": "dd.MM.y.",
                                "short": "d.M.yy."
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": " zzzz",
                                "long": " z",
                                "medium": "",
                                "short": ""
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
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                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E d.",
                                    "Ehm": "E, h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E, HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E, h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E, HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y. G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y. G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d. MMM y. G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d. MMM y. G",
                                    "h": "hh a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": " a",
                                    "Hm": "",
                                    "hms": " a",
                                    "Hms": "",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "d/M",
                                    "MEd": "E, M-d",
                                    "MMdd": "MM-dd",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d. MMM",
                                    "MMMdd": "dd.MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E d. MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d. MMMM",
                                    "MMMMdd": "dd. MMMM",
                                    "MMMMEd": "E d. MMMM",
                                    "ms": "",
                                    "y": "y.",
                                    "yM": "y-M",
                                    "yMd": "d. M. y.",
                                    "yMEd": "E, d. M. y.",
                                    "yMM": "MM.y",
                                    "yMMdd": "dd.MM.y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y.",
                                    "yMMMd": "d. MMM y.",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d. MMM y.",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y.",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ. y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ. y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} - {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d-d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a",
                                        "h": "h-h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH-HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": " a - a",
                                        "h": " a",
                                        "m": " a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "",
                                        "m": ""
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": " a - a v",
                                        "h": " a v",
                                        "m": " a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": " v",
                                        "m": " v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a - h a v",
                                        "h": "h-h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH-HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M-M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "d.M - d.M",
                                        "M": "d.M - d.M"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d.M - E, d.M",
                                        "M": "E, d.M - E, d.M"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM-MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "dd.-dd. MMM",
                                        "M": "dd. MMM - dd. MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd. - E, dd. MMM",
                                        "M": "E, dd. MMM - E, dd. MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y-y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "y M - M",
                                        "y": "y M - M"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "d.M.y. - d.M.y.",
                                        "M": "d.M.y. - d.M.y.",
                                        "y": "d.M.y. - d.M.y."
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d.M.y. - E, d.M.y.",
                                        "M": "E, d.M.y. - E, d.M.y.",
                                        "y": "E, d.M.y. - E, d.M.y."
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM-MMM y.",
                                        "y": "MMM y. - MMM y."
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "dd.-dd. MMM y.",
                                        "M": "dd. MMM - dd. MMM y.",
                                        "y": "dd. MMM y. - dd. MMM y."
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd. - E, dd. MMM y.",
                                        "M": "E, dd. MMM - E, dd. MMM y.",
                                        "y": "E, dd. MMM y. - E, dd. MMM y."
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "y-MM – MM",
                                        "y": "y-MM – y-MM"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
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                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "Време у земљи: {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0}, летње време",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0}, стандардно време",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "sv": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "jan",
                                        "2": "feb",
                                        "3": "mar",
                                        "4": "apr",
                                        "5": "maj",
                                        "6": "jun",
                                        "7": "jul",
                                        "8": "aug",
                                        "9": "sep",
                                        "10": "okt",
                                        "11": "nov",
                                        "12": "dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "januari",
                                        "2": "februari",
                                        "3": "mars",
                                        "4": "april",
                                        "5": "maj",
                                        "6": "juni",
                                        "7": "juli",
                                        "8": "augusti",
                                        "9": "september",
                                        "10": "oktober",
                                        "11": "november",
                                        "12": "december"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Jan",
                                        "2": "Feb",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Apr",
                                        "5": "Maj",
                                        "6": "Jun",
                                        "7": "Jul",
                                        "8": "Aug",
                                        "9": "Sep",
                                        "10": "Okt",
                                        "11": "Nov",
                                        "12": "Dec"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "J",
                                        "2": "F",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "A",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "J",
                                        "7": "J",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "S",
                                        "10": "O",
                                        "11": "N",
                                        "12": "D"
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                                        "1": "Januari",
                                        "2": "Februari",
                                        "3": "Mars",
                                        "4": "April",
                                        "5": "Maj",
                                        "6": "Juni",
                                        "7": "Juli",
                                        "8": "Augusti",
                                        "9": "September",
                                        "10": "Oktober",
                                        "11": "November",
                                        "12": "December"
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                                "format": {
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                                        "mon": "mån",
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                                        "thu": "tors",
                                        "fri": "fre",
                                        "sat": "lör"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "S",
                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
                                        "wed": "O",
                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "L"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "sö",
                                        "mon": "må",
                                        "tue": "ti",
                                        "wed": "on",
                                        "thu": "to",
                                        "fri": "fr",
                                        "sat": "lö"
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                                        "mon": "måndag",
                                        "tue": "tisdag",
                                        "wed": "onsdag",
                                        "thu": "torsdag",
                                        "fri": "fredag",
                                        "sat": "lördag"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "mon": "Mån",
                                        "tue": "Tis",
                                        "wed": "Ons",
                                        "thu": "Tor",
                                        "fri": "Fre",
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                                        "mon": "M",
                                        "tue": "T",
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                                        "thu": "T",
                                        "fri": "F",
                                        "sat": "L"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Sö",
                                        "mon": "Må",
                                        "tue": "Ti",
                                        "wed": "On",
                                        "thu": "To",
                                        "fri": "Fr",
                                        "sat": "Lö"
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                                        "sun": "Söndag",
                                        "mon": "Måndag",
                                        "tue": "Tisdag",
                                        "wed": "Onsdag",
                                        "thu": "Torsdag",
                                        "fri": "Fredag",
                                        "sat": "Lördag"
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                                        "2": "K2",
                                        "3": "K3",
                                        "4": "K4"
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                                        "2": "2",
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                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
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                                        "2": "2:a kvartalet",
                                        "3": "3:e kvartalet",
                                        "4": "4:e kvartalet"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "K1",
                                        "2": "K2",
                                        "3": "K3",
                                        "4": "K4"
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                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
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                                        "3": "3:e kvartalet",
                                        "4": "4:e kvartalet"
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                                        "pm": "e"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "fm",
                                        "pm": "em"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "pm": "em"
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                                    "1": "efter Kristus",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "före västerländsk tideräkning",
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                                    "1": "e.Kr.",
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                                "short": "y-MM-dd"
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                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
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                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
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                                    "GyMMMEd": "E d MMM y G",
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                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
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                                    "MEd": "E d/M",
                                    "MMd": "d/M",
                                    "MMdd": "dd/MM",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E d MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d:'e' MMMM",
                                    "MMMMEd": "E d:'e' MMMM",
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                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d MMM y",
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                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm"
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                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a v",
                                        "h": "h–h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M–M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "d–d/M",
                                        "M": "d/M – d/M"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E d/M – E d/M",
                                        "M": "E d/M – E d/M"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d–d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E d – E d MMM",
                                        "M": "E d MMM – E d MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y–y"
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                                        "M": "MMM–MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y – MMM y"
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                                        "y": "d MMM y–d MMM y"
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                                        "M": "E dd MMM–E dd MMM y",
                                        "y": "E dd MMM y–E dd MMM y"
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                                        "M": "MMMM–MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "2": "ก.พ.",
                                        "3": "มี.ค.",
                                        "4": "เม.ย.",
                                        "5": "พ.ค.",
                                        "6": "มิ.ย.",
                                        "7": "ก.ค.",
                                        "8": "ส.ค.",
                                        "9": "ก.ย.",
                                        "10": "ต.ค.",
                                        "11": "พ.ย.",
                                        "12": "ธ.ค."
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                                        "1": "ม.ค.",
                                        "2": "ก.พ.",
                                        "3": "มี.ค.",
                                        "4": "เม.ย.",
                                        "5": "พ.ค.",
                                        "6": "มิ.ย.",
                                        "7": "ก.ค.",
                                        "8": "ส.ค.",
                                        "9": "ก.ย.",
                                        "10": "ต.ค.",
                                        "11": "พ.ย.",
                                        "12": "ธ.ค."
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                                        "2": "กุมภาพันธ์",
                                        "3": "มีนาคม",
                                        "4": "เมษายน",
                                        "5": "พฤษภาคม",
                                        "6": "มิถุนายน",
                                        "7": "กรกฎาคม",
                                        "8": "สิงหาคม",
                                        "9": "กันยายน",
                                        "10": "ตุลาคม",
                                        "11": "พฤศจิกายน",
                                        "12": "ธันวาคม"
                                "stand-alone": {
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                                        "2": "ก.พ.",
                                        "3": "มี.ค.",
                                        "4": "เม.ย.",
                                        "5": "พ.ค.",
                                        "6": "มิ.ย.",
                                        "7": "ก.ค.",
                                        "8": "ส.ค.",
                                        "9": "ก.ย.",
                                        "10": "ต.ค.",
                                        "11": "พ.ย.",
                                        "12": "ธ.ค."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "ม.ค.",
                                        "2": "ก.พ.",
                                        "3": "มี.ค.",
                                        "4": "เม.ย.",
                                        "5": "พ.ค.",
                                        "6": "มิ.ย.",
                                        "7": "ก.ค.",
                                        "8": "ส.ค.",
                                        "9": "ก.ย.",
                                        "10": "ต.ค.",
                                        "11": "พ.ย.",
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                                        "2": "กุมภาพันธ์",
                                        "3": "มีนาคม",
                                        "4": "เมษายน",
                                        "5": "พฤษภาคม",
                                        "6": "มิถุนายน",
                                        "7": "กรกฎาคม",
                                        "8": "สิงหาคม",
                                        "9": "กันยายน",
                                        "10": "ตุลาคม",
                                        "11": "พฤศจิกายน",
                                        "12": "ธันวาคม"
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                                        "mon": "จ.",
                                        "tue": "อ.",
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                                        "thu": "พฤ.",
                                        "fri": "ศ.",
                                        "sat": "ส."
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                                        "mon": "จ",
                                        "tue": "อ",
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                                        "thu": "พฤ",
                                        "fri": "ศ",
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                                        "mon": "จ.",
                                        "tue": "อ.",
                                        "wed": "พ.",
                                        "thu": "พฤ.",
                                        "fri": "ศ.",
                                        "sat": "ส."
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                                        "mon": "วันจันทร์",
                                        "tue": "วันอังคาร",
                                        "wed": "วันพุธ",
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                                        "fri": "วันศุกร์",
                                        "sat": "วันเสาร์"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "mon": "จ.",
                                        "tue": "อ.",
                                        "wed": "พ.",
                                        "thu": "พฤ.",
                                        "fri": "ศ.",
                                        "sat": "ส."
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                                        "mon": "จ",
                                        "tue": "อ",
                                        "wed": "พ",
                                        "thu": "พฤ",
                                        "fri": "ศ",
                                        "sat": "ส"
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                                        "sun": "อา.",
                                        "mon": "จ.",
                                        "tue": "อ.",
                                        "wed": "พ.",
                                        "thu": "พฤ.",
                                        "fri": "ศ.",
                                        "sat": "ส."
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                                        "mon": "วันจันทร์",
                                        "tue": "วันอังคาร",
                                        "wed": "วันพุธ",
                                        "thu": "วันพฤหัสบดี",
                                        "fri": "วันศุกร์",
                                        "sat": "วันเสาร์"
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                                        "2": "ไตรมาส 2",
                                        "3": "ไตรมาส 3",
                                        "4": "ไตรมาส 4"
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                                        "2": "2",
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                                        "2": "ไตรมาส 2",
                                        "3": "ไตรมาส 3",
                                        "4": "ไตรมาส 4"
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                                        "2": "ไตรมาส 2",
                                        "3": "ไตรมาส 3",
                                        "4": "ไตรมาส 4"
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                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
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                                        "2": "ไตรมาส 2",
                                        "3": "ไตรมาส 3",
                                        "4": "ไตรมาส 4"
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                                        "pm": "หลังเที่ยง"
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                                        "am": "ก่อนเที่ยง",
                                        "pm": "หลังเที่ยง"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "pm": "หลังเที่ยง"
                                    "narrow": {
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                                        "pm": "หลังเที่ยง"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "ก่อนเที่ยง",
                                        "pm": "หลังเที่ยง"
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                                    "1": "คริสต์ศักราช",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "ก่อนสามัญศักราช",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "สามัญศักราช"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "ปีก่อน ค.ศ.",
                                    "1": "ค.ศ.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "ก.ส.ศ.",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "ส.ศ."
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "ก่อน ค.ศ.",
                                    "1": "ค.ศ.",
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                                "long": "d MMMM y",
                                "medium": "d MMM y",
                                "short": "d/M/yy"
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                                "long": "H นาฬิกา mm นาที ss วินาที z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
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                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
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                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
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                                    "MMMMd": "d MMMM",
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                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
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                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
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                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
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                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
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                                        "h": "h-h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm-HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm-HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a - h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "H:mm-H:mm v",
                                        "m": "H:mm-H:mm v"
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                                        "a": "h a - h a v",
                                        "h": "h-h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
                                    "M": {
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                                        "M": "d/M - d/M"
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                                        "d": "E d - E d/M",
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                                        "d": "E d - E d/M/y",
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                                        "y": "E d/M/y - E d/M/y"
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                                        "d": "d-d MMM y",
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                                        "d": "E d - E d MMM y",
                                        "M": "E d MMM - E d MMM y",
                                        "y": "E d MMM y - E d MMM y"
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                                        "M": "MMMM–MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y - MMMM y"
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                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "เวลามาตรฐาน{0}",
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Oca",
                                        "2": "Şub",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Nis",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "Haz",
                                        "7": "Tem",
                                        "8": "Ağu",
                                        "9": "Eyl",
                                        "10": "Eki",
                                        "11": "Kas",
                                        "12": "Ara"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "O",
                                        "2": "Ş",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "N",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "H",
                                        "7": "T",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "E",
                                        "10": "E",
                                        "11": "K",
                                        "12": "A"
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                                        "1": "Ocak",
                                        "2": "Şubat",
                                        "3": "Mart",
                                        "4": "Nisan",
                                        "5": "Mayıs",
                                        "6": "Haziran",
                                        "7": "Temmuz",
                                        "8": "Ağustos",
                                        "9": "Eylül",
                                        "10": "Ekim",
                                        "11": "Kasım",
                                        "12": "Aralık"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Oca",
                                        "2": "Şub",
                                        "3": "Mar",
                                        "4": "Nis",
                                        "5": "May",
                                        "6": "Haz",
                                        "7": "Tem",
                                        "8": "Ağu",
                                        "9": "Eyl",
                                        "10": "Eki",
                                        "11": "Kas",
                                        "12": "Ara"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "O",
                                        "2": "Ş",
                                        "3": "M",
                                        "4": "N",
                                        "5": "M",
                                        "6": "H",
                                        "7": "T",
                                        "8": "A",
                                        "9": "E",
                                        "10": "E",
                                        "11": "K",
                                        "12": "A"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "Ocak",
                                        "2": "Şubat",
                                        "3": "Mart",
                                        "4": "Nisan",
                                        "5": "Mayıs",
                                        "6": "Haziran",
                                        "7": "Temmuz",
                                        "8": "Ağustos",
                                        "9": "Eylül",
                                        "10": "Ekim",
                                        "11": "Kasım",
                                        "12": "Aralık"
                            "days": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "mon": "Pzt",
                                        "tue": "Sal",
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                                        "thu": "Per",
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                                        "mon": "P",
                                        "tue": "S",
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                                        "thu": "P",
                                        "fri": "C",
                                        "sat": "C"
                                    "short": {
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                                        "mon": "Pt",
                                        "tue": "Sa",
                                        "wed": "Ça",
                                        "thu": "Pe",
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                                        "sat": "Ct"
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                                        "mon": "Pazartesi",
                                        "tue": "Salı",
                                        "wed": "Çarşamba",
                                        "thu": "Perşembe",
                                        "fri": "Cuma",
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                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "mon": "Pzt",
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                                        "thu": "Per",
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                                        "thu": "Perşembe",
                                        "fri": "Cuma",
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                                        "3": "Ç3",
                                        "4": "Ç4"
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                                        "2": "2.",
                                        "3": "3.",
                                        "4": "4."
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                                        "2": "2. çeyrek",
                                        "3": "3. çeyrek",
                                        "4": "4. çeyrek"
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                                        "3": "Ç3",
                                        "4": "Ç4"
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                                        "3": "3.",
                                        "4": "4."
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                                        "3": "3. çeyrek",
                                        "4": "4. çeyrek"
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                                        "pm": "ÖS"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "ÖÖ",
                                        "pm": "ÖS"
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                                        "am": "ÖÖ",
                                        "pm": "ÖS"
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                                        "pm": "ÖS"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "ÖÖ",
                                        "pm": "ÖS"
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                                        "am": "ÖÖ",
                                        "pm": "ÖS"
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                                    "1": "Milattan Sonra",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "İÖ",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "İS"
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                                    "0": "MÖ",
                                    "1": "MS",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "İÖ",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "İS"
                                "eraNarrow": {
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                                    "0-alt-variant": "İÖ",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "İS"
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                                "medium": "d MMM y",
                                "short": "d.MM.y"
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                                "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
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                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
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                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
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                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
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                                    "GyMMMd": "G dd MMM y",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "G d MMM y E",
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                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "a h:mm:ss",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
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                                    "MEd": "dd/MM E",
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                                    "yMMMEd": "d MMM y E",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
                                    "yQQQ": "y/QQQ",
                                    "yQQQQ": "y/QQQQ"
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                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
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                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
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                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
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                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d–d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "a h – a h",
                                        "h": "a h–h"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "a h:mm – a h:mm",
                                        "h": "a h:mm–h:mm",
                                        "m": "a h:mm–h:mm"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "a h:mm – a h:mm v",
                                        "h": "a h:mm–h:mm v",
                                        "m": "a h:mm–h:mm v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "a h – a h v",
                                        "h": "a h–h v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "MM–MM"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM – dd/MM",
                                        "M": "dd/MM – dd/MM"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM E – dd/MM E",
                                        "M": "dd/MM E – dd/MM E"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d – d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "d MMM E – d MMM E",
                                        "M": "d MMM E – d MMM E"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y–y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM/y – MM/y",
                                        "y": "MM/y – MM/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y",
                                        "M": "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y",
                                        "y": "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "dd.MM.y E – dd.MM.y E",
                                        "M": "dd.MM.y E – dd.MM.y E",
                                        "y": "dd.MM.y E – dd.MM.y E"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM–MMM y",
                                        "y": "MMM y – MMM y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d–d MMM y",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
                                        "y": "d MMM y – d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "d MMM y E – d MMM y E",
                                        "M": "d MMM y E – d MMM y E",
                                        "y": "d MMM y E – d MMM y E"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM – MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
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                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0} Saati",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} Yaz Saati",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} Standart Saati",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "uk": {
                "dates": {
                    "calendars": {
                        "gregorian": {
                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "січ.",
                                        "2": "лют.",
                                        "3": "бер.",
                                        "4": "квіт.",
                                        "5": "трав.",
                                        "6": "черв.",
                                        "7": "лип.",
                                        "8": "серп.",
                                        "9": "вер.",
                                        "10": "жовт.",
                                        "11": "лист.",
                                        "12": "груд."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "С",
                                        "2": "Л",
                                        "3": "Б",
                                        "4": "К",
                                        "5": "Т",
                                        "6": "Ч",
                                        "7": "Л",
                                        "8": "С",
                                        "9": "В",
                                        "10": "Ж",
                                        "11": "Л",
                                        "12": "Г"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "січня",
                                        "2": "лютого",
                                        "3": "березня",
                                        "4": "квітня",
                                        "5": "травня",
                                        "6": "червня",
                                        "7": "липня",
                                        "8": "серпня",
                                        "9": "вересня",
                                        "10": "жовтня",
                                        "11": "листопада",
                                        "12": "грудня"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Січ",
                                        "2": "Лют",
                                        "3": "Бер",
                                        "4": "Кві",
                                        "5": "Тра",
                                        "6": "Чер",
                                        "7": "Лип",
                                        "8": "Сер",
                                        "9": "Вер",
                                        "10": "Жов",
                                        "11": "Лис",
                                        "12": "Гру"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "С",
                                        "2": "Л",
                                        "3": "Б",
                                        "4": "К",
                                        "5": "Т",
                                        "6": "Ч",
                                        "7": "Л",
                                        "8": "С",
                                        "9": "В",
                                        "10": "Ж",
                                        "11": "Л",
                                        "12": "Г"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "Січень",
                                        "2": "Лютий",
                                        "3": "Березень",
                                        "4": "Квітень",
                                        "5": "Травень",
                                        "6": "Червень",
                                        "7": "Липень",
                                        "8": "Серпень",
                                        "9": "Вересень",
                                        "10": "Жовтень",
                                        "11": "Листопад",
                                        "12": "Грудень"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
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                                        "mon": "Пн",
                                        "tue": "Вт",
                                        "wed": "Ср",
                                        "thu": "Чт",
                                        "fri": "Пт",
                                        "sat": "Сб"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "Н",
                                        "mon": "П",
                                        "tue": "В",
                                        "wed": "С",
                                        "thu": "Ч",
                                        "fri": "П",
                                        "sat": "С"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "Нд",
                                        "mon": "Пн",
                                        "tue": "Вт",
                                        "wed": "Ср",
                                        "thu": "Чт",
                                        "fri": "Пт",
                                        "sat": "Сб"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "неділя",
                                        "mon": "понеділок",
                                        "tue": "вівторок",
                                        "wed": "середа",
                                        "thu": "четвер",
                                        "fri": "пʼятниця",
                                        "sat": "субота"
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                                        "sun": "Нд",
                                        "mon": "Пн",
                                        "tue": "Вт",
                                        "wed": "Ср",
                                        "thu": "Чт",
                                        "fri": "Пт",
                                        "sat": "Сб"
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                                        "mon": "П",
                                        "tue": "В",
                                        "wed": "С",
                                        "thu": "Ч",
                                        "fri": "П",
                                        "sat": "С"
                                    "short": {
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                                        "mon": "Пн",
                                        "tue": "Вт",
                                        "wed": "Ср",
                                        "thu": "Чт",
                                        "fri": "Пт",
                                        "sat": "Сб"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Неділя",
                                        "mon": "Понеділок",
                                        "tue": "Вівторок",
                                        "wed": "Середа",
                                        "thu": "Четвер",
                                        "fri": "Пʼятниця",
                                        "sat": "Субота"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "I кв.",
                                        "2": "II кв.",
                                        "3": "III кв.",
                                        "4": "IV кв."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "I квартал",
                                        "2": "II квартал",
                                        "3": "III квартал",
                                        "4": "IV квартал"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "1-й кв.",
                                        "2": "2-й кв.",
                                        "3": "3-й кв.",
                                        "4": "4-й кв."
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "1-й квартал",
                                        "2": "2-й квартал",
                                        "3": "3-й квартал",
                                        "4": "4-й квартал"
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                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "дня",
                                        "am": "дп",
                                        "evening": "вечора",
                                        "morning": "ранку",
                                        "night": "ночі",
                                        "pm": "пп"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "дня",
                                        "am": "дп",
                                        "evening": "вечора",
                                        "morning": "ранку",
                                        "night": "ночі",
                                        "pm": "пп"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "afternoon": "дня",
                                        "am": "дп",
                                        "evening": "вечора",
                                        "morning": "ранку",
                                        "night": "ночі",
                                        "pm": "пп"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "дня",
                                        "am": "дп",
                                        "evening": "вечора",
                                        "morning": "ранку",
                                        "night": "ночі",
                                        "pm": "пп"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "дня",
                                        "am": "дп",
                                        "evening": "вечора",
                                        "morning": "ранку",
                                        "night": "ночі",
                                        "pm": "пп"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "afternoon": "дня",
                                        "am": "дп",
                                        "evening": "вечора",
                                        "morning": "ранку",
                                        "night": "ночі",
                                        "pm": "пп"
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "до нашої ери",
                                    "1": "нашої ери",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "до н.е.",
                                    "1": "н.е.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "до н.е.",
                                    "1": "н.е.",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, d MMMM y 'р'.",
                                "long": "d MMMM y 'р'.",
                                "medium": "d MMM y",
                                "short": "dd.MM.yy"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1} {0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E, d",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "LLL y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "d MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, d MMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "HHmm": "HH:mm",
                                    "HHmmss": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "dd.MM",
                                    "MEd": "E, dd.MM",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "d MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E, d MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "d MMMM",
                                    "MMMMEd": "E, d MMMM",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y",
                                    "yM": "MM.y",
                                    "yMd": "dd.MM.y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, dd.MM.y",
                                    "yMMM": "LLL y",
                                    "yMMMd": "d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, d MMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "LLLL y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y 'р'."
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d–d"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a",
                                        "h": "h–h a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm–h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h a – h a v",
                                        "h": "h–h a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M–M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd.MM – dd.MM",
                                        "M": "dd.MM – dd.MM"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd.MM – E, dd.MM",
                                        "M": "E, dd.MM – E, dd.MM"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL–LLL"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "d–d MMM",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d – E, d MMM",
                                        "M": "E, d MMM – E, d MMM"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y–y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM.y – MM.y",
                                        "y": "MM.y – MM.y"
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                                        "d": "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y",
                                        "M": "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y",
                                        "y": "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y",
                                        "M": "E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y",
                                        "y": "E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL–LLL y",
                                        "y": "LLL y – LLL y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "d–d MMM y",
                                        "M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
                                        "y": "d MMM y – d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "E, d – E, d MMM y",
                                        "M": "E, d MMM – E, d MMM y",
                                        "y": "E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLLL – LLLL y",
                                        "y": "LLLL y – LLLL y"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
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                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "Час: {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "Час: {0}, літній",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "Час: {0}, стандартний",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
            "vi": {
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                    "calendars": {
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                            "months": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "thg 1",
                                        "2": "thg 2",
                                        "3": "thg 3",
                                        "4": "thg 4",
                                        "5": "thg 5",
                                        "6": "thg 6",
                                        "7": "thg 7",
                                        "8": "thg 8",
                                        "9": "thg 9",
                                        "10": "thg 10",
                                        "11": "thg 11",
                                        "12": "thg 12"
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                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4",
                                        "5": "5",
                                        "6": "6",
                                        "7": "7",
                                        "8": "8",
                                        "9": "9",
                                        "10": "10",
                                        "11": "11",
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                                        "12": "tháng 12"
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                                        "4": "Thg 4",
                                        "5": "Thg 5",
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                                        "9": "Thg 9",
                                        "10": "Thg 10",
                                        "11": "Thg 11",
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                                        "4": "4",
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                                        "6": "6",
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                                        "8": "8",
                                        "9": "9",
                                        "10": "10",
                                        "11": "11",
                                        "12": "12"
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                                        "2": "Tháng 2",
                                        "3": "Tháng 3",
                                        "4": "Tháng 4",
                                        "5": "Tháng 5",
                                        "6": "Tháng 6",
                                        "7": "Tháng 7",
                                        "8": "Tháng 8",
                                        "9": "Tháng 9",
                                        "10": "Tháng 10",
                                        "11": "Tháng 11",
                                        "12": "Tháng 12"
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                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "CN",
                                        "mon": "Th 2",
                                        "tue": "Th 3",
                                        "wed": "Th 4",
                                        "thu": "Th 5",
                                        "fri": "Th 6",
                                        "sat": "Th 7"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "CN",
                                        "mon": "T2",
                                        "tue": "T3",
                                        "wed": "T4",
                                        "thu": "T5",
                                        "fri": "T6",
                                        "sat": "T7"
                                    "short": {
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                                        "mon": "T2",
                                        "tue": "T3",
                                        "wed": "T4",
                                        "thu": "T5",
                                        "fri": "T6",
                                        "sat": "T7"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Chủ Nhật",
                                        "mon": "Thứ Hai",
                                        "tue": "Thứ Ba",
                                        "wed": "Thứ Tư",
                                        "thu": "Thứ Năm",
                                        "fri": "Thứ Sáu",
                                        "sat": "Thứ Bảy"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "sun": "CN",
                                        "mon": "Th 2",
                                        "tue": "Th 3",
                                        "wed": "Th 4",
                                        "thu": "Th 5",
                                        "fri": "Th 6",
                                        "sat": "Th 7"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "sun": "CN",
                                        "mon": "T2",
                                        "tue": "T3",
                                        "wed": "T4",
                                        "thu": "T5",
                                        "fri": "T6",
                                        "sat": "T7"
                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "CN",
                                        "mon": "T2",
                                        "tue": "T3",
                                        "wed": "T4",
                                        "thu": "T5",
                                        "fri": "T6",
                                        "sat": "T7"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "sun": "Chủ Nhật",
                                        "mon": "Thứ Hai",
                                        "tue": "Thứ Ba",
                                        "wed": "Thứ Tư",
                                        "thu": "Thứ Năm",
                                        "fri": "Thứ Sáu",
                                        "sat": "Thứ Bảy"
                            "quarters": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "Quý 1",
                                        "2": "Quý 2",
                                        "3": "Quý 3",
                                        "4": "Quý 4"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "Q1",
                                        "2": "Q2",
                                        "3": "Q3",
                                        "4": "Q4"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "Quý 1",
                                        "2": "Quý 2",
                                        "3": "Quý 3",
                                        "4": "Quý 4"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "SA",
                                        "pm": "CH"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "SA",
                                        "pm": "CH"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "SA",
                                        "pm": "CH"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "am": "SA",
                                        "pm": "CH"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "am": "SA",
                                        "pm": "CH"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "am": "SA",
                                        "pm": "CH"
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "tr. CN",
                                    "1": "sau CN",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "tr. CN",
                                    "1": "sau CN",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "tr. CN",
                                    "1": "sau CN",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "EEEE, 'ngày' dd MMMM 'năm' y",
                                "long": "'Ngày' dd 'tháng' MM 'năm' y",
                                "medium": "dd-MM-y",
                                "short": "dd/MM/y"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                                "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
                                "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
                                "short": "HH:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{0} {1}",
                                "long": "{0} {1}",
                                "medium": "{0} {1}",
                                "short": "{0} {1}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d",
                                    "Ed": "E, dd",
                                    "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "'Năm' y G",
                                    "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                                    "GyMMMd": "dd MMM, y G",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "E, dd MMM y G",
                                    "h": "h a",
                                    "H": "HH",
                                    "hm": "h:mm a",
                                    "Hm": "H:mm",
                                    "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "Hms": "H:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "L",
                                    "Md": "dd-M",
                                    "MEd": "E, dd-M",
                                    "MMdd": "dd-MM",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "dd MMM",
                                    "MMMEd": "E, dd MMM",
                                    "MMMMd": "dd MMMM",
                                    "MMMMEd": "E, dd MMMM",
                                    "mmss": "mm:ss",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "'Năm' y",
                                    "yM": "M/y",
                                    "yMd": "d/M/y",
                                    "yMEd": "E, dd-M-y",
                                    "yMM": "MM-y",
                                    "yMMM": "MMM y",
                                    "yMMMd": "dd MMM, y",
                                    "yMMMEd": "E, dd MMM y",
                                    "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
                                    "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                                    "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
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                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "'Ngày' dd-dd"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "h'h' a - h'h' a",
                                        "h": "h'h' - h'h' a"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH'h' - HH'h'"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm-HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm-HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                        "h": "h:mm-h:mm a v",
                                        "m": "h:mm-h:mm a v"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm-HH:mm v",
                                        "m": "HH:mm-HH:mm v"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "h'h' a - h'h' a v",
                                        "h": "h'h'-h'h' a v"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH'h'-HH'h' v"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "'Tháng' M - 'Tháng' M"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM - dd/MM",
                                        "M": "dd/MM - dd/MM"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "EEEE, dd/MM - EEEE, dd/MM",
                                        "M": "EEEE, dd/MM - EEEE, dd/MM"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "MMM-MMM"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M - 'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M",
                                        "M": "'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M - 'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "EEEE, 'ngày' dd - EEEE, 'ngày' dd 'tháng' M",
                                        "M": "EEEE, 'ngày' dd 'tháng' M - EEEE, 'ngày' dd 'tháng' M"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y-y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "MM/y - MM/y",
                                        "y": "MM/y - MM/y"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "dd/MM/y - dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "EEEE, dd/MM/y - EEEE, dd/MM/y",
                                        "M": "EEEE, dd/MM/y - EEEE, dd/MM/y",
                                        "y": "EEEE, dd/MM/y - EEEE, dd/MM/y"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "'Tháng' M - 'Tháng' M 'năm' y",
                                        "y": "'Tháng' M 'năm' y - 'Tháng' M 'năm' y"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M - 'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M 'năm' y",
                                        "M": "'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M - 'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M 'năm' y",
                                        "y": "'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M 'năm' y - 'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M 'năm' y"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "EEEE, 'ngày' dd MMM - EEEE, 'ngày' dd MMM 'năm' y",
                                        "M": "E, dd 'tháng' M - E, dd 'tháng' M, y",
                                        "y": "E, dd 'tháng' M, y - E, dd 'tháng' M, y"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "MMMM-MMMM y",
                                        "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
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                        "regionFormat": "Giờ {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "Giờ ban ngày {0}",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "Giờ chuẩn {0}",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})"
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                                        "9": "九月",
                                        "10": "十月",
                                        "11": "十一月",
                                        "12": "十二月"
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                                        "4": "第四季度"
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                                        "4": "4"
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                                        "2": "第二季度",
                                        "3": "第三季度",
                                        "4": "第四季度"
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                                        "morning": "上午",
                                        "night": "晚上",
                                        "noon": "中午",
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                                        "am": "上午",
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                                        "night": "晚上",
                                        "noon": "中午",
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                                        "am": "上午",
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                                        "morning": "上午",
                                        "night": "晚上",
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                                "long": "y年M月d日",
                                "medium": "y年M月d日",
                                "short": "yy/M/d"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "zzzzah:mm:ss",
                                "long": "zah:mm:ss",
                                "medium": "ah:mm:ss",
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                            "dateTimeFormats": {
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                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
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                                    "EHm": "EHH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "Eah:mm:ss",
                                    "EHms": "EHH:mm:ss",
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                                    "GyMMM": "Gy年M月",
                                    "GyMMMd": "Gy年M月d日",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "Gy年M月d日E",
                                    "h": "ah时",
                                    "H": "H时",
                                    "hm": "ah:mm",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "ah:mm:ss",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "M月",
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                                    "MMM": "LLL",
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                                    "y": "y年",
                                    "yM": "y/M",
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                                    "yMM": "y年M月",
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                                    "yMMMd": "y年M月d日",
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                                    "yMMMM": "y年M月",
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                                    "yQQQQ": "y年第Q季度"
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                                        "h": "ah时至h时"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "ah:mm至ah:mm",
                                        "h": "ah:mm至h:mm",
                                        "m": "ah:mm至h:mm"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "vah:mm至ah:mm",
                                        "h": "vah:mm至h:mm",
                                        "m": "vah:mm至h:mm"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "v HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "v HH:mm–HH:mm"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "vah时至ah时",
                                        "h": "vah时至h时"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "v HH–HH"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M–M月"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "M/d – M/d",
                                        "M": "M/d – M/d"
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                                        "d": "M/dE至M/dE",
                                        "M": "M/dE至M/dE"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL至LLL"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "M月d日至d日",
                                        "M": "M月d日至M月d日"
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                                        "d": "M月d日E至d日E",
                                        "M": "M月d日E至M月d日E"
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                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "y年M月至M月",
                                        "y": "y年M月至y年M月"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "y/M/d – y/M/d",
                                        "M": "y/M/d – y/M/d",
                                        "y": "y/M/d – y/M/d"
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                                        "d": "y/M/dE至y/M/dE",
                                        "M": "y/M/dE至y/M/dE",
                                        "y": "y/M/dE至y/M/dE"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "y年M月至M月",
                                        "y": "y年M月至y年M月"
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                                        "d": "y年M月d日至d日",
                                        "M": "y年M月d日至M月d日",
                                        "y": "y年M月d日至y年M月d日"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "y年M月d日E至d日E",
                                        "M": "y年M月d日E至M月d日E",
                                        "y": "y年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "y年M月至M月",
                                        "y": "y年M月至y年M月"
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                                    "short": {
                                        "sun": "日",
                                        "mon": "一",
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                                        "wed": "三",
                                        "thu": "四",
                                        "fri": "五",
                                        "sat": "六"
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                                        "sun": "星期日",
                                        "mon": "星期一",
                                        "tue": "星期二",
                                        "wed": "星期三",
                                        "thu": "星期四",
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                                        "sat": "星期六"
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                                        "4": "4季"
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                                        "1": "1",
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                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "第1季",
                                        "2": "第2季",
                                        "3": "第3季",
                                        "4": "第4季"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "1": "1季",
                                        "2": "2季",
                                        "3": "3季",
                                        "4": "4季"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "1": "1",
                                        "2": "2",
                                        "3": "3",
                                        "4": "4"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "1": "第1季",
                                        "2": "第2季",
                                        "3": "第3季",
                                        "4": "第4季"
                            "dayPeriods": {
                                "format": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "下午",
                                        "am": "上午",
                                        "earlyMorning": "清晨",
                                        "midDay": "中午",
                                        "morning": "上午",
                                        "night": "晚上",
                                        "noon": "中午",
                                        "pm": "下午",
                                        "weeHours": "凌晨"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "下午",
                                        "am": "上午",
                                        "earlyMorning": "清晨",
                                        "midDay": "中午",
                                        "morning": "上午",
                                        "night": "晚上",
                                        "noon": "中午",
                                        "pm": "下午",
                                        "weeHours": "凌晨"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "afternoon": "下午",
                                        "am": "上午",
                                        "earlyMorning": "清晨",
                                        "midDay": "中午",
                                        "morning": "上午",
                                        "night": "晚上",
                                        "noon": "中午",
                                        "pm": "下午",
                                        "weeHours": "凌晨"
                                "stand-alone": {
                                    "abbreviated": {
                                        "afternoon": "下午",
                                        "am": "上午",
                                        "earlyMorning": "清晨",
                                        "midDay": "中午",
                                        "morning": "上午",
                                        "night": "晚上",
                                        "noon": "中午",
                                        "pm": "下午",
                                        "weeHours": "凌晨"
                                    "narrow": {
                                        "afternoon": "下午",
                                        "am": "上午",
                                        "earlyMorning": "清晨",
                                        "midDay": "中午",
                                        "morning": "上午",
                                        "night": "晚上",
                                        "noon": "中午",
                                        "pm": "下午",
                                        "weeHours": "凌晨"
                                    "wide": {
                                        "afternoon": "下午",
                                        "am": "上午",
                                        "earlyMorning": "清晨",
                                        "midDay": "中午",
                                        "morning": "上午",
                                        "night": "晚上",
                                        "noon": "中午",
                                        "pm": "下午",
                                        "weeHours": "凌晨"
                            "eras": {
                                "eraNames": {
                                    "0": "西元前",
                                    "1": "西元",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "公元前",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "公元"
                                "eraAbbr": {
                                    "0": "西元前",
                                    "1": "西元",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "公元前",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "公元"
                                "eraNarrow": {
                                    "0": "西元前",
                                    "1": "西元",
                                    "0-alt-variant": "公元前",
                                    "1-alt-variant": "公元"
                            "dateFormats": {
                                "full": "y年M月d日EEEE",
                                "long": "y年M月d日",
                                "medium": "y年M月d日",
                                "short": "y/M/d"
                            "timeFormats": {
                                "full": "zzzzah時mm分ss秒",
                                "long": "zah時mm分ss秒",
                                "medium": "ah:mm:ss",
                                "short": "ah:mm"
                            "dateTimeFormats": {
                                "full": "{1}{0}",
                                "long": "{1} {0}",
                                "medium": "{1} {0}",
                                "short": "{1} {0}",
                                "availableFormats": {
                                    "d": "d日",
                                    "Ed": "d日(E)",
                                    "Ehm": "E a h:mm",
                                    "EHm": "E HH:mm",
                                    "Ehms": "E a h:mm:ss",
                                    "EHms": "E HH:mm:ss",
                                    "Gy": "G y 年",
                                    "GyMMM": "G y 年 M 月",
                                    "GyMMMd": "G y 年 M 月 d 日",
                                    "GyMMMEd": "G y 年 M 月 d 日E",
                                    "h": "ah時",
                                    "H": "H時",
                                    "hm": "ah:mm",
                                    "Hm": "HH:mm",
                                    "hms": "ah:mm:ss",
                                    "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                                    "M": "M月",
                                    "Md": "M/d",
                                    "MEd": "M/d(E)",
                                    "MMdd": "MM/dd",
                                    "MMM": "LLL",
                                    "MMMd": "M月d日",
                                    "MMMEd": "M月d日E",
                                    "MMMMdd": "M月dd日",
                                    "ms": "mm:ss",
                                    "y": "y年",
                                    "yM": "y/M",
                                    "yMd": "y/M/d",
                                    "yMEd": "y/M/d(E)",
                                    "yMM": "y-MM",
                                    "yMMM": "y年M月",
                                    "yMMMd": "y年M月d日",
                                    "yMMMEd": "y年M月d日E",
                                    "yMMMM": "y年M月",
                                    "yQQQ": "y年QQQ",
                                    "yQQQQ": "y年QQQQ"
                                "appendItems": {
                                    "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Era": "{1} {0}",
                                    "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                                    "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                    "Year": "{1} {0}"
                                "intervalFormats": {
                                    "intervalFormatFallback": "{0}至{1}",
                                    "d": {
                                        "d": "d日至d日"
                                    "h": {
                                        "a": "ah時至ah時",
                                        "h": "ah時至h時"
                                    "H": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH"
                                    "hm": {
                                        "a": "ah:mm至ah:mm",
                                        "h": "ah:mm至h:mm",
                                        "m": "ah:mm至h:mm"
                                    "Hm": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm",
                                        "m": "HH:mm至HH:mm"
                                    "hmv": {
                                        "a": "a h:mm 至a h:mm [v]",
                                        "h": "a h:mm 至 h:mm [v]",
                                        "m": "a h:mm 至 h:mm [v]"
                                    "Hmv": {
                                        "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm [v]",
                                        "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"
                                    "hv": {
                                        "a": "a h 時至a h 時 [v]",
                                        "h": "a h 時至 h 時 [v]"
                                    "Hv": {
                                        "H": "HH–HH [v]"
                                    "M": {
                                        "M": "M月至M月"
                                    "Md": {
                                        "d": "M/d至M/d",
                                        "M": "M/d至M/d"
                                    "MEd": {
                                        "d": "M/dE至M/dE",
                                        "M": "M/dE至M/dE"
                                    "MMM": {
                                        "M": "LLL至LLL"
                                    "MMMd": {
                                        "d": "M月d日至d日",
                                        "M": "M月d日至M月d日"
                                    "MMMEd": {
                                        "d": "M月d日E至d日E",
                                        "M": "M月d日E至M月d日E"
                                    "MMMM": {
                                        "M": "LLLL至 LLLL"
                                    "y": {
                                        "y": "y至y"
                                    "yM": {
                                        "M": "y/M至y/M",
                                        "y": "y/M至y/M"
                                    "yMd": {
                                        "d": "y/M/d至y/M/d",
                                        "M": "y/M/d至y/M/d",
                                        "y": "y/M/d至y/M/d"
                                    "yMEd": {
                                        "d": "y/M/dE至y/M/dE",
                                        "M": "y/M/dE至y/M/dE",
                                        "y": "y/M/dE至y/M/dE"
                                    "yMMM": {
                                        "M": "y年M月至M月",
                                        "y": "y年M月至y年M月"
                                    "yMMMd": {
                                        "d": "y年M月d日至d日",
                                        "M": "y年M月d日至M月d日",
                                        "y": "y年M月d日至y年M月d日"
                                    "yMMMEd": {
                                        "d": "y年M月d日E至d日E",
                                        "M": "y年M月d日E至M月d日E",
                                        "y": "y年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"
                                    "yMMMM": {
                                        "M": "y年M月至M月",
                                        "y": "y年M月至y年M月"
                    "timeZoneNames": {
                        "hourFormat": "+HH:mm;-HH:mm",
                        "gmtFormat": "GMT{0}",
                        "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
                        "regionFormat": "{0}時間",
                        "regionFormat-type-daylight": "{0} (+1)",
                        "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} (+0)",
                        "fallbackFormat": "{1}({0})"
        /*jslint white: false */


        return AstroDate;

     * UMD

    if (typeof globalThis !== 'object' || null === globalThis) {
        throw new TypeError('Invalid global context');

    /*global require, module, define */
    if (typeof module === 'object' && null !== module &&
        typeof module.exports === 'object' && null !== module.exports) {

        publicAstroDate = defineAstroDate(require('util-x'),{}));
        publicAstroDate.utilx.objectDefineProperty(publicAstroDate, 'factory', {
            value: function (deep) {
                var pa;

                if (publicAstroDate.utilx.isTrue(deep)) {
                    pa = defineAstroDate(require('util-x').factory(),{}));
                } else {
                    pa = defineAstroDate(require('util-x'),{}));

                publicAstroDate.utilx.objectDefineProperty(pa, 'factory', {
                    value: publicAstroDate.factory,
                    enumerable: false,
                    writable: true,
                    configurable: true

                return pa;
            enumerable: false,
            writable: true,
            configurable: true

        publicAstroDate.utilx.objectDefineProperty(module, 'exports', {
            value: publicAstroDate,
            enumerable: false,
            writable: true,
            configurable: true
    } else if (typeof define === 'function' && typeof define.amd === 'object' && null !== define.amd) {
            paths: {
                'util-x': '//'

        define(['util-x'], function (utilx) {
            publicAstroDate = defineAstroDate(utilx,{}));
            publicAstroDate.utilx.objectDefineProperty(publicAstroDate, 'factory', {
                value: function (deep) {
                    var pa;

                    if (publicAstroDate.utilx.isTrue(deep)) {
                        pa = defineAstroDate(utilx.factory(),{}));
                    } else {
                        pa = defineAstroDate(utilx,{}));

                    publicAstroDate.utilx.objectDefineProperty(pa, 'factory', {
                        value: publicAstroDate.factory,
                        enumerable: false,
                        writable: true,
                        configurable: true

                    return pa;
                enumerable: false,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

            return publicAstroDate;
    } else {
        publicAstroDate = defineAstroDate(globalThis.utilx,{}));
        publicAstroDate.utilx.objectDefineProperty(publicAstroDate, 'factory', {
            value: function (deep) {
                var pa;

                if (publicAstroDate.utilx.isTrue(deep)) {
                    pa = defineAstroDate(globalThis.utilx.factory(),{}));
                } else {
                    pa = defineAstroDate(globalThis.utilx,{}));

                publicAstroDate.utilx.objectDefineProperty(pa, 'factory', {
                    value: publicAstroDate.factory,
                    enumerable: false,
                    writable: true,
                    configurable: true

                return pa;
            enumerable: false,
            writable: true,
            configurable: true

        publicAstroDate.utilx.objectDefineProperty(globalThis, 'AstroDate', {
            value: publicAstroDate,
            enumerable: false,
            writable: true,
            configurable: true